#include "portable.h"
- *This file implements an overlay that stores the timestamp of the
+ * This file implements an overlay that stores the timestamp of the
* last successful bind operation in a directory entry.
* Optimization: to avoid performing a write on each bind,
/* Per-instance configuration information */
typedef struct lastbind_info {
- /* precision to update timestamp in bindTimestamp attribute */
+ /* precision to update timestamp in authTimestamp attribute */
int timestamp_precision;
} lastbind_info;
(void *)offsetof(lastbind_info, timestamp_precision),
"( OLcfgAt:5.1 "
"NAME 'olcLastBindPrecision' "
- "DESC 'Precision of bindTimestamp attribute' "
+ "DESC 'Precision of authTimestamp attribute' "
{ NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, ARG_IGNORED }
struct berval timestamp;
- // get the current time
+ /* get the current time */
now = slap_get_time();
- // get bindTimestamp attribute, if it exists
+ /* get authTimestamp attribute, if it exists */
if ((a = attr_find( e->e_attrs, ad_authTimestamp)) != NULL) {
bindtime = parse_time( a->a_nvals[0].bv_val );
if (bindtime != (time_t)-1) {
- // if the recorded bind time is within our precision, we're done
- // it doesn't need to be updated (save a write for nothing)
+ /* if the recorded bind time is within our precision, we're done
+ * it doesn't need to be updated (save a write for nothing) */
if ((now - bindtime) < lbi->timestamp_precision) {
goto done;
- // update the bindTimestamp in the user's entry with the current time
+ /* update the authTimestamp in the user's entry with the current time */
timestamp.bv_val = nowstr;
timestamp.bv_len = sizeof(nowstr);
slap_timestamp( &now, ×tamp );
be_entry_release_r( op, e );
- // perform the update, if necessary
+ /* perform the update, if necessary */
if ( mod ) {
Operation op2 = *op;
SlapReply r2 = { REP_RESULT };
slap_callback *cb;
slap_overinst *on = (slap_overinst *) op->o_bd->bd_info;
- // setup a callback to intercept result of this bind operation
- // and pass along the lastbind_info struct
+ /* setup a callback to intercept result of this bind operation
+ * and pass along the lastbind_info struct */
cb = op->o_tmpcalloc( sizeof(slap_callback), 1, op->o_tmpmemctx );
cb->sc_response = lastbind_bind_response;
cb->sc_next = op->o_callback->sc_next;
slap_overinst *on = (slap_overinst *) be->bd_info;
- // initialize private structure to store configuration
+ /* initialize private structure to store configuration */
on->on_bi.bi_private = ch_calloc( 1, sizeof(lastbind_info) );
return 0;
slap_overinst *on = (slap_overinst *) be->bd_info;
lastbind_info *lbi = (lastbind_info *) on->on_bi.bi_private;
- // free private structure to store configuration
+ /* free private structure to store configuration */
free( lbi );
return 0;
int i, code;
- // register operational schema for this overlay (bindTimestamp attribute)
+ /* register operational schema for this overlay (authTimestamp attribute) */
for (i=0; lastBind_OpSchema[i].def; i++) {
code = register_at( lastBind_OpSchema[i].def, lastBind_OpSchema[i].ad, 0 );
if ( code ) {
lastbind.on_bi.bi_db_close = lastbind_db_close;
lastbind.on_bi.bi_op_bind = lastbind_bind;
- // register configuration directives
+ /* register configuration directives */
lastbind.on_bi.bi_cf_ocs = lastbindocs;
code = config_register_schema( lastbindcfg, lastbindocs );
if ( code ) return code;