defined to be less than 1. */\r
vQueueAddToRegistry( xNormallyFullQueue, ( signed portCHAR * ) "NormallyFull" );\r
vQueueAddToRegistry( xNormallyEmptyQueue, ( signed portCHAR * ) "NormallyEmpty" );\r
prvQueueAccessLogError( __LINE__ );\r
- \r
/* Log that this value has been received. */\r
ucNormallyFullReceivedValues[ uxValue ] = uxSource;\r
prvQueueAccessLogError( __LINE__ );\r
- \r
/* Log that this value has been received. */\r
ucNormallyEmptyReceivedValues[ uxValue ] = uxSource;\r
values are received and no values are duplicated. */\r
prvRecordValue_NormallyEmpty( uxRxed, ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) pvParameters );\r
- \r
/* Ensure the other task running this code gets a chance to execute. */\r
- \r
if( ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) pvParameters == intqHIGH_PRIORITY_TASK1 )\r
/* Have we received all the expected values? */\r
if( uxValueForNormallyEmptyQueue > ( intqNUM_VALUES_TO_LOG + intqVALUE_OVERRUN ) )\r
vTaskSuspend( xHighPriorityNormallyEmptyTask2 );\r
- \r
uxTask1 = 0;\r
uxTask2 = 0;\r
- \r
/* Loop through the array, checking that both tasks have\r
placed values into the array, and that no values are missing. */\r
for( ux = 0; ux < intqNUM_VALUES_TO_LOG; ux++ )\r
- \r
if( uxTask1 < intqMIN_ACCEPTABLE_TASK_COUNT )\r
/* Only task 2 seemed to log any values. */\r
prvQueueAccessLogError( __LINE__ );\r
- \r
if( uxTask2 < intqMIN_ACCEPTABLE_TASK_COUNT )\r
/* Only task 1 seemed to log any values. */\r
prvQueueAccessLogError( __LINE__ );\r
- \r
/* Clear the array again, ready to start a new cycle. */\r
memset( ucNormallyEmptyReceivedValues, 0x00, sizeof( ucNormallyEmptyReceivedValues ) );\r
- \r
uxValueForNormallyEmptyQueue = 0;\r
priority tasks. The lower priority task will resume us\r
if it receives something. We will then resume the other\r
higher priority task. */\r
- vTaskSuspend( NULL ); \r
+ vTaskSuspend( NULL );\r
vTaskResume( xHighPriorityNormallyEmptyTask2 );\r
/* The parameters are not being used so avoid compiler warnings. */\r
( void ) pvParameters;\r
- \r
for( ;; )\r
- { \r
+ {\r
if( ( xQueueStatus = xQueueReceive( xNormallyEmptyQueue, &uxRxed, intqONE_TICK_DELAY ) ) != errQUEUE_EMPTY )\r
/* We should only obtain a value when the high priority task is\r
prvRecordValue_NormallyEmpty( uxRxed, intqLOW_PRIORITY_TASK );\r
- \r
/* Wake the higher priority task again. */\r
vTaskResume( xHighPriorityNormallyEmptyTask1 );\r
/* Raise our priority while we send so we can preempt the higher\r
priority task, and ensure we get the Tx value into the queue. */\r
vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, intqHIGHER_PRIORITY + 1 );\r
- \r
uxValue = uxValueForNormallyEmptyQueue;\r
- \r
if( xQueueSend( xNormallyEmptyQueue, &uxValue, portMAX_DELAY ) != pdPASS )\r
prvQueueAccessLogError( __LINE__ );\r
- \r
vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, intqLOWER_PRIORITY );\r
/* The parameters are not being used so avoid compiler warnings. */\r
( void ) pvParameters;\r
- \r
/* Make sure the queue starts full or near full. >> 1 as there are two\r
high priority tasks. */\r
for( ux = 0; ux < ( intqQUEUE_LENGTH >> 1 ); ux++ )\r
- xQueueSend( xNormallyFullQueue, &uxValueToTx, intqSHORT_DELAY ); \r
+ xQueueSend( xNormallyFullQueue, &uxValueToTx, intqSHORT_DELAY );\r
for( ;; )\r
/* Allow the other task running this code to run. */\r
- \r
/* Have all the expected values been sent to the queue? */\r
if( uxValueToTx > ( intqNUM_VALUES_TO_LOG + intqVALUE_OVERRUN ) )\r
/* Make sure the other high priority task completes its send of\r
any values below intqNUM_VALUE_TO_LOG. */\r
