package i3test; # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab use strict; use warnings; use File::Temp qw(tmpnam tempfile tempdir); use Test::Builder; use X11::XCB::Rect; use X11::XCB::Window; use X11::XCB qw(:all); use lib qw(@abs_top_srcdir@/AnyEvent-I3/blib/lib); use AnyEvent::I3; use List::Util qw(first); use Time::HiRes qw(sleep); use Cwd qw(abs_path); use POSIX ':sys_wait_h'; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); use SocketActivation; use i3test::Util qw(slurp); use v5.10; # preload use Test::More (); use Data::Dumper (); use Exporter (); our @EXPORT = qw( get_workspace_names get_output_for_workspace get_unused_workspace fresh_workspace get_ws_content get_ws get_focused open_empty_con open_window open_floating_window get_dock_clients cmd sync_with_i3 exit_gracefully exit_forcefully workspace_exists focused_ws get_socket_path launch_with_config get_i3_log wait_for_event wait_for_map wait_for_unmap $x kill_all_windows events_for listen_for_binding is_net_wm_state_focused cmp_tree ); =head1 NAME i3test - Testcase setup module =encoding utf-8 =head1 SYNOPSIS use i3test; my $ws = fresh_workspace; is_num_children($ws, 0, 'no containers on this workspace yet'); cmd 'open'; is_num_children($ws, 1, 'one container after "open"'); done_testing; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is used in every i3 testcase and takes care of automatically starting i3 before any test instructions run. It also saves you typing of lots of boilerplate in every test file. i3test automatically "use"s C, C, C, C’s C and C so that all of them are available to you in your testcase. See also C (L) which provides additional test instructions (like C or C). =cut my $tester = Test::Builder->new(); my $_cached_socket_path = undef; my $_sync_window = undef; my $tmp_socket_path = undef; our $x; BEGIN { my $window_count = 0; sub counter_window { return $window_count++; } } my $i3_pid; my $i3_autostart; END { # Skip the remaining cleanup for testcases which set i3_autostart => 0: return if !defined($i3_pid) && !$i3_autostart; # don't trigger SIGCHLD handler local $SIG{CHLD}; # From perldoc -v '$?': # Inside an "END" subroutine $? contains the value # that is going to be given to "exit()". # # Since waitpid sets $?, we need to localize it, # otherwise TAP would be misinterpreted our return status local $?; # When measuring code coverage, try to exit i3 cleanly (otherwise, .gcda # files are not written) if ($ENV{COVERAGE} || $ENV{VALGRIND}) { exit_gracefully($i3_pid, "/tmp/nested-$ENV{DISPLAY}"); } else { kill(-9, $i3_pid) or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not kill i3: $!"); waitpid $i3_pid, 0; } } sub import { my ($class, %args) = @_; my $pkg = caller; $x ||= i3test::X11->new; # set the pointer to a predictable position in case a previous test has # disturbed it $x->warp_pointer( 0, # src_window (None) $x->get_root_window(), # dst_window (None) 0, # src_x 0, # src_y 0, # src_width 0, # src_height 0, # dst_x 0); # dst_y # Synchronize with X11 to ensure the pointer has been warped before i3 # starts up. $x->get_input_focus_reply($x->get_input_focus()->{sequence}); $i3_autostart = delete($args{i3_autostart}) // 1; my $i3_config = delete($args{i3_config}) // '-default'; my $cv = launch_with_config($i3_config, dont_block => 1) if $i3_autostart; my $test_more_args = ''; $test_more_args = join(' ', 'qw(', %args, ')') if keys %args; local $@; eval << "__"; package $pkg; use Test::More $test_more_args; use Data::Dumper; use AnyEvent::I3; use Time::HiRes qw(sleep); use i3test::Test; __ $tester->BAIL_OUT("$@") if $@; feature->import(":5.10"); strict->import; warnings->import; $cv->recv if $i3_autostart; @_ = ($class); goto \&Exporter::import; } =head1 EXPORT =head2 wait_for_event($timeout, $callback) Waits for the next event and calls the given callback for every event to determine if this is the event we are waiting for. Can be used to wait until a window is mapped, until a ClientMessage is received, etc. wait_for_event 0.25, sub { $_[0]->{response_type} == MAP_NOTIFY }; =cut sub wait_for_event { my ($timeout, $cb) = @_; $x->flush; while (defined(my $event = $x->wait_for_event)) { return 1 if $cb->($event); } } =head2 wait_for_map($window) Thin wrapper around wait_for_event which waits for MAP_NOTIFY. Make sure to include 'structure_notify' in the window’s event_mask attribute. This function is called by C, so in most cases, you don’t need to call it on your own. If you need special setup of the window before mapping, you might have to map it on your own and use this function: my $window = open_window(dont_map => 1); # Do something special with the window first # … # Now map it and wait until it’s been mapped $window->map; wait_for_map($window); =cut sub wait_for_map { my ($win) = @_; my $id = (blessed($win) && $win->isa('X11::XCB::Window')) ? $win->id : $win; wait_for_event 4, sub { $_[0]->{response_type} == MAP_NOTIFY and $_[0]->{window} == $id }; } =head2 wait_for_unmap($window) Wrapper around C which waits for UNMAP_NOTIFY. Also calls C to make sure i3 also picked up and processed the UnmapNotify event. my $ws = fresh_workspace; my $window = open_window; is_num_children($ws, 1, 'one window on workspace'); $window->unmap; wait_for_unmap; is_num_children($ws, 0, 'no more windows on this workspace'); =cut sub wait_for_unmap { my ($win) = @_; # my $id = (blessed($win) && $win->isa('X11::XCB::Window')) ? $win->id : $win; wait_for_event 4, sub { $_[0]->{response_type} == UNMAP_NOTIFY # and $_[0]->{window} == $id }; sync_with_i3(); } =head2 open_window([ $args ]) Opens a new window (see C), maps it, waits until it got mapped and synchronizes with i3. The following arguments can be passed: =over 4 =item class The X11 window class (e.g. WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT), not to be confused with the WM_CLASS! =item rect An arrayref with 4 members specifying the initial geometry (position and size) of the window, e.g. C<< [ 0, 100, 70, 50 ] >> for a window appearing at x=0, y=100 with width=70 and height=50. Note that this is entirely irrelevant for tiling windows. =item background_color The background pixel color of the window, formatted as "#rrggbb", like HTML color codes (e.g. #c0c0c0). This is useful to tell windows apart when actually watching the testcases. =item event_mask An arrayref containing strings which describe the X11 event mask we use for that window. The default is C<< [ 'structure_notify' ] >>. =item name The window’s C<_NET_WM_NAME> (UTF-8 window title). By default, this is "Window n" with n being replaced by a counter to keep windows apart. =item dont_map Set to a true value to avoid mapping the window (making it visible). =item before_map A coderef which is called before the window is mapped (unless C is true). The freshly created C<$window> is passed as C<$_> and as the first argument. =back The default values are equivalent to this call: open_window( class => WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ] background_color => '#c0c0c0' event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ] name => 'Window ' ); Usually, though, calls are simpler: my $top_window = open_window; To identify the resulting window object in i3 commands, use the id property: my $top_window = open_window; cmd '[id="' . $top_window->id . '"] kill'; =cut sub open_window { my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_; my $dont_map = delete $args{dont_map}; my $before_map = delete $args{before_map}; $args{class} //= WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT; $args{rect} //= [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ]; $args{background_color} //= '#c0c0c0'; $args{event_mask} //= [ 'structure_notify' ]; $args{name} //= 'Window ' . counter_window(); my $window = $x->root->create_child(%args); $window->add_hint('input'); if ($before_map) { # TODO: investigate why _create is not needed $window->_create; $before_map->($window) for $window; } return $window if $dont_map; $window->map; wait_for_map($window); # MapWindow is sent before i3 even