you edit, doing a "make" will automatically call qmake to
rebuild the Makefile.
-Development status as of 27 Feb 07.
+From the base bacula directory, make Makefiles will generate from, so only edit It will also overwrite the qt-consoles
+bat.conf file. "make install" will write /etc/bacula/bat.conf. bat.conf can
+include as many director stanza's as you would like in bat.conf. You may use
+this directories bat.conf.example as a template for director stanza's.
-Items implemented:
-- Reads a basic bat.conf (same as documented for the gnome-console
- except that the Font part is unimplemented).
-- Basic main window structure
-- About dialog
-- Quit menu item
-- Will automatically connnect to the first Director in the
- conf file. Doesn't know about multiple Directors.
-- The Director name will appear in the Selection tree followed
- by Console and Restore.
-- Clicking on Console brings forward the console display screen
- (default at startup).
-- Clicking on
-- Clicking on bRestore brings up a brestore page that is not active.
-- The command line is implemented.
-- The status line (below the command line) is implemented.
-- Selection of Font is implemented.
-- The Font and the window size are saved on exit and restored on
- execution of bat.
-- The Status menu bar icon is implemented.
+Development status as of 05/06/07
Items not implemented:
-- None of the menu items except About, Select Font, and Quit.
- Nothing on the brestore page
-- The Label menu bar item, prints on the shell window what you entered.
-- The Run menu bar item, prints on the console window what you entered.
-- The Restore menu bar item, brings up dialog, then when OK is
- clicked, it goes on to the next dialog, which is meant to be
- a tree view, but for the moment does nothing ... It is a bit
- ugly. Cancelling it should get you back to the normal command prompt.
-Not working:
-- The left selection window and the right window (where the console
- is) are dockable windows so should be movable once they are properly
- clicked. Well, they sort of move, but then get stuck. I haven't figured
- out what is going on, so for the current time, I am implemeting most
- stuff through dialogs.
-Design/implementation considerations:
-- We need to have multiple Directors
-- Each Director should have its own console
-- The Console class needs to be a list or be attached to the
- currently active Director.
-- Need icons in front of the Director.
-- The console page should be in a DockWidget so it can be removed
- from the main window. It is currently in a dock window, but it
- does not remove properly -- more research needed.
-- Need to figure out a good implementation of adding pages and even
- having plugins that load as pages. Currently the page mechanism
- is a bit kludged.
Design decisions:
- If possible all code for a particular component will be kept in
and appropriate subdirectory.
in main.ui.
Major projects:
-- Implement a restore page that does a directory tree restore selection
- much like wx-console does.
- Implement other restore interfaces such as brestore ...
- Implement a database browser
-- Implement graphical commands that allow updating most aspects of
- the database (i.e. commands for label, update Volume, ...)
- Implement a resource (conf file) browser
- Implement a reports page -- e.g. something similar to bweb
- Implement Qt plugins to add new functionality to bat
- Implement a GUI configuration file editor (something like JBacula).
+Partially Done:
+- Implement graphical commands that allow updating most aspects of
+ the database (i.e. commands for label, update Volume, ...)
+ still need to be able to edit a pool object
+- None of the menu items except About, Select Font, and Quit.
+ Print and save don't do anything, does save need to??
+Design/implementation considerations:
+- Need icons in front of the Director.
+- The console page should be in a DockWidget so it can be removed
+ from the main window. It is currently in a dock window, but it
+ does not remove properly -- more research needed.
+- Need to figure out a good implementation of adding pages and even
+ having plugins that load as pages. Currently the page mechanism
+ is a bit kludged.
+- We need to have multiple Directors
+- Each Director should have its own console
+- The Console class needs to be a list or be attached to the
+ currently active Director.
+- Will automatically connnect to the first Director in the
+ conf file. Doesn't know about multiple Directors.
+- The Label menu bar item, prints on the shell window what you entered.
+- The Run menu bar item, prints on the console window what you entered.
+- The Restore menu bar item, brings up dialog, then when OK is
+ clicked, it goes on to the next dialog, which is meant to be
+ a tree view, but for the moment does nothing ... It is a bit
+ ugly. Cancelling it should get you back to the normal command prompt.
+- Implement a restore page that does a directory tree restore selection
+ much like wx-console does.
+Not working:
+- The left selection window and the right window (where the console
+ is) are dockable windows so should be movable once they are properly
+ clicked. Well, they sort of move, but then get stuck. I haven't figured
+ out what is going on, so for the current time, I am implemeting most
+ stuff through dialogs.
+Items implemented:
+- Reads a basic bat.conf (same as documented for the gnome-console
+ except that the Font part is unimplemented).
+- Basic main window structure
+- About dialog
+- Quit menu item
+- The Director name will appear in the Selection tree followed
+ by Console and Restore.
+- Clicking on Console brings forward the console display screen
+ (default at startup).
+- The command line is implemented.
+- The status line (below the command line) is implemented.
+- Selection of Font is implemented.
+- The Font and the window size are saved on exit and restored on
+ execution of bat.
+- The Status menu bar icon is implemented.
Test left pane of restore with 2 windows drives in one backup job.
-Color code Media Red->Error Append->green Full/Used->Yellow
Resolve issue of connection during restore selection. Could go with preempt of
User preferences. With log to stdout options.
Have settings for defaults of limits on joblist
-Test restore and get anything not working, working.
-Add inteligence to prerestore.
- partially done.
-Update README describe bat.conf.example to bat.conf
+Create the ability to start a restore from joblist. Right click, select
+"restore from Jobid=xx" create an instance of restore defaulting in the jobid
+or a list of selected jobs.
Add numerous are you sure dialog boxes. Like are you sure you want to
delete/purge that volume. Show a little of the documentation about what
director/console to use. Currently they always use the single
global one defined in the mainWin class (if I remember right).
+Update README describe bat.conf.example to bat.conf
+Test restore and get anything not working, working.
+Add inteligence to prerestore.
+Color code Media Red->Error Append->green Full/Used->Yellow
Get restore into stack.
Should the jobs dialog be turned into a page as well??
Possilbe: Turn run and label into docked pages. (remove button bar buttons??)