dn_validate/dn_normalize has been rewritten by
David A. Cooper <david.cooper@nist.gov> (ITS#1232)
according to draft-ietf-ldapbis-dn-05.txt
A copyright statement follows:
The functions normalize_unicode(), get_hexpair(), write_hex_pair(),
get_next_byte(), get_next_char(), get_ber_length(),
ber_parse_primitive_string(), ber_parse_string(), String_normalize(),
DirectoryString_normalize(), PrintableString_normalize(),
IA5String_normalize(), ber_parse_primitive_bitstring(),
ber_parse_bitstring(), getNext8bits(), bitString_normalize(), match_oid(),
match_key(), get_validated_av_in_dn(), get_validated_rdn_in_dn(),
and get_validated_dn() in this file were developed at the National Institute
of Standards and Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the
course of their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the
United States Code the code in these functions is not subject to copyright
protection and is in the public domain. The copyright for all other code in
this file is as specified below.