starts rendering: the window is placed at # temporary off-screen coordinates first, and x_push_changes() sends further # X11 requests to set focus etc. Hence, we sync with i3 before continuing. sync_with_i3(); return $window; } =head2 open_floating_window([ $args ]) Thin wrapper around open_window which sets window_type to C<_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY> to make the window floating. The arguments are the same as those of C. =cut sub open_floating_window { my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_; $args{window_type} = $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY'); return open_window(\%args); } sub open_empty_con { my ($i3) = @_; my $reply = $i3->command('open')->recv; return $reply->[0]->{id}; } =head2 get_workspace_names() Returns an arrayref containing the name of every workspace (regardless of its output) which currently exists. my $workspace_names = get_workspace_names; is(scalar @$workspace_names, 3, 'three workspaces exist currently'); =cut sub get_workspace_names { my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path()); my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv; my @outputs = @{$tree->{nodes}}; my @cons; for my $output (@outputs) { next if $output->{name} eq '__i3'; # get the first CT_CON of each output my $content = first { $_->{type} eq 'con' } @{$output->{nodes}}; @cons = (@cons, @{$content->{nodes}}); } [ map { $_->{name} } @cons ] } =head2 get_output_for_workspace() Returns the name of the output on which this workspace resides cmd 'focus output fake-1'; cmd 'workspace 1'; is(get_output_for_workspace('1', 'fake-0', 'Workspace 1 in output fake-0'); =cut sub get_output_for_workspace { my $ws_name = shift @_; my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path()); my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv; my @outputs = @{$tree->{nodes}}; foreach (grep { not $_->{name} =~ /^__/ } @outputs) { my $output = $_->{name}; foreach (grep { $_->{name} =~ "content" } @{$_->{nodes}}) { return $output if $_->{nodes}[0]->{name} =~ $ws_name; } } } =head2 get_unused_workspace Returns a workspace name which has not yet been used. See also C which directly switches to an unused workspace. my $ws = get_unused_workspace; cmd "workspace $ws"; =cut sub get_unused_workspace { my @names = get_workspace_names(); my $tmp; do { $tmp = tmpnam() } while ((scalar grep { $_ eq $tmp } @names) > 0); $tmp } =head2 fresh_workspace([ $args ]) Switches to an unused workspace and returns the name of that workspace. Optionally switches to the specified output first. my $ws = fresh_workspace; # Get a fresh workspace on the second output. my $ws = fresh_workspace(output => 1); =cut sub fresh_workspace { my %args = @_; if (exists($args{output})) { my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path()); my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv; my $output = first { $_->{name} eq "fake-$args{output}" } @{$tree->{nodes}}; die "BUG: Could not find output $args{output}" unless defined($output); # Get the focused workspace on that output and switch to it. my $content = first { $_->{type} eq 'con' } @{$output->{nodes}}; my $focused = $content->{focus}->[0]; my $workspace = first { $_->{id} == $focused } @{$content->{nodes}}; $workspace = $workspace->{name}; cmd("workspace $workspace"); } my $unused = get_unused_workspace; cmd("workspace $unused"); $unused } =head2 get_ws($workspace) Returns the container (from the i3 layout tree) which represents C<$workspace>. my $ws = fresh_workspace; my $ws_con = get_ws($ws); ok(!