<tag/Text screen/
The text screen is only enabled if any of the CONIO output functions
is used in the program. Its size is 20x24 characters (Antic mode 6,
- BASIC mode 1). The text screen is located at $3E00. The
+ BASIC mode 1) by default. The text screen is located at $3E00. The
address of the screen memory is available at runtime in the variable
SAVMSC ($001B).<p>
If the program doesn't use any CONIO output functions it needs to setup its own
+<sect1>Direct console I/O<p>
+The <tt/atari5200/ target uses Antic mode 6 (BASIC mode 1) for the console
+screen by default. There are four colors available:
+Note that the <tt/COLOR_GREEN/ and <tt/COLOR_RED/ colors aren't
+exactly the same colors as the ones with the same name on the
+<tt/atari/ target.
+They are the colors which are available as <tt/COLOR_LIGHTGREEN/
+and <tt/COLOR_LIGHTRED/ there.
+One can set the color shadow registers directly with other colors.
+Then the color defines from above will just become placeholders. In
+this scenario it might be more convenient to use index values (0..3)
+instead of the color defines. The index values specify which of the
+system shadow color registers (<tt/COLOR0/ .. <tt/COLOR3/) to use.
+The default console screen has a layout of 20x24 characters. An
+alternative layout, 20x12, Antic mode 7, BASIC mode 2, is provided in
+the file <tt/atari5200-conioscreen-20x12.o/.
+Using <tt/atari5200-conioscreen-20x12.o/ is as simple as placing it on
+the linker command line like this:
+cl65 -t atari5200 myprog.c lib/atari5200-conioscreen-20x12.o
<sect1>Disk I/O<p>
Disk I/O is not supported by the <tt/atari5200/ target. This means that
<sect>Other hints<p>
+AtariROMMaker (<url url="https://www.wudsn.com/index.php/productions-atari800/tools/atarirommaker"> )
+can be used to create a <tt/.CAR/ file from the binary ROM image cc65 generates.
+This might be more convenient when working with emulators.
+ <item>atari5200
<item>c16 (works also for the c116 with up to 32K memory)
--- /dev/null
+; setup alternative CONIO screen (20x12, Antic mode 7, BASIC mode 2)
+; 02-Apr-2019, Christian Groessler <chris@groessler.org>
+ .include "atari5200.inc"
+SCREEN_BUF_SIZE = 20 * 12
+ .export screen_setup
+ .export screen_width, screen_height
+ .export conio_color
+screen_width = 20
+screen_height = 12
+ .segment "ONCE"
+; initialize color registers, display list, and screen memory
+ ; initialize SAVMSC
+ lda #<SCREEN_BUF
+ sta SAVMSC
+ lda #>SCREEN_BUF
+ sta SAVMSC+1
+ ; initialize cursor position
+ lda #0
+ sta COLCRS_5200
+ sta ROWCRS_5200
+ ; clear screen buffer
+ ldy #<(SCREEN_BUF_SIZE-1)
+ ldx #>(SCREEN_BUF_SIZE-1)
+clrscr: sta (SAVMSC),y
+ dey
+ cpy #$FF
+ bne clrscr
+ dex
+ cpx #$FF
+ bne clrscr
+ ; set default colors
+ sta COLOR0
+ sta COLOR1
+ sta COLOR2
+ sta COLOR3
+ sta COLOR4 ; background
+ ; set display list
+ lda #<dlist
+ sta SDLSTL
+ lda #>dlist
+ sta SDLSTH
+ rts
+ .bss
+conio_color: .res 1
+ .segment "DLIST"
+; display list for 20x12 text mode
+dlist: .repeat 3
+ .byte DL_BLK8
+ .endrepeat
+ .byte DL_CHR20x16x2 | DL_LMS
+ .word SCREEN_BUF
+ .repeat 11
+ .byte DL_CHR20x16x2
+ .endrepeat
+ .byte DL_JVB
+ .word dlist
+; end of display list
+.assert ((* >> 10) = (dlist >> 10)), error, "Display list crosses 1K boundary"
+ .end
+++ /dev/null
-; setup alternative CONIO screen (20x12, Antic mode 7, BASIC mode 2)
-; 02-Apr-2019, Christian Groessler <chris@groessler.org>
- .include "atari5200.inc"
-SCREEN_BUF_SIZE = 20 * 12
- .export screen_setup
- .export screen_width, screen_height
- .export conio_color
-screen_width = 20
-screen_height = 12
- .segment "ONCE"
-; initialize color registers, display list, and screen memory
- ; initialize SAVMSC
- lda #<SCREEN_BUF
- sta SAVMSC
- lda #>SCREEN_BUF
- sta SAVMSC+1
- ; initialize cursor position
- lda #0
- sta COLCRS_5200
- sta ROWCRS_5200
- ; clear screen buffer
- ldy #<(SCREEN_BUF_SIZE-1)
- ldx #>(SCREEN_BUF_SIZE-1)
-clrscr: sta (SAVMSC),y
- dey
- cpy #$FF
- bne clrscr
- dex
- cpx #$FF
- bne clrscr
- ; set default colors
- sta COLOR0
- sta COLOR1
- sta COLOR2
- sta COLOR3
- sta COLOR4 ; background
- ; set display list
- lda #<dlist
- sta SDLSTL
- lda #>dlist
- sta SDLSTH
- rts
- .bss
-conio_color: .res 1
- .segment "DLIST"
-; display list for 20x12 text mode
-dlist: .repeat 3
- .byte DL_BLK8
- .endrepeat
- .byte DL_CHR20x16x2 | DL_LMS
- .word SCREEN_BUF
- .repeat 11
- .byte DL_CHR20x16x2
- .endrepeat
- .byte DL_JVB
- .word dlist
-; end of display list
-.assert ((* >> 10) = (dlist >> 10)), error, "Display list crosses 1K boundary"
- .end