/* * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab * * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE) * * cmdparse.l: the lexer for commands you send to i3 (or bind on keys) * */ %option nounput %option noinput %option noyy_top_state %option stack %{ #include #include #include "cmdparse.tab.h" #include "config.h" #include "util.h" #include "libi3.h" int cmdyycolumn = 1; #define YY_DECL int yylex (struct context *context) #define YY_USER_ACTION { \ context->first_column = cmdyycolumn; \ context->last_column = cmdyycolumn+yyleng-1; \ cmdyycolumn += yyleng; \ } /* macro to first eat whitespace, then expect a string */ #define WS_STRING do { \ yy_push_state(WANT_STRING); \ yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); \ } while (0) %} EOL (\r?\n) /* handle everything up to \n as a string */ %s WANT_STRING /* eat a whitespace, then go to the next state on the stack */ %s EAT_WHITESPACE /* handle a quoted string or everything up to the next whitespace */ %s WANT_QSTRING %x MOVE %x MOVE_WS %x EXEC %x BUFFER_LINE %% { /* This is called when a new line is lexed. We only want the * first line to match to go into state BUFFER_LINE */ if (context->line_number == 0) { context->line_number = 1; BEGIN(INITIAL); yy_push_state(BUFFER_LINE); } } ^[^\r\n]*/{EOL}? { /* save whole line */ context->line_copy = sstrdup(yytext); yyless(0); yy_pop_state(); yy_set_bol(true); cmdyycolumn = 1; } /* The next/prev/back_and_forth tokens are here to recognize them *before* * handling strings ('workspace' command). While flex uses the longest * match, in case of a tie the order of rules becomes relevant. Since the * input is fully consumed (these are the last tokens), it comes to a tie. * */ next { BEGIN(INITIAL); return TOK_NEXT; } prev { BEGIN(INITIAL); return TOK_PREV; } next_on_output { BEGIN(INITIAL); return TOK_NEXT_ON_OUTPUT; } prev_on_output { BEGIN(INITIAL); return TOK_PREV_ON_OUTPUT; } back_and_forth { BEGIN(INITIAL); return TOK_BACK_AND_FORTH; } /* MOVE is the state after a 'move' token was processed. We need this state * to skip some tokens (for making the commands clearer) and to properly * move to the MOVE_WS state. */ to { /* eat this token */ } window { /* eat this token */ } container { /* eat this token */ } workspace { yy_pop_state(); yy_push_state(MOVE_WS); yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); return TOK_WORKSPACE; } scratchpad { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_SCRATCHPAD; } output { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_OUTPUT; } up { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_UP; } down { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_DOWN; } left { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_LEFT; } right { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_RIGHT; } /* MOVE_WS is the state after a 'workspace' token was processed in the MOVE * state. We need a separate state to deal with the fact that the old * 'move workspace ' command needs to be supported (the new command is * 'move to workspace') while we also need to support * 'move workspace to output '. */ to { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_TO; } [^t] { yy_pop_state(); yy_push_state(WANT_STRING); yyless(0); } \"[^\"]+\" { BEGIN(INITIAL); /* strip quotes */ char *copy = sstrdup(yytext+1); copy[strlen(copy)-1] = '\0'; cmdyylval.string = copy; return STR; } \"[^\"]+\" { BEGIN(INITIAL); /* strip quotes */ char *copy = sstrdup(yytext+1); copy[strlen(copy)-1] = '\0'; cmdyylval.string = copy; return STR; } [^;\n]+ { BEGIN(INITIAL); cmdyylval.string = sstrdup(yytext); return STR; } [;\n] { BEGIN(INITIAL); return ';'; } [ \t]* { yy_pop_state(); } [ \t]* { /* ignore whitespace */ ; } --no-startup-id { printf("no startup id\n"); yy_pop_state(); return TOK_NO_STARTUP_ID; } . { printf("anything else: *%s*\n", yytext); yyless(0); yy_pop_state(); yy_pop_state(); } exec { WS_STRING; yy_push_state(EXEC); yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); return TOK_EXEC; } exit { return TOK_EXIT; } reload { return TOK_RELOAD; } restart { return TOK_RESTART; } kill { return TOK_KILL; } window { return TOK_WINDOW; } container { return TOK_CONTAINER; } client { return TOK_CLIENT; } fullscreen { return TOK_FULLSCREEN; } global { return TOK_GLOBAL; } layout { return TOK_LAYOUT; } default { return TOK_DEFAULT; } stacked { return TOK_STACKED; } stacking { return TOK_STACKED; } tabbed { return TOK_TABBED; } border { return TOK_BORDER; } normal { return TOK_NORMAL; } none { return TOK_NONE; } 1pixel { return TOK_1PIXEL; } mode { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_MODE; } tiling { return TOK_TILING; } floating { return TOK_FLOATING; } toggle { return TOK_TOGGLE; } mode_toggle { return TOK_MODE_TOGGLE; } workspace { WS_STRING; return TOK_WORKSPACE; } output { WS_STRING; return TOK_OUTPUT; } focus { return TOK_FOCUS; } move { yy_push_state(MOVE); return TOK_MOVE; } open { return TOK_OPEN; } scratchpad { return TOK_SCRATCHPAD; } show { return TOK_SHOW; } split { return TOK_SPLIT; } horizontal { return TOK_HORIZONTAL; } vertical { return TOK_VERTICAL; } up { return TOK_UP; } down { return TOK_DOWN; } left { return TOK_LEFT; } right { return TOK_RIGHT; } parent { return TOK_PARENT; } child { return TOK_CHILD; } resize { return TOK_RESIZE; } shrink { return TOK_SHRINK; } grow { return TOK_GROW; } px { return TOK_PX; } or { return TOK_OR; } ppt { return TOK_PPT; } to { return TOK_TO; } nop { WS_STRING; return TOK_NOP; } append_layout { WS_STRING; return TOK_APPEND_LAYOUT; } mark { WS_STRING; return TOK_MARK; } enable { return TOK_ENABLE; } true { return TOK_ENABLE; } yes { return TOK_ENABLE; } disable { return TOK_DISABLE; } false { return TOK_DISABLE; } no { return TOK_DISABLE; } class { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_CLASS; } instance { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_INSTANCE; } window_role { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_WINDOW_ROLE; } id { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_ID; } con_id { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_CON_ID; } con_mark { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_MARK; } title { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_TITLE; } [0-9]+ { cmdyylval.number = atoi(yytext); return NUMBER; } . { return (int)yytext[0]; } <> { while (yy_start_stack_ptr > 0) yy_pop_state(); yyterminate(); } %%