$ws_con->{urgent}, 'fresh workspace not marked urgent'); Here is an example which counts the number of urgent containers recursively, starting from the workspace container: sub count_urgent { my ($con) = @_; my @children = (@{$con->{nodes}}, @{$con->{floating_nodes}}); my $urgent = grep { $_->{urgent} } @children; $urgent += count_urgent($_) for @children; return $urgent; } my $urgent = count_urgent(get_ws($ws)); is($urgent, 3, "three urgent windows on workspace $ws"); =cut sub get_ws { my ($name) = @_; my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path()); my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv; my @outputs = @{$tree->{nodes}}; my @workspaces; for my $output (@outputs) { # get the first CT_CON of each output my $content = first { $_->{type} eq 'con' } @{$output->{nodes}}; @workspaces = (@workspaces, @{$content->{nodes}}); } # as there can only be one workspace with this name, we can safely # return the first entry return first { $_->{name} eq $name } @workspaces; } =head2 get_ws_content($workspace) Returns the content (== tree, starting from the node of a workspace) of a workspace. If called in array context, also includes the focus stack of the workspace. my $nodes = get_ws_content($ws); is(scalar @$nodes, 4, 'there are four containers at workspace-level'); Or, in array context: my $window = open_window; my ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($ws); is($focus->[0], $window->id, 'newly opened window focused'); Note that this function does not do recursion for you! It only returns the containers B. If you want to work with all containers (even nested ones) on a workspace, you have to use recursion: # NB: This function does not count floating windows sub count_urgent { my ($nodes) = @_; my $urgent = 0; for my $con (@$nodes) { $urgent++ if $con->{urgent}; $urgent += count_urgent($con->{nodes}); } return $urgent; } my $nodes = get_ws_content($ws); my $urgent = count_urgent($nodes); is($urgent, 3, "three urgent windows on workspace $ws"); If you also want to deal with floating windows, you have to use C instead and access C<< ->{nodes} >> and C<< ->{floating_nodes} >> on your own. =cut sub get_ws_content { my ($name) = @_; my $con = get_ws($name); return wantarray ? ($con->{nodes}, $con->{focus}) : $con->{nodes}; } =head2 get_focused($workspace) Returns the container ID of the currently focused container on C<$workspace>. Note that the container ID is B the X11 window ID, so comparing the result of C with a window's C<< ->{id} >> property does B work. my $ws = fresh_workspace; my $first_window = open_window; my $first_id = get_focused(); my $second_window = open_window; my $second_id = get_focused(); cmd 'focus left'; is(get_focused($ws), $first_id, 'second window focused'); =cut sub get_focused { my ($ws) = @_; my $con = get_ws($ws); my @focused = @{$con->{focus}}; my $lf; while (@focused > 0) { $lf = $focused[0]; last unless defined($con->{focus}); @focused = @{$con->{focus}}; my @cons = grep { $_->{id} == $lf } (@{$con->{nodes}}, @{$con->{'floating_nodes'}}); $con = $cons[0]; } return $lf; } =head2 get_dock_clients([ $dockarea ]) Returns an array of all dock containers in C<$dockarea> (one of "top" or "bottom"). If C<$dockarea> is not specified, returns an array of all dock containers in any dockarea. my @docked = get_dock_clients; is(scalar @docked, 0, 'no dock clients yet'); =cut sub get_dock_clients { my $which = shift; my $tree = i3(get_socket_path())->get_tree->recv; my @outputs = @{$tree->{nodes}}; # Children of all dockareas my @docked; for my $output (@outputs) { if (!defined($which)) { @docked = (@docked, map { @{$_->{nodes}} } grep { $_->{type} eq 'dockarea' } @{$output->{nodes}}); } elsif ($which eq 'top') { my $first = first { $_->{type} eq 'dockarea' } @{$output->{nodes}}; @docked = (@docked, @{$first->{nodes}}) if defined($first); } elsif ($which eq 'bottom') { my @matching = grep { $_->{type} eq 'dockarea' } @{$output->{nodes}}; my $last = $matching[-1]; @docked = (@docked, @{$last->{nodes}}) if defined($last); } } return @docked; } =head2 cmd($command) Sends the specified command to i3 and returns the output. my $ws = unused_workspace; cmd "workspace $ws"; cmd 'focus right'; =cut sub cmd { i3(get_socket_path())->command(@_)->recv } =head2 workspace_exists($workspace) Returns true if C<$workspace> is the name of an existing workspace. my $old_ws = focused_ws; # switch away from where we currently are fresh_workspace; ok(workspace_exists($old_ws), 'old workspace