%c = Client's name
%d = Director's name
%e = Job Exit Status
+ %h = Client address
%i = JobId
%j = Unique Job id
%l = Job Level
-The Job Exit Status code \%e edits the following values:
+Some character substitutions are not available in all situations. The Job Exit
+Status code \%e edits the following values:
\index[dir]{Exit Status}
\item \%c = Client's name
\item \%d = Director's name
\item \%e = Job Exit code (OK, Error, ...)
+\item \%h = Client address
\item \%i = Job Id
\item \%j = Unique Job name
\item \%l = Job level
\item \%n = Job name
\item \%r = Recipients
+\item \%s = Since time
\item \%t = Job type (e.g. Backup, ...)
+\item \%v = Volume name (Only on director side)
Please note: any {\bf MailCommand} directive must be specified
Enterprise Edition and Community Edition.
\section{Additions to RunScript variables}
-You can have access to JobBytes and JobFiles using %b and %f in your runscript
+You can have access to JobBytes and JobFiles using \%b and \%f in your runscript
+command. The Client address is now available through \%h.
-RunAfterJob = "/bin/echo Job=%j JobBytes=%b JobFiles=%f"
+RunAfterJob = "/bin/echo Job=%j JobBytes=%b JobFiles=%f ClientAddress=%h"
%\section{Changes in drivetype.exe}