%{ /* * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "all.h" static Match current_match; typedef struct yy_buffer_state *YY_BUFFER_STATE; extern int yylex(struct context *context); extern int yyparse(void); extern FILE *yyin; YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string(const char *); static struct bindings_head *current_bindings; static struct context *context; /* We don’t need yydebug for now, as we got decent error messages using * yyerror(). Should you ever want to extend the parser, it might be handy * to just comment it in again, so it stays here. */ //int yydebug = 1; void yyerror(const char *error_message) { ELOG("\n"); ELOG("CONFIG: %s\n", error_message); ELOG("CONFIG: in file \"%s\", line %d:\n", context->filename, context->line_number); ELOG("CONFIG: %s\n", context->line_copy); ELOG("CONFIG: "); for (int c = 1; c <= context->last_column; c++) if (c >= context->first_column) printf("^"); else printf(" "); printf("\n"); ELOG("\n"); } int yywrap() { return 1; } void parse_file(const char *f) { SLIST_HEAD(variables_head, Variable) variables = SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(&variables); int fd, ret, read_bytes = 0; struct stat stbuf; char *buf; FILE *fstr; char buffer[1026], key[512], value[512]; if ((fd = open(f, O_RDONLY)) == -1) die("Could not open configuration file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); if (fstat(fd, &stbuf) == -1) die("Could not fstat file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); buf = scalloc((stbuf.st_size + 1) * sizeof(char)); while (read_bytes < stbuf.st_size) { if ((ret = read(fd, buf + read_bytes, (stbuf.st_size - read_bytes))) < 0) die("Could not read(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); read_bytes += ret; } if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1) die("Could not lseek: %s\n", strerror(errno)); if ((fstr = fdopen(fd, "r")) == NULL) die("Could not fdopen: %s\n", strerror(errno)); while (!feof(fstr)) { if (fgets(buffer, 1024, fstr) == NULL) { if (feof(fstr)) break; die("Could not read configuration file\n"); } /* sscanf implicitly strips whitespace. Also, we skip comments and empty lines. */ if (sscanf(buffer, "%s %[^\n]", key, value) < 1 || key[0] == '#' || strlen(key) < 3) continue; if (strcasecmp(key, "set") == 0) { if (value[0] != '$') die("Malformed variable assignment, name has to start with $\n"); /* get key/value for this variable */ char *v_key = value, *v_value; if ((v_value = strstr(value, " ")) == NULL) die("Malformed variable assignment, need a value\n"); *(v_value++) = '\0'; struct Variable *new = scalloc(sizeof(struct Variable)); new->key = sstrdup(v_key); new->value = sstrdup(v_value); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&variables, new, variables); DLOG("Got new variable %s = %s\n", v_key, v_value); continue; } } fclose(fstr); /* For every custom variable, see how often it occurs in the file and * how much extra bytes it requires when replaced. */ struct Variable *current, *nearest; int extra_bytes = 0; /* We need to copy the buffer because we need to invalidate the * variables (otherwise we will count them twice, which is bad when * 'extra' is negative) */ char *bufcopy = sstrdup(buf); SLIST_FOREACH(current, &variables, variables) { int extra = (strlen(current->value) - strlen(current->key)); char *next; for (next = bufcopy; (next = strcasestr(bufcopy + (next - bufcopy), current->key)) != NULL; next += strlen(current->key)) { *next = '_'; extra_bytes += extra; } } FREE(bufcopy); /* Then, allocate a new buffer and copy the file over to the new one, * but replace occurences of our variables */ char *walk = buf, *destwalk; char *new = smalloc((stbuf.st_size + extra_bytes + 1) * sizeof(char)); destwalk = new; while (walk < (buf + stbuf.st_size)) { /* Find the next variable */ SLIST_FOREACH(current, &variables, variables) current->next_match = strcasestr(walk, current->key); nearest = NULL; int distance = stbuf.st_size; SLIST_FOREACH(current, &variables, variables) { if (current->next_match == NULL) continue; if ((current->next_match - walk) < distance) { distance = (current->next_match - walk); nearest = current; } } if (nearest == NULL) { /* If there are no more variables, we just copy the rest */ strncpy(destwalk, walk, (buf + stbuf.st_size) - walk); destwalk += (buf + stbuf.st_size) - walk; *destwalk = '\0'; break; } else { /* Copy until the next variable, then copy its value */ strncpy(destwalk, walk, distance); strncpy(destwalk + distance, nearest->value, strlen(nearest->value)); walk += distance + strlen(nearest->key); destwalk += distance + strlen(nearest->value); } } yy_scan_string(new); context = scalloc(sizeof(struct context)); context->filename = f; if (yyparse() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not parse configfile\n"); exit(1); } FREE(context->line_copy); free(context); free(new); free(buf); while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&variables)) { current = SLIST_FIRST(&variables); FREE(current->key); FREE(current->value); SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&variables, variables); FREE(current); } } %} %error-verbose %lex-param { struct context *context } %union { int number; char *string; uint32_t *single_color; struct Colortriple *color; Match *match; struct Binding *binding; } %token NUMBER "" %token WORD "" %token STR "" %token STR_NG "" %token HEX "" %token OUTPUT "" %token TOKBINDCODE %token TOKTERMINAL %token TOKCOMMENT "" %token TOKFONT "font" %token TOKBINDSYM "bindsym" %token MODIFIER "" %token TOKCONTROL "control" %token TOKSHIFT "shift" %token TOKFLOATING_MODIFIER "floating_modifier" %token QUOTEDSTRING "" %token TOKWORKSPACE "workspace" %token TOKOUTPUT "output" %token TOKASSIGN "assign" %token TOKSET %token TOKIPCSOCKET "ipc_socket" %token TOKRESTARTSTATE "restart_state" %token TOKEXEC "exec" %token TOKSINGLECOLOR %token TOKCOLOR %token TOKARROW "→" %token TOKMODE "mode" %token TOK_ORIENTATION "default_orientation" %token TOK_HORIZ "horizontal" %token TOK_VERT "vertical" %token TOK_AUTO "auto" %token TOK_WORKSPACE_LAYOUT "workspace_layout" %token TOKNEWWINDOW "new_window" %token TOK_NORMAL "normal" %token TOK_NONE "none" %token TOK_1PIXEL "1pixel" %token TOKFOCUSFOLLOWSMOUSE "focus_follows_mouse" %token TOKWORKSPACEBAR "workspace_bar" %token TOK_DEFAULT "default" %token TOK_STACKING "stacking" %token TOK_TABBED "tabbed" %token TOKSTACKLIMIT "stack-limit" %token TOK_POPUP_DURING_FULLSCREEN "popup_during_fullscreen" %token TOK_IGNORE "ignore" %token TOK_LEAVE_FULLSCREEN "leave_fullscreen" %token TOK_FOR_WINDOW "for_window" %token TOK_MARK "mark" %token TOK_CLASS "class" %token TOK_ID "id" %token TOK_CON_ID "con_id" %token TOK_TITLE "title" %type binding %type bindcode %type bindsym %type binding_modifiers %type binding_modifier %type direction %type layout_mode %type border_style %type new_window %type colorpixel %type bool %type popup_setting %type command %type word_or_number %type optional_workspace_name %type workspace_name %type window_class %% lines: /* empty */ | lines error | lines line ; line: bindline | for_window | mode | floating_modifier | orientation | workspace_layout | new_window | focus_follows_mouse | workspace_bar | workspace | assign | ipcsocket | restart_state | exec | single_color | color | terminal | font | comment | popup_during_fullscreen ; comment: TOKCOMMENT ; command: STR ; bindline: binding { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(bindings, $1, bindings); } ; binding: TOKBINDCODE bindcode { $$ = $2; } | TOKBINDSYM bindsym { $$ = $2; } ; bindcode: binding_modifiers NUMBER command { printf("\tFound keycode binding mod%d with key %d and command %s\n", $1, $2, $3); Binding *new = scalloc(sizeof(Binding)); new->keycode = $2; new->mods = $1; new->command = $3; $$ = new; } ; bindsym: binding_modifiers word_or_number command { printf("\tFound keysym binding mod%d with key %s and command %s\n", $1, $2, $3); Binding *new = scalloc(sizeof(Binding)); new->symbol = $2; new->mods = $1; new->command = $3; $$ = new; } ; for_window: TOK_FOR_WINDOW match command { printf("\t should execute command %s for the criteria mentioned above\n", $3); Assignment *assignment = scalloc(sizeof(Assignment)); assignment->type = A_COMMAND; assignment->match = current_match; assignment->dest.command = $3; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&assignments, assignment, assignments); } ; match: | matchstart criteria matchend { printf("match parsed\n"); } ; matchstart: '[' { printf("start\n"); match_init(¤t_match); } ; matchend: ']' { printf("match specification finished\n"); } ; criteria: TOK_CLASS '=' STR { printf("criteria: class = %s\n", $3); current_match.class = $3; } | TOK_CON_ID '=' STR { printf("criteria: id = %s\n", $3); char *end; long parsed = strtol($3, &end, 10); if (parsed == LONG_MIN || parsed == LONG_MAX || parsed < 0 || (end && *end != '\0')) { ELOG("Could not parse con id \"%s\"\n", $3); } else { current_match.con_id = (Con*)parsed; printf("id as int = %p\n", current_match.con_id); } } | TOK_ID '=' STR { printf("criteria: window id = %s\n", $3); char *end; long parsed = strtol($3, &end, 10); if (parsed == LONG_MIN || parsed == LONG_MAX || parsed < 0 || (end && *end != '\0')) { ELOG("Could not parse window id \"%s\"\n", $3); } else { current_match.id = parsed; printf("window id as int = %d\n", current_match.id); } } | TOK_MARK '=' STR { printf("criteria: mark = %s\n", $3); current_match.mark = $3; } | TOK_TITLE '=' STR { printf("criteria: title = %s\n", $3); current_match.title = $3; } ; word_or_number: WORD | NUMBER { asprintf(&$$, "%d", $1); } ; mode: TOKMODE QUOTEDSTRING '{' modelines '}' { if (strcasecmp($2, "default") == 0) { printf("You cannot use the name \"default\" for your mode\n"); exit(1); } printf("\t now in mode %s\n", $2); printf("\t current bindings = %p\n", current_bindings); Binding *binding; TAILQ_FOREACH(binding, current_bindings, bindings) { printf("got binding on mods %d, keycode %d, symbol %s, command %s\n", binding->mods, binding->keycode, binding->symbol, binding->command); } struct Mode *mode = scalloc(sizeof(struct Mode)); mode->name = $2; mode->bindings = current_bindings; current_bindings = NULL; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&modes, mode, modes); } ; modelines: /* empty */ | modelines modeline ; modeline: comment | binding { if (current_bindings == NULL) { current_bindings = scalloc(sizeof(struct bindings_head)); TAILQ_INIT(current_bindings); } TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(current_bindings, $1, bindings); } ; floating_modifier: TOKFLOATING_MODIFIER binding_modifiers { DLOG("floating modifier = %d\n", $2); config.floating_modifier = $2; } ; orientation: TOK_ORIENTATION direction { DLOG("New containers should start with split direction %d\n", $2); config.default_orientation = $2; } ; direction: TOK_HORIZ { $$ = HORIZ; } | TOK_VERT { $$ = VERT; } | TOK_AUTO { $$ = NO_ORIENTATION; } ; workspace_layout: TOK_WORKSPACE_LAYOUT layout_mode { DLOG("new containers will be in mode %d\n", $2); config.default_layout = $2; #if 0 /* We also need to change the layout of the already existing * workspaces here. Workspaces may exist at this point because * of the other directives which are modifying workspaces * (setting the preferred screen or name). While the workspace * objects are already created, they have never been used. * Thus, the user very likely awaits the default container mode * to trigger in this case, regardless of where it is inside * his configuration file. */ Workspace *ws; TAILQ_FOREACH(ws, workspaces, workspaces) { if (ws->table == NULL) continue; switch_layout_mode(global_conn, ws->table[0][0], config.container_mode); } #endif } | TOK_WORKSPACE_LAYOUT TOKSTACKLIMIT TOKSTACKLIMIT NUMBER { DLOG("stack-limit %d with val %d\n", $3, $4); config.container_stack_limit = $3; config.container_stack_limit_value = $4; #if 0 /* See the comment above */ Workspace *ws; TAILQ_FOREACH(ws, workspaces, workspaces) { if (ws->table == NULL) continue; Container *con = ws->table[0][0]; con->stack_limit = config.container_stack_limit; con->stack_limit_value = config.container_stack_limit_value; } #endif } ; layout_mode: TOK_DEFAULT { $$ = L_DEFAULT; } | TOK_STACKING { $$ = L_STACKED; } | TOK_TABBED { $$ = L_TABBED; } ; new_window: TOKNEWWINDOW border_style { DLOG("new windows should start with border style %d\n", $2); config.default_border = $2; } ; border_style: TOK_NORMAL { $$ = BS_NORMAL; } | TOK_NONE { $$ = BS_NONE; } | TOK_1PIXEL { $$ = BS_1PIXEL; } ; bool: NUMBER { $$ = ($1 == 1); } | WORD { DLOG("checking word \"%s\"\n", $1); $$ = (strcasecmp($1, "yes") == 0 || strcasecmp($1, "true") == 0 || strcasecmp($1, "on") == 0 || strcasecmp($1, "enable") == 0 || strcasecmp($1, "active") == 0); } ; focus_follows_mouse: TOKFOCUSFOLLOWSMOUSE bool { DLOG("focus follows mouse = %d\n", $2); config.disable_focus_follows_mouse = !