still exists'); =cut sub workspace_exists { my ($name) = @_; (scalar grep { $_ eq $name } @{get_workspace_names()}) > 0; } =head2 focused_ws Returns the name of the currently focused workspace. my $ws = focused_ws; is($ws, '1', 'i3 starts on workspace 1'); =cut sub focused_ws { my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path()); my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv; my $focused = $tree->{focus}->[0]; my $output = first { $_->{id} == $focused } @{$tree->{nodes}}; my $content = first { $_->{type} eq 'con' } @{$output->{nodes}}; my $first = first { $_->{fullscreen_mode} == 1 } @{$content->{nodes}}; return $first->{name} } =head2 sync_with_i3([ $args ]) Sends an I3_SYNC ClientMessage with a random value to the root window. i3 will reply with the same value, but, due to the order of events it processes, only after all other events are done. This can be used to ensure the results of a cmd 'focus left' are pushed to X11 and that C<< $x->input_focus >> returns the correct value afterwards. See also L for a longer explanation. my $window = open_window; $window->add_hint('urgency'); # Ensure i3 picked up the change sync_with_i3; The only time when you need to use the C argument is when you just killed your own X11 connection: cmd 'kill client'; # We need to re-establish the X11 connection which we just killed :). $x = i3test::X11->new; sync_with_i3(no_cache => 1); =cut sub sync_with_i3 { my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_; # Since we need a (mapped) window for receiving a ClientMessage, we create # one on the first call of sync_with_i3. It will be re-used in all # subsequent calls. if (!exists($args{window_id}) && (!defined($_sync_window) || exists($args{no_cache}))) { $_sync_window = open_window( rect => [ -15, -15, 10, 10 ], override_redirect => 1, dont_map => 1, ); } my $window_id = delete $args{window_id}; $window_id //= $_sync_window->id; my $root = $x->get_root_window(); # Generate a random number to identify this particular ClientMessage. my $myrnd = int(rand(255)) + 1; # Generate a ClientMessage, see xcb_client_message_t my $msg = pack "CCSLLLLLLL", CLIENT_MESSAGE, # response_type 32, # format 0, # sequence $root, # destination window $x->atom(name => 'I3_SYNC')->id, $window_id, # data[0]: our own window id $myrnd, # data[1]: a random value to identify the request 0, 0, 0; # Send it to the root window -- since i3 uses the SubstructureRedirect # event mask, it will get the ClientMessage. $x->send_event(0, $root, EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_REDIRECT, $msg); return $myrnd if $args{dont_wait_for_event}; # now wait until the reply is here return wait_for_event 4, sub { my ($event) = @_; # TODO: const return 0 unless $event->{response_type} == 161; my ($win, $rnd) = unpack "LL", $event->{data}; return ($rnd == $myrnd); }; } =head2 exit_gracefully($pid, [ $socketpath ]) Tries to exit i3 gracefully (with the 'exit' cmd) or kills the PID if that fails. If C<$socketpath> is not specified, C will be called. You only need to use this function if you have launched i3 on your own with C. Otherwise, it will be automatically called when the testcase ends. use i3test i3_autostart => 0; my $pid = launch_with_config($config); # … exit_gracefully($pid); =cut sub exit_gracefully { my ($pid, $socketpath) = @_; $socketpath ||= get_socket_path(); my $exited = 0; eval { say "Exiting i3 cleanly..."; i3($socketpath)->command('exit')->recv; $exited = 1; }; if (!