jsr detect
bcs argdos ; carry set = DOS supports arguments
+; Initialize ourcl buffer
+argdos: lda #ATEOL
+ sta ourcl+CL_SIZE
; Move SpartaDOS command line to our own buffer
-argdos: lda DOSVEC
+ lda DOSVEC
adc #<LBUF
sta ptr1
; Store dummy argument
ldy #LBUF
- lda dumpar1
+ lda #'X'
sta (DOSVEC),y
- lda dumpar2
+ lda #ATEOL
sta (DOSVEC),y
; One extra store to avoid the buggy sequence from OS/A+ DOS:
-; Dummy argument to get default device
- .byte "X"
- .byte ATEOL
-; Buffer for command line / argv strings
-ourcl: .res CL_SIZE
- .byte ATEOL
; Default device
argc: .res 2
argv: .res (1 + MAXARGS) * 2
+; Buffer for command line / argv strings
+ourcl: .res CL_SIZE+1