Howto build i3 on Ubuntu 9.04 for the amd64 architecture

Due to Ubuntu 9.04’s lack of recent libxcb* packages, we cannot simply provide a debian package. The following howto will explain how to build one for yourself after downloading the necessary libxcb* packages from Debian.

Clone the i3 repository

$ git clone

The Ubuntu repositories do not contain the required versions of several packages. Hence we need to get them from Debian. Create a new directory for the .debs

$ mkdir deb && cd deb

…and download the files

$ wget ""
$ wget ""
$ wget ""
$ wget ""
$ wget ""
$ wget ""
$ wget ""
$ wget ""
$ wget ""
$ wget ""
$ wget ""
$ wget ""
$ wget ""

We install these:

$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

then change into the i3 directory and build the package:

$ cd ../i3
$ dpkg-buildpackage

and install it

$ sudo dpkg -i ../i3_1.0-1_amd64.deb

What remains is to configure i3. Create the default directory for i3’s config and copy the default config to it

$ mkdir ~/.i3
$ cp /etc/i3/config ~/.i3/config

Lastly, we need to set up i3 as default window manager. Create a new file ~/.xinitrc

$ vim ~/.xinitrc

and enter the following lines:

xsetroot -solid black 
exec /usr/bin/i3

Close vim and create a link to ~/.xinitrc and link it to ~/.Xsession:

$ ln -s ~/.xinitrc ~/.Xsession

You are done. When you are in the login screen, select "Sessions", and switch to "Default" or "Xsession" to start i3.