($2); } ; workspace_bar: TOKWORKSPACEBAR bool { DLOG("workspace bar = %d\n", $2); config.disable_workspace_bar = !($2); } ; workspace: TOKWORKSPACE NUMBER TOKOUTPUT OUTPUT optional_workspace_name { int ws_num = $2; if (ws_num < 1) { DLOG("Invalid workspace assignment, workspace number %d out of range\n", ws_num); } else { char *ws_name = NULL; if ($5 == NULL) { asprintf(&ws_name, "%d", ws_num); } else { ws_name = $5; } DLOG("Should assign workspace %s to output %s\n", ws_name, $4); struct Workspace_Assignment *assignment = scalloc(sizeof(struct Workspace_Assignment)); assignment->name = ws_name; assignment->output = $4; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ws_assignments, assignment, ws_assignments); } } | TOKWORKSPACE NUMBER workspace_name { int ws_num = $2; if (ws_num < 1) { DLOG("Invalid workspace assignment, workspace number %d out of range\n", ws_num); } else { DLOG("workspace name to: %s\n", $3); #if 0 if ($3 != NULL) { workspace_set_name(workspace_get(ws_num - 1), $3); free($3); } #endif } } ; optional_workspace_name: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | workspace_name { $$ = $1; } ; workspace_name: QUOTEDSTRING { $$ = $1; } | STR { $$ = $1; } | WORD { $$ = $1; } ; assign: TOKASSIGN window_class STR { printf("assignment of %s to *%s*\n", $2, $3); char *workspace = $3; char *criteria = $2; Assignment *assignment = scalloc(sizeof(Assignment)); Match *match = &(assignment->match); match_init(match); char *separator = NULL; if ((separator = strchr(criteria, '/')) != NULL) { *(separator++) = '\0'; match->title = sstrdup(separator); } if (*criteria != '\0') match->class = sstrdup(criteria); free(criteria); printf(" class = %s\n", match->class); printf(" title = %s\n", match->title); /* Compatibility with older versions: If the assignment target starts * with ~, we create the equivalent of: * * for_window [class="foo"] mode floating */ if (*workspace == '~') { workspace++; if (*workspace == '\0') { /* This assignment was *only* for floating */ assignment->type = A_COMMAND; assignment->dest.command = sstrdup("mode floating"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&assignments, assignment, assignments); break; } else { /* Create a new assignment and continue afterwards */ Assignment *floating = scalloc(sizeof(Assignment)); match_copy(&(floating->match), match); floating->type = A_COMMAND; floating->dest.command = sstrdup("mode floating"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&assignments, floating, assignments); } } assignment->type = A_TO_WORKSPACE; assignment->dest.workspace = workspace; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&assignments, assignment, assignments); } ; window_class: QUOTEDSTRING | STR_NG ; ipcsocket: TOKIPCSOCKET STR { config.ipc_socket_path = $2; } ; restart_state: TOKRESTARTSTATE STR { config.restart_state_path = $2; } ; exec: TOKEXEC STR { struct Autostart *new = smalloc(sizeof(struct Autostart)); new->command = $2; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&autostarts, new, autostarts); } ; terminal: TOKTERMINAL STR { ELOG("The terminal option is DEPRECATED and has no effect. " "Please remove it from your configuration file.\n"); } ; font: TOKFONT STR { config.font = load_font($2, true); printf("font %s\n", $2); } ; single_color: TOKSINGLECOLOR colorpixel { uint32_t *dest = $1; *dest = $2; } ; color: TOKCOLOR colorpixel colorpixel colorpixel { struct Colortriple *dest = $1; dest->border = $2; dest->background = $3; dest->text = $4; } ; colorpixel: '#' HEX { char *hex; if (asprintf(&hex, "#%s", $2) == -1) die("asprintf()"); $$ = get_colorpixel(hex); free(hex); } ; binding_modifiers: /* NULL */ { $$ = 0; } | binding_modifier | binding_modifiers '+' binding_modifier { $$ = $1 | $3; } | binding_modifiers '+' { $$ = $1; } ; binding_modifier: MODIFIER { $$ = $1; } | TOKCONTROL { $$ = BIND_CONTROL; } | TOKSHIFT { $$ = BIND_SHIFT; } ; popup_during_fullscreen: TOK_POPUP_DURING_FULLSCREEN popup_setting { DLOG("popup_during_fullscreen setting: %d\n", $2); config.popup_during_fullscreen = $2; } ; popup_setting: TOK_IGNORE { $$ = PDF_IGNORE; } | TOK_LEAVE_FULLSCREEN { $$ = PDF_LEAVE_FULLSCREEN; } ;