I added the remaining devices and device IDs to stellaris.c, and
removed several devices that don't exist on the Stellaris web page.
Additionally, I found a few devices with duplicate IDs ... the DID1
Version Number for LM3Sxxx parts have DID1 Version = 0x0, and for
LM3Sxxxx have DID1 Version = 0x1. So I extended the comparison to
use the VER and FAM fields from DID1 also.
ID=0x33: LM3S812 (DID1v0) and LM3S2616 (DID1v1)
ID=0x39: LM3S808 (DID1v0) and LM3S2276 (DID1v1)
These are the parts I removed from the file for lack of documentation
(no data sheet to confirm part ID):