The SAM4S processors still suffer from the "6 waitstates needed
to program device" errata.
Other relevant changes are:
1. Address of flash memory starts at 0x400000.
2. EWP (Erase page and write page) only works for the first two 8KB "sectors"
3. Because of the EWP not working for all the sectors, normal page writes have
to be used. The default_flash_blank_check is used to check if lockregions
should be erased.
4. The EA (Erase All) command takes 7.3s to complete. (Previous timeout was
500 ms)
5. There are 128 lockable regions of 8KB each.
Implemented default blank checking, and page erase for load_image scenarios.
This is to compensate for the EWP flash commands only working on the
first 2 8KB sectors.