%{ /* * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab * * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager * © 2009-2010 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE) * * cmdparse.y: the parser for commands you send to i3 (or bind on keys) * */ #include #include #include #include #include "all.h" typedef struct yy_buffer_state *YY_BUFFER_STATE; extern int cmdyylex(struct context *context); extern int cmdyyparse(void); extern FILE *cmdyyin; YY_BUFFER_STATE cmdyy_scan_string(const char *); static struct bindings_head *current_bindings; static struct context *context; static Match current_match; /* * Helper data structure for an operation window (window on which the operation * will be performed). Used to build the TAILQ owindows. * */ typedef struct owindow { Con *con; TAILQ_ENTRY(owindow) owindows; } owindow; static TAILQ_HEAD(owindows_head, owindow) owindows; /* We don’t need yydebug for now, as we got decent error messages using * yyerror(). Should you ever want to extend the parser, it might be handy * to just comment it in again, so it stays here. */ //int cmdyydebug = 1; void cmdyyerror(const char *error_message) { ELOG("\n"); ELOG("CMD: %s\n", error_message); ELOG("CMD: in file \"%s\", line %d:\n", context->filename, context->line_number); ELOG("CMD: %s\n", context->line_copy); ELOG("CMD: "); for (int c = 1; c <= context->last_column; c++) if (c >= context->first_column) printf("^"); else printf(" "); printf("\n"); ELOG("\n"); } int cmdyywrap() { return 1; } void parse_cmd(const char *new) { //const char *new = "[level-up workspace] attach $output, focus"; cmdyy_scan_string(new); context = scalloc(sizeof(struct context)); context->filename = "cmd"; if (cmdyyparse() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not parse configfile\n"); exit(1); } printf("done\n"); FREE(context->line_copy); free(context); } %} %error-verbose %lex-param { struct context *context } %union { char *string; } %token TOK_ATTACH "attach" %token TOK_EXEC "exec" %token TOK_EXIT "exit" %token TOK_RELOAD "reload" %token TOK_RESTART "restart" %token TOK_KILL "kill" %token TOK_FULLSCREEN "fullscreen" %token TOK_GLOBAL "global" %token TOK_LAYOUT "layout" %token TOK_DEFAULT "default" %token TOK_STACKED "stacked" %token TOK_TABBED "tabbed" %token TOK_BORDER "border" %token TOK_NONE "none" %token TOK_1PIXEL "1pixel" %token TOK_MODE "mode" %token TOK_TILING "tiling" %token TOK_FLOATING "floating" %token TOK_WORKSPACE "workspace" %token TOK_FOCUS "focus" %token TOK_MOVE "move" %token TOK_OPEN "open" %token TOK_CLASS "class" %token TOK_ID "id" %token TOK_CON_ID "con_id" %token WHITESPACE "" %token STR "" %% commands: /* empty */ | commands optwhitespace ';' optwhitespace command | command { owindow *current; printf("single command completely parsed, dropping state...\n"); while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&owindows)) { current = TAILQ_FIRST(&owindows); TAILQ_REMOVE(&owindows, current, owindows); free(current); } memset(¤t_match, 0, sizeof(Match)); } ; optwhitespace: | WHITESPACE ; command: match optwhitespace operations ; match: | matchstart optwhitespace criteria optwhitespace matchend { printf("match parsed\n"); } ; matchstart: '[' { printf("start\n"); memset(¤t_match, '\0', sizeof(Match)); TAILQ_INIT(&owindows); /* copy all_cons */ Con *con; TAILQ_FOREACH(con, &all_cons, all_cons) { owindow *ow = smalloc(sizeof(owindow)); ow->con = con; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&owindows, ow, owindows); } } ; matchend: ']' { owindow *next, *current; printf("match specification finished, matching...\n"); /* copy the old list head to iterate through it and start with a fresh * list which will contain only matching windows */ struct owindows_head old = owindows; TAILQ_INIT(&owindows); for (next = TAILQ_FIRST(&old); next != TAILQ_END(&old);) { /* make a copy of the next pointer and advance the pointer to the * next element as we are going to invalidate the element’s * next/prev pointers by calling TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL later */ current = next; next = TAILQ_NEXT(next, owindows); printf("checking if con %p / %s matches\n", current->con, current->con->name); if (current_match.con_id != NULL) { if (current_match.con_id == current->con) { printf("matches container!\n"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&owindows, current, owindows); } } else { if (current->con->window == NULL) continue; if (match_matches_window(¤t_match, current->con->window)) { printf("matches window!\n"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&owindows, current, owindows); } else { printf("doesnt match\n"); free(current); } } } TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) { printf("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name); } } ; criteria: TOK_CLASS '=' STR { printf("criteria: class = %s\n", $3); current_match.class = $3; } | TOK_CON_ID '=' STR { printf("criteria: id = %s\n", $3); /* TODO: correctly parse number */ current_match.con_id = atoi($3); printf("id as int = %d\n", current_match.con_id); } ; operations: operation | operation optwhitespace | operations ',' optwhitespace operation ; operation: exec | exit /*| reload | restart | mark | fullscreen | layout | border | mode | workspace | move*/ | workspace | attach | focus | kill | open ; exec: TOK_EXEC WHITESPACE STR { printf("should execute %s\n", $3); } ; exit: TOK_EXIT { printf("exit, bye bye\n"); } ; attach: TOK_ATTACH { printf("should attach\n"); } ; focus: TOK_FOCUS { printf("should focus\n"); } ; kill: TOK_KILL { owindow *current; printf("killing!\n"); /* TODO: check if the match is empty, not if the result is empty */ if (match_is_empty(¤t_match)) tree_close(focused); else { TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) { printf("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name); tree_close(current->con); } } } ; workspace: TOK_WORKSPACE WHITESPACE STR { printf("should switch to workspace %s\n", $3); workspace_show($3); free($3); } ; open: TOK_OPEN { printf("opening new container\n"); tree_open_con(NULL); } ;