from the Volume it is stored on, writing it to a different Volume in a
different Pool, and then purging the database records for the first Job.
-The Copy process is essentially identical to the Migration feature
-with the exception that the Job that is copied is left unchanged. This
-essentially creates two identical copies of the same backup. The Copy Job runs
-without using the File daemon by copying the data from the old backup Volume to
-a different Volume in a different Pool.
+The Copy process is essentially identical to the Migration feature with the
+exception that the Job that is copied is left unchanged. This essentially
+creates two identical copies of the same backup. However, the copy is treated
+as a copy rather than a backup job, and hence is not directly available for
+restore. If bacula founds a copy when a job record is purged (deleted) from the
+catalog, it will promote the copy as \textsl{real} backup and will make it
+available for automatic restore.
+The Copy and the Migration jobs run without using the File daemon by copying
+the data from the old backup Volume to a different Volume in a different Pool.
The section process for which Job or Jobs are migrated
can be based on quite a number of different criteria such as:
look at the time each JobId has been in the Pool since the job ended.
All Jobs in the Pool longer than the time specified on {\bf Migration Time}
directive in the Pool resource will be migrated.
+ \item [PoolUncopiedJobs] This selection which copies all jobs from a pool
+ to an other pool which were not copied before is available only for copy Jobs.
\item [Selection Pattern = \lt{}Quoted-string\gt{}]
\section{Copy Jobs}
\index[general]{Copy Jobs}
-A new {\bf Copy} job type has been implemented. It is similar
+A new {\bf Copy} job type 'C' has been implemented. It is similar
to the existing Migration feature with the exception that
the Job that is copied is left unchanged. This essentially creates
two identical copies of the same backup. However, the copy is treated
as a copy rather than a backup job, and hence is not directly available for
-restore. The {\bf restore} command will be upgraded to list copy jobs and
-allow selection of copies if the keyword {\bf copies} is present on the
-command line. The restore feature is still under implementation.
-The Copy Job runs without
-using the File daemon by copying the data from the old backup Volume to
-a different Volume in a different Pool. See the Migration documentation
-for additional details. For copy Jobs there is a new selection criterium
-named PoolUncopiedJobs which copies all jobs from a pool to an other
-pool which were not copied before. Next to that the client, volume, job
-or sql query are possible ways of selecting jobs which should be copied.
-Selection types like smallestvolume, oldestvolume, pooloccupancy and
-pooltime are probably more suited for migration jobs only. But we could
-imagine some people have a valid use for those kind of copy jobs too.
+restore. The {\bf restore} command lists copy jobs and allows selection of copies
+by using \texttt{jobid=} option. %if the keyword {\bf copies} is present on the command line.
+The Copy Job runs without using the File daemon by copying the data from the
+old backup Volume to a different Volume in a different Pool. See the Migration
+documentation for additional details. For copy Jobs there is a new selection
+criterium named PoolUncopiedJobs which copies all jobs from a pool to an other
+pool which were not copied before. Next to that the client, volume, job or sql
+query are possible ways of selecting jobs which should be copied. Selection
+types like smallestvolume, oldestvolume, pooloccupancy and pooltime are
+probably more suited for migration jobs only. But we could imagine some people
+have a valid use for those kind of copy jobs too.
+If bacula founds a copy when a job record is purged (deleted) from the catalog,
+it will promote the copy as \textsl{real} backup and will make it available for
+automatic restore. If more than one copy is available, it will promote the copy
+with the smallest jobid.
A nice solution which can be build with the new copy jobs is what is
called the disk-to-disk-to-tape backup (DTDTT). A sample config could
criteria. Normal Full backups go to the Virtual pool and are copied to the Tape pool
the next morning.
+The command \texttt{list copies [jobid=x,y,z]} lists copies for a given
+*list copies
+| JobId | Job | CopyJobId | MediaType |
+| 9 | CopyJobSave.2008-12-20_22.26.49.05 | 11 | DiskChangerMedia |
\section{ACL Updates}
The whole ACL code had been overhauled and in this version each platforms has different
streams for each type of acl available on such an platform. As acls between platforms
-| JobId | Levl | JobFiles | StartTime | VolumeName | File | SesId |
-VolSesTime |
-| 1,792 | F | 128,374 | 08-03 01:58 | DLT-19Jul02 | 67 | 18 |
-1028042998 |
-| 1,792 | F | 128,374 | 08-03 01:58 | DLT-04Aug02 | 0 | 18 |
-1028042998 |
-| 1,797 | I | 254 | 08-04 13:53 | DLT-04Aug02 | 5 | 23 |
-1028042998 |
-| 1,798 | I | 15 | 08-05 01:05 | DLT-04Aug02 | 6 | 24 |
-1028042998 |
+| JobId | Levl | JobFiles | StartTime | VolumeName | File | SesId |VolSesTime |
+| 1,792 | F | 128,374 | 08-03 01:58 | DLT-19Jul02 | 67 | 18 | 1028042998 |
+| 1,792 | F | 128,374 | 08-03 01:58 | DLT-04Aug02 | 0 | 18 | 1028042998 |
+| 1,797 | I | 254 | 08-04 13:53 | DLT-04Aug02 | 5 | 23 | 1028042998 |
+| 1,798 | I | 15 | 08-05 01:05 | DLT-04Aug02 | 6 | 24 | 1028042998 |
You have selected the following JobId: 1792,1792,1797
Building directory tree for JobId 1792 ...
Building directory tree for JobId 1797 ...