vTaskDelay( intqSHORT_DELAY );\r
- \r
vTaskSuspend( xHighPriorityNormallyFullTask2 );\r
- \r
if( xWasSuspended == pdTRUE )\r
/* We would have expected the other high priority task to have\r
set this back to false by now. */\r
prvQueueAccessLogError( __LINE__ );\r
- \r
/* Set the suspended flag so an error is not logged if the other\r
task recognises a time out when it is unsuspended. */\r
xWasSuspended = pdTRUE;\r
- \r
for( ux = 0; ux < intqNUM_VALUES_TO_LOG; ux++ )\r
if( ucNormallyFullReceivedValues[ ux ] == 0 )\r
/* A value was missing. */\r
prvQueueAccessLogError( __LINE__ );\r
- } \r
+ }\r
/* Reset the array ready for the next cycle. */\r
- memset( ucNormallyFullReceivedValues, 0x00, sizeof( ucNormallyFullReceivedValues ) ); \r
- \r
+ memset( ucNormallyFullReceivedValues, 0x00, sizeof( ucNormallyFullReceivedValues ) );\r
uxValueForNormallyFullQueue = 0;\r
priority tasks. The lower priority task will resume us\r
if it receives something. We will then resume the other\r
higher priority task. */\r
- vTaskSuspend( NULL ); \r
+ vTaskSuspend( NULL );\r
vTaskResume( xHighPriorityNormallyFullTask2 );\r
/* The parameters are not being used so avoid compiler warnings. */\r
( void ) pvParameters;\r
- \r
/* Make sure the queue starts full or near full. >> 1 as there are two\r
high priority tasks. */\r
for( ux = 0; ux < ( intqQUEUE_LENGTH >> 1 ); ux++ )\r
- xQueueSend( xNormallyFullQueue, &uxValueToTx, intqSHORT_DELAY ); \r
+ xQueueSend( xNormallyFullQueue, &uxValueToTx, intqSHORT_DELAY );\r
for( ;; )\r
xWasSuspended = pdFALSE;\r
- \r
/* The parameters are not being used so avoid compiler warnings. */\r
( void ) pvParameters;\r
- \r
for( ;; )\r
- { \r
+ {\r
if( ( xQueueStatus = xQueueSend( xNormallyFullQueue, &uxTxed, intqONE_TICK_DELAY ) ) != errQUEUE_FULL )\r
/* We would only expect to succeed when the higher priority task\r
/* Raise our priority while we receive so we can preempt the higher\r
priority task, and ensure we get the value from the queue. */\r
vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, intqHIGHER_PRIORITY + 1 );\r
- \r
if( xQueueReceive( xNormallyFullQueue, &uxValue, portMAX_DELAY ) != pdPASS )\r
prvQueueAccessLogError( __LINE__ );\r
prvRecordValue_NormallyFull( uxValue, intqLOW_PRIORITY_TASK );\r
- \r
vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, intqLOWER_PRIORITY );\r
accesses on the queues. */\r
- \r
if( uxNextOperation & ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) 0x01 )\r
- timerNORMALLY_EMPTY_TX(); \r
- \r
return xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;\r
accesses on the queues. */\r
- \r
if( uxNextOperation & ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) 0x01 )\r
- { \r
+ {\r
- \r
return xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;\r
portBASE_TYPE xAreIntQueueTasksStillRunning( void )\r
static unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxLastHighPriorityLoops1 = 0, uxLastHighPriorityLoops2 = 0, uxLastLowPriorityLoops1 = 0, uxLastLowPriorityLoops2 = 0;\r
- \r
/* xErrorStatus can be set outside of this function. This function just\r
checks that all the tasks are still cycling. */\r
/* The high priority 1 task has stalled. */\r
prvQueueAccessLogError( __LINE__ );\r
- \r
uxLastHighPriorityLoops1 = uxHighPriorityLoops1;\r
- \r
if( uxHighPriorityLoops2 == uxLastHighPriorityLoops2 )\r
/* The high priority 2 task has stalled. */\r
prvQueueAccessLogError( __LINE__ );\r
- \r
uxLastHighPriorityLoops2 = uxHighPriorityLoops2;\r
- \r
if( uxLowPriorityLoops1 == uxLastLowPriorityLoops1 )\r
/* The low priority 1 task has stalled. */\r