-/* $Id: phplot.php,v 1.216 2011/01/16 01:19:55 lbayuk Exp $ */
+/* $Id: phplot.php,v 1.224 2011/05/27 18:05:16 lbayuk Exp $ */
- * PHPLOT Version 5.3.1
+ * PHPLOT Version 5.4.0
* A PHP class for creating scientific and business charts
* Visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/phplot/
class PHPlot
+ const version = '5.4.0';
/* Declare class variables which are initialized to static values. Many more class variables
* are used, defined as needed, but are unset by default.
* All these are declared as public. While it is tempting to make them private or protected, this
// Legend
public $legend = ''; // An array with legend titles
- // These variables are unset to take default values:
- // public $legend_x_pos; // User-specified upper left coordinates of legend box
- // public $legend_y_pos;
- // public $legend_xy_world; // If set, legend_x/y_pos are world coords, else pixel coords
- // public $legend_text_align; // left or right, Unset means right
- // public $legend_colorbox_align; // left, right, or none; Unset means same as text_align
+ // Other legend_* variables are set as needed, unset for default values.
public $x_tick_length = 5; // tick length in pixels for upper/lower axis
- * Sets the colors for the data, with optional default alpha value (for PHPlot_truecolor only)
+ * Sets the colors for the data, with optional default alpha value
* Cases are:
* SetDataColors(array(...)) : Use the supplied array as the color map.
* SetDataColors(colorname) : Use an array of just colorname as the color map.
return TRUE;
- /*
- * Set text to display in the graph's legend.
- * $which_leg : Array of strings for the complete legend, or a single string
- * to be appended to the legend.
- * Or NULL (or an empty array) to cancel the legend.
- */
- function SetLegend($which_leg)
- {
- if (is_array($which_leg)) { // use array (or cancel, if empty array)
- $this->legend = $which_leg;
- } elseif (!is_null($which_leg)) { // append string
- $this->legend[] = $which_leg;
- } else {
- $this->legend = ''; // Reinitialize to empty, meaning no legend.
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * Specifies the position of the legend's upper/leftmost corner,
- * in pixel (device) coordinates.
- * Both X and Y must be provided, or both omitted (or use NULL) to restore auto-positioning.
- */
- function SetLegendPixels($which_x=NULL, $which_y=NULL)
- {
- $this->legend_x_pos = $which_x;
- $this->legend_y_pos = $which_y;
- // Make sure this is unset, meaning we have pixel coords:
- unset($this->legend_xy_world);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * Specifies the position of the legend's upper/leftmost corner,
- * in world (data space) coordinates.
- */
- function SetLegendWorld($which_x, $which_y)
- {
- // Since conversion from world to pixel coordinates is not yet available, just
- // remember the coordinates and set a flag to indicate conversion is needed.
- $this->legend_x_pos = $which_x;
- $this->legend_y_pos = $which_y;
- $this->legend_xy_world = TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * Set legend text alignment, color box alignment, and style options.
- * $text_align : Alignment of the text, 'left' or 'right'.
- * $colorbox_align : Alignment of the color boxes, 'left', 'right', 'none', or missing/empty.
- * If missing or empty, the same alignment as $text_align is used. Color box is positioned first.
- * $style : reserved for future use.
- */
- function SetLegendStyle($text_align, $colorbox_align = '', $style = '')
- {
- $this->legend_text_align = $this->CheckOption($text_align, 'left, right', __FUNCTION__);
- if (empty($colorbox_align))
- $this->legend_colorbox_align = $this->legend_text_align;
- else
- $this->legend_colorbox_align = $this->CheckOption($colorbox_align, 'left, right, none',
- __FUNCTION__);
- return ((boolean)$this->legend_text_align && (boolean)$this->legend_colorbox_align);
- }
* Set border for the plot area.
* Accepted values are: left, right, top, bottom, sides, none, full or an array of those.
$data_min = $this->plot_min_x;
$skip_lo = $this->skip_left_tick;
$skip_hi = $this->skip_right_tick;
+ $anchor = &$this->x_tick_anchor; // Use reference because this might not be set
} elseif ($which == 'y') {
$num_ticks = $this->num_y_ticks;
$tick_inc = $this->y_tick_inc;
$data_min = $this->plot_min_y;
$skip_lo = $this->skip_bottom_tick;
$skip_hi = $this->skip_top_tick;
+ $anchor = &$this->y_tick_anchor; // Use reference because this might not be set
} else {
return $this->PrintError("CalcTicks: Invalid usage ($which)");
$tick_start = (double)$data_min;
$tick_end = (double)$data_max + ($data_max - $data_min) / 10000.0;
+ // If a tick anchor was given, adjust the start of the range so the anchor falls
+ // at an exact tick mark (or would, if it was within range).