$exited) { kill(9, $pid) or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not kill i3: $!"); } if ($socketpath =~ m,^/tmp/i3-test-socket-,) { unlink($socketpath); } waitpid $pid, 0; undef $i3_pid; } =head2 exit_forcefully($pid, [ $signal ]) Tries to exit i3 forcefully by sending a signal (defaults to SIGTERM). You only need to use this function if you want to test signal handling (in which case you must have launched i3 on your own with C). use i3test i3_autostart => 0; my $pid = launch_with_config($config); # … exit_forcefully($pid); =cut sub exit_forcefully { my ($pid, $signal) = @_; $signal ||= 'TERM'; # Send the given signal to the i3 instance and wait for up to 10s # for it to terminate. kill($signal, $pid) or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not kill i3: $!"); my $status; my $timeout = 10; do { $status = waitpid $pid, WNOHANG; if ($status <= 0) { sleep(1); $timeout--; } } while ($status <= 0 && $timeout > 0); if ($status <= 0) { kill('KILL', $pid) or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not kill i3: $!"); waitpid $pid, 0; } undef $i3_pid; } =head2 get_socket_path([ $cache ]) Gets the socket path from the C atom stored on the X11 root window. After the first call, this function will return a cached version of the socket path unless you specify a false value for C<$cache>. my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path()); $i3->command('nop test example')->recv; To avoid caching: my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path(0)); =cut sub get_socket_path { my ($cache) = @_; $cache //= 1; if ($cache && defined($_cached_socket_path)) { return $_cached_socket_path; } my $socketpath = i3test::Util::get_socket_path($x); $_cached_socket_path = $socketpath; return $socketpath; } =head2 launch_with_config($config, [ $args ]) Launches a new i3 process with C<$config> as configuration file. Useful for tests which test specific config file directives. use i3test i3_autostart => 0; my $config = < 1); say $fh "ipc-socket $tmp_socket_path" unless $args{dont_add_socket_path}; if ($config ne '-default') { print $fh $config; } else { open(my $conf_fh, '<', '@abs_top_srcdir@/testcases/i3-test.config') or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not open default config: $!"); local $/; say $fh scalar <$conf_fh>; } close($fh); my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar; $i3_pid = activate_i3( unix_socket_path => "$tmp_socket_path-activation", display => $ENV{DISPLAY}, configfile => $tmpfile, outdir => $ENV{OUTDIR}, testname => $ENV{TESTNAME}, valgrind => $ENV{VALGRIND}, strace => $ENV{STRACE}, xtrace => $ENV{XTRACE}, restart => $ENV{RESTART}, cv => $cv, dont_create_temp_dir => $args{dont_create_temp_dir}, validate_config => $args{validate_config}, inject_randr15 => $args{inject_randr15}, inject_randr15_outputinfo => $args{inject_randr15_outputinfo}, ); # If we called i3 with -C, we wait for it to exit and then return as # there's nothing else we need to do. if ($args{validate_config}) { $cv->recv; waitpid $i3_pid, 0; # We need this since exit_gracefully will not be called in this case. undef $i3_pid; return ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE}; } # force update of the cached socket path in lib/i3test # as soon as i3 has started $cv->cb(sub { get_socket_path(0) }); return $cv if $args{dont_block}; # blockingly wait until i3 is ready $cv->recv; return $i3_pid; } =head2 get_i3_log Returns the content of the log file for the current test. =cut sub get_i3_log { my $logfile = "$ENV{OUTDIR}/i3-log-for-$ENV{TESTNAME}"; return slurp($logfile); } =head2 kill_all_windows Kills all windows to clean up between tests. =cut sub kill_all_windows { # Sync in case not all windows are managed by i3 just yet. sync_with_i3; cmd '[title=".*"] kill'; } =head2 events_for($subscribecb, [ $rettype ], [ $eventcbs ]) Helper function which returns an array containing all events of type $rettype which were generated by i3 while $subscribecb was running. Set $eventcbs to subscribe to multiple event types and/or perform your own event aggregation. =cut sub events_for { my ($subscribecb, $rettype, $eventcbs) = @_; my @events; $eventcbs //= {}; if (defined($rettype)) { $eventcbs->{$rettype} = sub { push @events, shift }; } my $subscribed = AnyEvent->condvar; my $flushed = AnyEvent->condvar; $eventcbs->{tick} = sub { my ($event) = @_; if ($event->{first}) { $subscribed->send($event); } else { $flushed->send($event); } }; my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path(0)); $i3->connect->recv; $i3->subscribe($eventcbs)->recv; $subscribed->recv; # Subscription