slaptools update : replica promotion / demotion
new slapadd options
-p : promote : If the ldif file contains syncConsumerSubentries, convert
them to a single syncProviderSubentry. Its contextCSN
attribute has the largest value of the syncreplCookie
attributes of the syncConsumerSubentries.
syncProviderSubentry in the ldif file is retained.
-p -w : promote : Recalculate contextCSN based on entryCSN of each entry.
create Existing syncConsumerSubentries and syncProviderSubentry
are ignored and not added to the directory.
-r : demote : If the ldif file contains syncProviderSubentry, convert it
to a syncConsumerSubentry having the default syncrepl id
of 0. syncConsumerSubentries in the ldif file are retained.
-r -w : demote : Recalculate syncreplCookie based on entryCSN of each entry.
create Existing syncConsumerSubentries and syncProviderSubentry
are ignored and not added to the directory. The default
syncrepl id of 0 will be used for the new
-r -w -i %d[,%d]* : Using the comma separated list followed by the -i option,
it is possible to create multiple syncConsumerSubentries
having the syncrepl ids specified in the list.
syncreplCookie values of these sycnConsumerSubentries
will have the same value, either from the maximum
entryCSN value or from the contextCSN value of the