#! /bin/sh # $OpenLDAP$ ## This work is part of OpenLDAP Software . ## ## Copyright 1998-2006 The OpenLDAP Foundation. ## All rights reserved. ## ## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP ## Public License. ## ## A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the ## top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at ## . echo "running defines.sh" . $SRCDIR/scripts/defines.sh if test $BACKLDAP = "ldapno" ; then echo "LDAP backend not available, test skipped" exit 0 fi rm -rf $TESTDIR mkdir -p $TESTDIR $DBDIR1 $DBDIR2 echo "Running slapadd to build slapd database..." . $CONFFILTER $BACKEND $MONITORDB < $CHAINCONF1 > $ADDCONF . $CONFFILTER < $LDIFCHAIN1 > $SEARCHOUT $SLAPADD -f $ADDCONF -l $SEARCHOUT RC=$? if test $RC != 0 ; then echo "slapadd 1 failed ($RC)!" exit $RC fi . $CONFFILTER $BACKEND $MONITORDB < $CHAINCONF2 > $ADDCONF . $CONFFILTER < $LDIFCHAIN2 > $SEARCHOUT $SLAPADD -f $ADDCONF -l $SEARCHOUT RC=$? if test $RC != 0 ; then echo "slapadd 2 failed ($RC)!" exit $RC fi echo "Starting first slapd on TCP/IP port $PORT1..." . $CONFFILTER $BACKEND $MONITORDB < $CHAINCONF1 > $CONF1 $SLAPD -f $CONF1 -h $URI1 -d $LVL $TIMING > $LOG1 2>&1 & PID1=$! if test $WAIT != 0 ; then echo PID $PID1 read foo fi KILLPIDS="$PID1" echo "Starting second slapd on TCP/IP port $PORT2..." . $CONFFILTER $BACKEND $MONITORDB < $CHAINCONF2 > $CONF2 $SLAPD -f $CONF2 -h $URI2 -d $LVL $TIMING > $LOG2 2>&1 & PID2=$! if test $WAIT != 0 ; then echo PID $PID2 read foo fi KILLPIDS="$KILLPIDS $PID2" sleep 1 echo "Using ldapsearch to check that first slapd is running..." for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do $LDAPSEARCH -s base -b "$MONITOR" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 \ 'objectclass=*' > /dev/null 2>&1 RC=$? if test $RC = 0 ; then break fi echo "Waiting 5 seconds for slapd to start..." sleep 5 done if test $RC != 0 ; then echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!" test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS exit $RC fi echo "Using ldapsearch to check that second slapd is running..." for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do $LDAPSEARCH -s base -b "$MONITOR" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT2 \ 'objectclass=*' > /dev/null 2>&1 RC=$? if test $RC = 0 ; then break fi echo "Waiting 5 seconds for slapd to start..." sleep 5 done if test $RC != 0 ; then echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!" test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS exit $RC fi for P in $PORT1 $PORT2 ; do echo "Testing ldapsearch as anonymous for \"$BASEDN\" on port $P..." $LDAPSEARCH -h $LOCALHOST -p $P -b "$BASEDN" -S "" \ > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1 RC=$? if test $RC != 0 ; then echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!" test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS exit $RC fi echo "Filtering ldapsearch results..." . $LDIFFILTER < $SEARCHOUT > $SEARCHFLT echo "Filtering original ldif used to create database..." . $LDIFFILTER < $CHAINOUT > $LDIFFLT echo "Comparing filter output..." $CMP $SEARCHFLT $LDIFFLT > $CMPOUT if test $? != 0 ; then echo "comparison failed - chained search didn't succeed" test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS exit 1 fi echo "Reading the referral entry "ou=Other,$BASEDN" as anonymous on port $P..." $LDAPSEARCH -h $LOCALHOST -p $P -b "ou=Other,$BASEDN" -S "" \ > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1 RC=$? if test $RC != 0 ; then echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!" test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS exit $RC fi echo "Filtering ldapsearch results..." . $LDIFFILTER < $SEARCHOUT > $SEARCHFLT echo "Filtering original ldif used to create database..." . $LDIFFILTER < $CHAINREFOUT > $LDIFFLT echo "Comparing filter output..." $CMP $SEARCHFLT $LDIFFLT > $CMPOUT if test $? != 0 ; then echo "comparison failed - chained search didn't succeed" test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS exit 1 fi DN="cn=Mark Elliot,ou=Alumni Association,ou=People,$BASEDN" echo "Comparing \"$DN\" on port $P..." $LDAPCOMPARE -h $LOCALHOST -p $P "$DN" "cn:Mark Elliot" \ > $TESTOUT 2>&1 RC=$? if test $RC != 6 ; then echo "ldapcompare failed ($RC)!" test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS exit $RC fi DN="ou=Other,$BASEDN" echo "Comparing \"$DN\" on port $P with manageDSAit control..." $LDAPCOMPARE -h $LOCALHOST -p $P -M "$DN" "ou:Other" \ > $TESTOUT 2>&1 RC=$? if test $RC != 6 ; then echo "ldapcompare failed ($RC)!" test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS exit $RC fi done # # Testing writes to first server # echo "Writing to first server with scope on second server..." $LDAPMODIFY -v -D "$MANAGERDN" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 -w $PASSWD > \ $TESTOUT 2>&1 << EOMODS dn: cn=New Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com changetype: add objectClass: groupOfNames cn: New Group member: dn: cn=New Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com changetype: modify add: description description: testing chain overlay writes... - replace: member member: cn=New Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com member: cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com - add: owner owner: cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com - dn: cn=New Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com changetype: modrdn newrdn: cn=Renamed Group deleteoldrdn: 1 dn: cn=All Staff,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com changetype: delete EOMODS RC=$? if test $RC != 0 ; then echo "ldapmodify failed ($RC)!" test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS exit $RC fi # # Testing writes to second server # echo "Writing to second server with scope on first server..." $LDAPMODIFY -v -D "$MANAGERDN" -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT2 -w $PASSWD > \ $TESTOUT 2>&1 << EOMODS dn: cn=New User,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com changetype: add objectClass: person cn: New User sn: User seeAlso: cn=New Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com dn: cn=New User,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com changetype: modify add: description description: testing chain overlay writes... - replace: seeAlso seeAlso: cn=Renamed Group,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com - dn: cn=New User,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com changetype: modrdn newrdn: cn=Renamed User deleteoldrdn: 1 dn: cn=Ursula Hampster,ou=Alumni Association,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com changetype: delete EOMODS RC=$? if test $RC != 0 ; then echo "ldapmodify failed ($RC)!" test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS exit $RC fi for P in $PORT1 $PORT2 ; do echo "Testing ldapsearch as anonymous for \"$BASEDN\" on port $P..." $LDAPSEARCH -h $LOCALHOST -p $P -b "$BASEDN" -S "" \ > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1 RC=$? if test $RC != 0 ; then echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!" test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS exit $RC fi echo "Filtering ldapsearch results..." . $LDIFFILTER < $SEARCHOUT > $SEARCHFLT echo "Filtering original ldif used to create database..." . $LDIFFILTER < $CHAINMODOUT > $LDIFFLT echo "Comparing filter output..." $CMP $SEARCHFLT $LDIFFLT > $CMPOUT if test $? != 0 ; then echo "comparison failed - chained search didn't succeed" test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS exit 1 fi done NEWPW=newsecret echo "Using ldappasswd on second server with scope on first server..." $LDAPPASSWD -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT2 \ -w secret -s $NEWPW \ -D "$MANAGERDN" "$BJORNSDN" >> $TESTOUT 2>&1 RC=$? if test $RC != 0 ; then echo "ldappasswd failed ($RC)!" test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS exit $RC fi echo "Binding with newly changed password on first server..." $LDAPWHOAMI -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 \ -D "$BJORNSDN" -w $NEWPW RC=$? if test $RC != 0 ; then echo "ldapwhoami failed ($RC)!" test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS exit $RC fi test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS echo ">>>>> Test succeeded" exit 0