-/* Color Defines */
-#define COLOR_BLACK 0x00
-#define COLOR_GREEN 0x01
-#define COLOR_VIOLET 0x02
-#define COLOR_WHITE 0x03
-#define COLOR_BLACK2 0x04
-#define COLOR_ORANGE 0x05
-#define COLOR_BLUE 0x06
-#define COLOR_WHITE2 0x07
-#define LORES_BLACK 0x00
-#define LORES_MAGENTA 0x01
-#define LORES_DARKBLUE 0x02
-#define LORES_VIOLET 0x03
-#define LORES_DARKGREEN 0x04
-#define LORES_GRAY 0x05
-#define LORES_BLUE 0x06
-#define LORES_CYAN 0x07
-#define LORES_BROWN 0x08
-#define LORES_ORANGE 0x09
-#define LORES_GRAY2 0x0A
-#define LORES_PINK 0x0B
-#define LORES_GREEN 0x0C
-#define LORES_YELLOW 0x0D
-#define LORES_AQUA 0x0E
-#define LORES_WHITE 0x0F
+/* Color defines */
+#define COLOR_BLACK 0x00
+#define COLOR_WHITE 0x01
+/* TGI color defines */
+#define TGI_COLOR_BLACK 0x00
+#define TGI_COLOR_GREEN 0x01
+#define TGI_COLOR_VIOLET 0x02
+#define TGI_COLOR_WHITE 0x03
+#define TGI_COLOR_BLACK2 0x04
+#define TGI_COLOR_ORANGE 0x05
+#define TGI_COLOR_BLUE 0x06
+#define TGI_COLOR_WHITE2 0x07
+#define TGI_COLOR_GRAY 0x09
+#define TGI_COLOR_CYAN 0x0A
+#define TGI_COLOR_BROWN 0x0B
+#define TGI_COLOR_GRAY2 0x0C
+#define TGI_COLOR_PINK 0x0D
+#define TGI_COLOR_YELLOW 0x0E
+#define TGI_COLOR_AQUA 0x0F
/* Characters codes */
-#define CH_ENTER 0x0D
-#define CH_ESC 0x1B
-#define CH_CURS_LEFT 0x08
-#define CH_CURS_RIGHT 0x15
-#define CH_ULCORNER '+'
-#define CH_URCORNER '+'
-#define CH_LLCORNER '+'
-#define CH_LRCORNER '+'
-#define CH_TTEE '+'
-#define CH_BTEE '+'
-#define CH_LTEE '+'
-#define CH_RTEE '+'
-#define CH_CROSS '+'
+#define CH_ENTER 0x0D
+#define CH_ESC 0x1B
+#define CH_CURS_LEFT 0x08
+#define CH_CURS_RIGHT 0x15
+#define CH_ULCORNER '+'
+#define CH_URCORNER '+'
+#define CH_LLCORNER '+'
+#define CH_LRCORNER '+'
+#define CH_TTEE '+'
+#define CH_BTEE '+'
+#define CH_LTEE '+'
+#define CH_RTEE '+'
+#define CH_CROSS '+'
/* Return codes for get_ostype */
-#define APPLE_UNKNOWN 0x00
-#define APPLE_II 0x10 /* Apple ][ */
-#define APPLE_IIPLUS 0x11 /* Apple ][+ */
-#define APPLE_IIIEM 0x20 /* Apple /// (emulation) */
-#define APPLE_IIE 0x30 /* Apple //e */
-#define APPLE_IIEENH 0x31 /* Apple //e (enhanced) */
-#define APPLE_IIECARD 0x40 /* Apple //e Option Card */
-#define APPLE_IIC 0x50 /* Apple //c */
-#define APPLE_IIC35 0x51 /* Apple //c (3.5 ROM) */
-#define APPLE_IICEXP 0x53 /* Apple //c (Mem. Exp.) */
-#define APPLE_IICREV 0x54 /* Apple //c (Rev. Mem. Exp.) */
-#define APPLE_IICPLUS 0x55 /* Apple //c Plus */
-#define APPLE_IIGS 0x80 /* Apple IIgs */
-#define APPLE_IIGS1 0x81 /* Apple IIgs (ROM 1) */
-#define APPLE_IIGS3 0x83 /* Apple IIgs (ROM 3) */
+#define APPLE_UNKNOWN 0x00
+#define APPLE_II 0x10 /* Apple ][ */
+#define APPLE_IIPLUS 0x11 /* Apple ][+ */
+#define APPLE_IIIEM 0x20 /* Apple /// (emulation) */
+#define APPLE_IIE 0x30 /* Apple //e */
