p_nsdp = Proto("nsdp", "Netgear Switch Description Protocol") local f_version = ProtoField.uint8("nsdp.version", "Version", base.DEC) local f_code = ProtoField.uint8("nsdp.code", "Operation Code", base.DEC) local f_error = ProtoField.uint8("nsdp.error", "Error Code", base.DEC) local f_errattr = ProtoField.uint16("nsdp.errattr", "Erroneous Attribute", base.HEX) local f_clientmac = ProtoField.ether("nsdp.clientmac", "Client MAC") local f_switchmac = ProtoField.ether("nsdp.switchmac", "Switch MAC") local f_seqnum = ProtoField.uint32("nsdp.seqnum", "Sequence Number", base.DEC) p_nsdp.fields = { f_version, f_code, f_error, f_errattr, f_clientmac, f_switchmac, f_seqnum } local op_codes = { [1] = "Read Request", [2] = "Read Reply", [3] = "Write Request", [4] = "Write Reply" } local error_codes = { [0] = "OK", [5] = "Invalid Value", [7] = "Access Denied" } local status_codes = { [0] = "down", [1] = "10M", [4] = "100M", [5] = "1000M" } local bitrates_codes = { [0] = "unlimited", [1] = "512K", [2] = "1M", [3] = "2M", [4] = "4M", [5] = "8M", [6] = "16M", [7] = "32M", [8] = "64M", [9] = "128M", [10] = "256M", [11] = "512M" } local vlan_type_codes = { [1] = "port basic", [2] = "port advanced", [3] = "802.1Q basic", [4] = "802.1Q advanced" } local qos_type_codes = { [1] = "port based", [2] = "802.1p" } local prio_codes = { [1] = "high", [2] = "medium", [3] = "normal", [4] = "low" } local function dissect_port_statistics(buffer, offset, subtree) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4, 1), string.format("Port: %i", buffer(offset + 4, 1):uint())) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4 + 1 + 8 * 0, 8), "Received:", tostring(buffer(offset + 4 + 1 + 8 * 0, 8):uint64())) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4 + 1 + 8 * 1, 8), "Sent: ", tostring(buffer(offset + 4 + 1 + 8 * 1, 8):uint64())) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4 + 1 + 8 * 5, 8), "CRC Errors:", tostring(buffer(offset + 4 + 1 + 8 * 5, 8):uint64())) end local function dissect_port_status(buffer, offset, subtree) local st = buffer(offset + 5, 1):uint() subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4, 1), string.format("Port: %i", buffer(offset + 4, 1):uint())) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 5, 1), string.format("Status: %i (%s)", st, status_codes[st] or "unk")) end local function dissect_qos_type(buffer, offset, subtree) local t = buffer(offset + 4, 1):uint() subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4, 1), string.format("QoS Type: %i (%s)", t, qos_type_codes[t] or "unk")) end local function dissect_qos_config(buffer, offset, subtree) local p = buffer(offset + 5, 1):uint() subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4, 1), string.format("Port: %i", buffer(offset + 4, 1):uint())) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 5, 1), string.format("Priority: %i (%s)", p, prio_codes[p] or "unk")) end local function dissect_bitrate(buffer, offset, subtree) local sp = buffer(offset + 5, 4):uint() subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4, 1), string.format("Port: %i", buffer(offset + 4, 1):uint())) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 5, 4), string.format("Speed: %i (%s)", sp, bitrates_codes[sp] or "unk")) end local function dissect_vlan_type(buffer, offset, subtree) local vt = buffer(offset + 4, 1):uint() subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4, 1), string.format("VLAN Type: %i (%s)", vt, vlan_type_codes[vt] or "unk")) end local function parse_ports(val) local ports = "" for i = 8, 1, -1 do if (val % 2 == 1) then ports = ports..i.." " end val = math.floor(val / 2) end return ports end local function dissect_vlan_port_conf(buffer, offset, subtree) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4, 2), string.format("VLAN: %u", buffer(offset + 4, 2):uint())) if (buffer(offset + 2, 2):uint() >= 3) then subtree:add(buffer(offset + 6, 1), "Ports:", parse_ports(buffer(offset + 6, 1):uint())) end end local function dissect_vlan_8021q_conf(buffer, offset, subtree) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4, 2), string.format("VLAN: %u", buffer(offset + 4, 2):uint())) if (buffer(offset + 2, 2):uint() >= 4) then subtree:add(buffer(offset + 6, 1), "Ports:", parse_ports(buffer(offset + 6, 1):uint())) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 7, 1), "Tagged Ports:", parse_ports(buffer(offset + 7, 1):uint())) end end local function dissect_vlan_pvid(buffer, offset, subtree) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4, 1), string.format("Port: %i", buffer(offset + 4, 1):uint())) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 5, 2), string.format("VLAN: %u", buffer(offset + 5, 2):uint())) end local function dissect_mirror(buffer, offset, subtree) local op = buffer(offset + 4, 1):uint() if (op == 0) then subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4, 1), "Disabled") else subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4, 1), "Output Port:", op) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 6, 1), "Ports:", parse_ports(buffer(offset + 6, 1):uint())) end end local function dissect_igmp_enablevlan(buffer, offset, subtree) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 