established, run the callback. $subscribecb->(); # Now generate a tick event, which we know we’ll receive (and at which point # all other events have been received). my $nonce = int(rand(255)) + 1; $i3->send_tick($nonce); my $tick = $flushed->recv; $tester->is_eq($tick->{payload}, $nonce, 'tick nonce received'); return @events; } =head2 listen_for_binding($cb) Helper function to evaluate whether sending KeyPress/KeyRelease events via XTEST triggers an i3 key binding or not. Expects key bindings to be configured in the form “bindsym nop ”, e.g. “bindsym Mod4+Return nop Mod4+Return”. is(listen_for_binding( sub { xtest_key_press(133); # Super_L xtest_key_press(36); # Return xtest_key_release(36); # Return xtest_key_release(133); # Super_L xtest_sync_with_i3; }, ), 'Mod4+Return', 'triggered the "Mod4+Return" keybinding'); =cut sub listen_for_binding { my ($cb) = @_; my $triggered = AnyEvent->condvar; my @events = events_for( $cb, 'binding'); $tester->is_eq(scalar @events, 1, 'Received precisely one event'); $tester->is_eq($events[0]->{change}, 'run', 'change is "run"'); # We look at the command (which is “nop ”) because that is easier # than re-assembling the string representation of $event->{binding}. my $command = $events[0]->{binding}->{command}; $command =~ s/^nop //g; return $command; } =head2 is_net_wm_state_focused Returns true if the given window has the _NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED atom. ok(is_net_wm_state_focused($window), '_NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED set'); =cut sub is_net_wm_state_focused { my ($window) = @_; sync_with_i3; my $atom = $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED'); my $cookie = $x->get_property( 0, $window->{id}, $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_STATE')->id, GET_PROPERTY_TYPE_ANY, 0, 4096 ); my $reply = $x->get_property_reply($cookie->{sequence}); my $len = $reply->{length}; return 0 if $len == 0; my @atoms = unpack("L$len", $reply->{value}); for (my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { return 1 if $atoms[$i] == $atom->id; } return 0; } =head2 cmp_tree([ $args ]) Compares the tree layout before and after an operation inside a subtest. The following arguments can be passed: =over 4 =item layout_before Required argument. The initial layout to be created. For example, 'H[ V[ a* S[ b c ] d ] e ]' or 'V[a b] T[c d*]'. The layout will be converted to a JSON file which will be passed to i3's append_layout command. The syntax's rules, assertions and limitations are: =over 8 =item 1. Upper case letters H, V, S, T mean horizontal, vertical, stacked and tabbed layout respectively. They must be followed by an opening square bracket and must be closed with a closing square bracket. Each of the non-leaf containers is marked with their corresponding letter followed by a number indicating the position of the container relative to other containers of the same type. For example, 'H[V[xxx] V[xxx] H[xxx]]' will mark the non-leaf containers as H1, V1, V2, H2. =item 2. Spaces are ignored. =item 3. Other alphanumeric characters mean a new window which uses the provided character for its class and name. Eg 'H[a b]' will open windows with classes 'a' and 'b' inside a horizontal split. Windows use a single character for their class, eg 'H[xxx]' will open 3 windows with class 'x'. =item 4. Asterisks after a window mean that the window must be focused after the layout is loaded. Currently, focusing non-leaf containers must be done manually, in the callback (C) function. =back =item cb Subroutine to be called after the layout provided by C is created but before the resulting layout (C) is checked. =item layout_after Required argument. The final layout in which the tree is expected to be after the callback is called. Uses the same syntax with C. For non-leaf containers, their layout (horizontal, vertical, stacked, tabbed) is compared with the corresponding letter (H, V, S, T). For leaf containers, their name is compared with the