+#define APPLE_IIEENH 0x31 /* Apple //e (enhanced) */
+#define APPLE_IIECARD 0x40 /* Apple //e Option Card */
+#define APPLE_IIC 0x50 /* Apple //c */
+#define APPLE_IIC35 0x51 /* Apple //c (3.5 ROM) */
+#define APPLE_IICEXP 0x53 /* Apple //c (Mem. Exp.) */
+#define APPLE_IICREV 0x54 /* Apple //c (Rev. Mem. Exp.) */
+#define APPLE_IICPLUS 0x55 /* Apple //c Plus */
+#define APPLE_IIGS 0x80 /* Apple IIgs */
+#define APPLE_IIGS1 0x81 /* Apple IIgs (ROM 1) */
+#define APPLE_IIGS3 0x83 /* Apple IIgs (ROM 3) */
extern unsigned char _dos_type;
/* Valid _dos_type values:
/* The file stream implementation and the POSIX I/O functions will use the
* following variables to determine the file type and the aux type to use.
-extern unsigned char _filetype; /* Default 6 */
-extern unsigned int _auxtype; /* Default 0 */
+extern unsigned char _filetype; /* Default 6 */
+extern unsigned int _auxtype; /* Default 0 */
* ProDOS 8 drive. Returns 0 on success and -1 on error.
-#define ser_apple2_slot(num) ser_ioctl (0, (void*) (num))
+#define ser_apple2_slot(num) ser_ioctl (0, (void*) (num))
/* Select a slot number from 1 to 7 prior to ser_open.
* The default slot number is 2.
-#define tgi_apple2_mix(onoff) tgi_ioctl (0, (void*) (onoff))
+#define tgi_apple2_mix(onoff) tgi_ioctl (0, (void*) (onoff))
/* If onoff is 1, graphics/text mixed mode is enabled.
* If onoff is 0, graphics/text mixed mode is disabled.
* to be overlaid by macros with the same names, saving the function call
* overhead.
-#define _textcolor(color) COLOR_WHITE
-#define _bgcolor(color) COLOR_BLACK
-#define _bordercolor(color) COLOR_BLACK
+#define _textcolor(color) COLOR_WHITE
+#define _bgcolor(color) COLOR_BLACK
+#define _bordercolor(color) COLOR_BLACK
DEFPALETTE: .byte $00, $01, $02, $03, $04, $05, $06, $07
.byte $08, $09, $0A, $0B, $0C, $0D, $0E, $0F
+TGI2COL: .byte $00, $0C, $03, $0F, $01, $09, $06, $02
+ .byte $04, $05, $07, $08, $0A, $0B, $0D, $0E
+COL2TGI: .byte $00, $04, $07, $02, $08, $09, $06, $0A
+ .byte $0B, $05, $0C, $0D, $01, $0E, $0F, $03
MAXY: .byte 47, 39
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ldy MAXY,x ; Max Y depends on 4 lines of text
jsr CLRSC2
- sta COLOR ; Save current drawing color
+ sta COLOR ; Restore current drawing color
bit $C080 ; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O
; Must set an error code: NO (will only be called if color ok)
bit $C082 ; Switch in ROM
+ tax
+ lda TGI2COL,x
bit $C080 ; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O
cpx #47+1 ; Last line
bcc :-
- sta COLOR ; Save current drawing color
+ sta COLOR ; Restore current drawing color
bcs :+ ; Branch always
; Clear 4 lines of text
ldy X1
lda Y1
jsr SCRN
+ tax
+ lda COL2TGI,x
ldx #$00
bit $C080 ; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O