4, 2), string.format("Enable: %u", buffer(offset + 4, 2):uint())) subtree:add(buffer(offset + 6, 2), string.format("VLAN: %u", buffer(offset + 6, 2):uint())) end local attributes = { [0x0001] = {name = "Product", dissect = "string"}, [0x0003] = {name = "Name", dissect = "string"}, [0x0004] = {name = "MAC", dissect = "ether"}, [0x0006] = {name = "IP", dissect = "ipv4"}, [0x0007] = {name = "Mask", dissect = "ipv4"}, [0x0008] = {name = "Gateway", dissect = "ipv4"}, [0x0009] = {name = "New Password", dissect = "string"}, [0x000A] = {name = "Password", dissect = "string"}, [0x000B] = {name = "DHCP", dissect = "uint"}, [0x000D] = {name = "Firmware Version", dissect = "string"}, [0x0010] = {name = "Firmware Upgrade", dissect = "uint"}, [0x0013] = {name = "Restart", dissect = "uint"}, [0x0400] = {name = "Defaults", dissect = "uint"}, [0x0C00] = {name = "Port Status", dissect = dissect_port_status}, [0x1000] = {name = "Port Statistics", dissect = dissect_port_statistics}, [0x1400] = {name = "Reset Ports Statistics", dissect = "uint"}, [0x1800] = {name = "Cabletest Do", dissect = nill}, [0x1C00] = {name = "Cabletest Result", dissect = nill}, [0x2000] = {name = "VLAN Type", dissect=dissect_vlan_type}, [0x2400] = {name = "VLAN Port Conf", dissect=dissect_vlan_port_conf}, [0x2800] = {name = "VLAN 802.1Q Conf", dissect=dissect_vlan_8021q_conf}, [0x2C00] = {name = "Destroy VLAN", dissect = "uint"}, [0x3000] = {name = "VLAN PVID", dissect = dissect_vlan_pvid}, [0x3400] = {name = "QoS Type", dissect = dissect_qos_type}, [0x3800] = {name = "QoS Config", dissect = dissect_qos_config}, [0x4C00] = {name = "Input Bitrate", dissect = dissect_bitrate}, [0x5000] = {name = "Output Bitrate", dissect = dissect_bitrate}, [0x5400] = {name = "Broadcast Filtering State", dissect = "uint"}, [0x5800] = {name = "Broadcast Filtering Bitrate", dissect = dissect_bitrate}, [0x5C00] = {name = "Mirror", dissect = dissect_mirror}, [0x6000] = {name = "Ports Count", dissect = "uint"}, [0x6400] = {name = "Max 802.1Q VLAN Group", dissect = nill}, [0x6800] = {name = "IGMP Enable & VLAN", dissect = dissect_igmp_enablevlan}, [0x6C00] = {name = "Block Unknown IGMP Addresses", dissect = "uint"}, [0x7000] = {name = "Validate IGMPv3 Headers", dissect = "uint"}, [0x7400] = {name = "TLV Bitmap", dissect = nill}, [0xFFFF] = {name = "End", dissect = nill} } local function dissect_header(buffer, subtree) subtree:add(f_version, buffer(0, 1)) subtree:add(f_code, buffer(1, 1)):append_text(" ("..(op_codes[buffer(1, 1):uint()] or "unknown")..")") local errcode = buffer(2, 1):uint() local errattr = buffer(4, 2):uint() subtree:add(f_error, buffer(2, 1)):append_text(" ("..(error_codes[errcode] or "unknown")..")") -- add the erroneous attribute only if an error occurred if (errattr ~= 0) then local atf = attributes[errattr] subtree:add(f_errattr, buffer(4, 2)):append_text(" ("..(atf and atf.name or "unk")..")") end subtree:add(f_clientmac, buffer(8, 6)) subtree:add(f_switchmac, buffer(14, 6)) subtree:add(f_seqnum, buffer(20, 4)) end local function dissect_attributes(buffer, subtree) local offset = 32 while (offset < buffer:len()) do if (offset + 4 > buffer:len()) then -- no room for an attribute header, it is an error subtree:add(buffer(offset), "Junk"):set_expert_flags(PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR) break end local code = buffer(offset, 2):uint() local len = buffer(offset + 2, 2):uint() local atf = attributes[code] local attr = subtree:add(buffer(offset, math.min(4 + len, buffer:len() - offset)), string.format("Attribute: 0x%04X (%s)", code, atf and atf.name or "unk")) attr:add(buffer(offset, 2), string.format("Code: 0x%04X", code)) attr:add(buffer(offset + 2, 2), string.format("Length: %u", len)) if (offset + 4 + len > buffer:len()) then -- attribute length is bigger than remaining packet size, it is an error attr:append_text(" [malformed]") attr:set_expert_flags(PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR) break end if (len <= 0) then -- no data, display nothing elseif (atf == nil or atf.dissect == nil) then -- unknown attribute, display raw bytes attr:add(buffer(offset + 4, len), "Data:", tostring(buffer(offset + 4, len):bytes())) elseif (type(atf.dissect) == "function" ) then -- custom sub-dissector for complex type atf.dissect(buffer, offset, attr) else -- simple type, directly show it local func = assert(loadstring("return function(buffer, offset, len) return tostring(buffer(offset + 4, len):"..atf.dissect.."()) end"))() -- ugly, isn't it ? attr:add(buffer(offset + 4, len), atf.name..":", func(buffer, offset, len)) end offset = offset + 4 + len end end function p_nsdp.dissector(buffer, pinfo, tree) pinfo.cols.protocol = p_nsdp.name local subtree = tree:add(p_nsdp, buffer()) -- stop if the packet is too small to be valid if (buffer:len() < 32) then return end dissect_header(buffer, subtree) -- stop if it is just a header if (buffer:len() == 32) then return end local attr_list = subtree:add(buffer(32), "Attributes list") dissect_attributes(buffer, attr_list) end function p_nsdp.init () end local udp_dissector_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port") udp_dissector_table:add(63322, p_nsdp) udp_dissector_table:add(63321, p_nsdp)