provided alphanumeric. =item ws The workspace in which the layout will be created. Will switch focus to it. If not provided, a new one is created. =item msg Message to prepend to the subtest's name. If not empty, it will be followed by ': '. =item dont_kill By default, all windows are killed before the C layout is loaded. Set to 1 to avoid this. =back =cut sub cmp_tree { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; my %args = @_; my $ws = $args{ws}; if (defined($ws)) { cmd "workspace $ws"; } else { $ws = fresh_workspace; } my $msg = ''; if ($args{msg}) { $msg = $args{msg} . ': '; } die unless $args{layout_before}; die unless $args{layout_after}; kill_all_windows unless $args{dont_kill}; my @windows = create_layout($args{layout_before}); Test::More::subtest $msg . $args{layout_before} . ' -> ' . $args{layout_after} => sub { $args{cb}->(\@windows) if $args{cb}; verify_layout($args{layout_after}, $ws); }; return @windows; } sub create_layout { my $layout = shift; my $focus; my @windows = (); my $r = ''; my $depth = 0; my %layout_counts = (H => 0, V => 0, S => 0, T => 0); foreach my $char (split('', $layout)) { if ($char eq 'H') { $r = $r . '{"layout": "splith",'; $r = $r . '"marks": ["H' . ++$layout_counts{H} . '"],'; } elsif ($char eq 'V') { $r = $r . '{"layout": "splitv",'; $r = $r . '"marks": ["V' . ++$layout_counts{V} . '"],'; } elsif ($char eq 'S') { $r = $r . '{"layout": "stacked",'; $r = $r . '"marks": ["S' . ++$layout_counts{S} . '"],'; } elsif ($char eq 'T') { $r = $r . '{"layout": "tabbed",'; $r = $r . '"marks": ["T' . ++$layout_counts{T} . '"],'; } elsif ($char eq '[') { $depth++; $r = $r . '"nodes": ['; } elsif ($char eq ']') { # End of nodes array: delete trailing comma. chop $r; # When we are at depth 0 we need to split using newlines, making # multiple "JSON texts". $depth--; $r = $r . ']}' . ($depth == 0 ? "\n" : ','); } elsif ($char eq ' ') { } elsif ($char eq '*') { $focus = $windows[$#windows]; } elsif ($char =~ /[[:alnum:]]/) { push @windows, $char; $r = $r . '{"swallows": [{'; $r = $r . '"class": "^' . "$char" . '$"'; $r = $r . '}]},'; } else { die "Could not understand $char"; } } die "Invalid layout, depth is $depth > 0" unless $depth == 0; Test::More::diag($r); my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile("layout-XXXXXX", UNLINK => 1); print $fh "$r\n"; close($fh); my $return = cmd "append_layout $tmpfile"; die 'Could not parse layout json file' unless $return->[0]->{success}; my @result_windows; push @result_windows, open_window(wm_class => "$_", name => "$_") foreach @windows; cmd '[class=' . $focus . '] focus' if $focus; return @result_windows; } sub verify_layout { my ($layout, $ws) = @_; my $nodes = get_ws_content($ws); my %counters; my $depth = 0; my $node; foreach my $char (split('', $layout)) { my $node_name; my $node_layout; if ($char eq 'H') { $node_layout = 'splith'; } elsif ($char eq 'V') { $node_layout = 'splitv'; } elsif ($char eq 'S') { $node_layout = 'stacked'; } elsif ($char eq 'T') { $node_layout = 'tabbed'; } elsif ($char eq '[') { $depth++; delete $counters{$depth}; } elsif ($char eq ']') { $depth--; } elsif ($char eq ' ') { } elsif ($char eq '*') { $tester->is_eq($node->{focused}, 1, 'Correct node focused'); } elsif ($char =~ /[[:alnum:]]/) { $node_name = $char; } else { die "Could not understand $char"; } if ($node_layout || $node_name) { if (exists($counters{$depth})) { $counters{$depth} = $counters{$depth} + 1; } else { $counters{$depth} = 0; } $node = $nodes->[$counters{0}]; for my $i (1 .. $depth) { $node = $node->{nodes}->[$counters{$i}]; } if ($node_layout) { $tester->is_eq($node->{layout}, $node_layout, "Layouts match in depth $depth, node number " . $counters{$depth}); } else { $tester->is_eq($node->{name}, $node_name, "Names match in depth $depth, node number " . $counters{$depth}); } } } } =head1 AUTHOR Michael Stapelberg =cut package i3test::X11; use parent 'X11::XCB::Connection'; sub input_focus { my $self = shift; i3test::sync_with_i3(); return $self->SUPER::input_focus(@_); } 1