+ if (isset($anchor)) {
+ $tick_start = $anchor - $tick_step * floor(($anchor - $tick_start) / $tick_step);
+ }
+ // Lastly, adjust for option to skip left/bottom or right/top tick marks:
if ($skip_lo)
$tick_start += $tick_step;
if ($skip_hi)
$tick_end -= $tick_step;
return TRUE;
+ /*
+ * Set an anchor point for X tick marks. There will be an X tick mark at
+ * this exact value (if the data range were extended to include it).
+ */
+ function SetXTickAnchor($xta = NULL)
+ {
+ $this->x_tick_anchor = $xta;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Set an anchor point for Y tick marks. There will be a Y tick mark at
+ * this exact value (if the data range were extended to include it).
+ */
+ function SetYTickAnchor($yta = NULL)
+ {
+ $this->y_tick_anchor = $yta;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
//////////////////// GENERIC DRAWING
return TRUE;
+/////////////// LEGEND
- * Draws the graph legend
- * This is called by DrawGraph only if $this->legend is not empty.
- * Base code submitted by Marlin Viss
+ * Set text to display in the graph's legend.
+ * $which_leg : Array of strings for the complete legend, or a single string
+ * to be appended to the legend.
+ * Or NULL (or an empty array) to cancel the legend.
- protected function DrawLegend()
+ function SetLegend($which_leg)
+ {
+ if (is_array($which_leg)) { // use array (or cancel, if empty array)
+ $this->legend = $which_leg;
+ } elseif (!is_null($which_leg)) { // append string
+ $this->legend[] = $which_leg;
+ } else {
+ $this->legend = ''; // Reinitialize to empty, meaning no legend.
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Specifies the position of the legend's upper/leftmost corner, in pixel (device) coordinates.
+ * Both X and Y must be provided, or both omitted (or use NULL) to restore auto-positioning.
+ */
+ function SetLegendPixels($which_x=NULL, $which_y=NULL)
- $font = &$this->fonts['legend'];
+ return $this->SetLegendPosition(0, 0, 'image', 0, 0, $which_x, $which_y);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Specifies the position of the legend's upper/leftmost corner, in world (data space) coordinates.
+ */
+ function SetLegendWorld($which_x, $which_y)
+ {
+ return $this->SetLegendPosition(0, 0, 'world', $which_x, $which_y);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Specifies the position of the legend. This includes SetLegendWorld(), SetLegendPixels(), and
+ * additional choices using relative coordinates, with optional pixel offset.
+ * $x, $y : Relative coordinates of a point on the legend box. (See below)
+ * $relative_to : What to position the legend relative to: 'image', 'plot', 'world', or 'title'.
+ * $x_base, $y_base : Base point for positioning.
+ * If $relative_to is 'world', then this is a world coordinate position.
+ * Otherwise, this is a relative coordinate position on the $relative_to element.
+ * $x_offset, $y_offset : Additional legend box offset in device coordinates (pixels).
+ * The legend is positioned so that point ($x,$y) is at ($x_base, $y_base).
+ * 'Relative coordinates' means: (0,0) is the upper left corner, and (1,1) is the lower right corner
+ * of the element (legend, image, plot, or title area), regardless of its size. These are floating
+ * point values, each usually in the range [0,1], but they can be negative or greater than 1.
+ * If any of x, y, x_offset, or y_offset are NULL, default legend positioning is restored.
+ */
+ function SetLegendPosition($x, $y, $relative_to, $x_base, $y_base, $x_offset = 0, $y_offset = 0)
+ {
+ // Special case: NULL means restore the default positioning.
+ if (!isset($x, $y, $x_offset, $y_offset)) {
+ unset($this->legend_pos);
+ } else {
+ $mode = $this->CheckOption($relative_to, 'image, plot, title, world', __FUNCTION__);
+ if (empty($mode))
+ return FALSE;
+ // Save all values for use by GetLegendPosition()
+ $this->legend_pos = compact('x', 'y', 'mode', 'x_base', 'y_base', 'x_offset', 'y_offset');
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Set legend text alignment, color box alignment, and style options.
+ * $text_align : Alignment of the text, 'left' or 'right'.
+ * $colorbox_align : Alignment of the color boxes, 'left', 'right', 'none', or missing/empty.
+ * If missing or empty, the same alignment as $text_align is used. Color box is positioned first.
+ */
+ function SetLegendStyle($text_align, $colorbox_align = '')
+ {
+ $this->legend_text_align = $this->CheckOption($text_align, 'left, right', __FUNCTION__);
+ if (empty($colorbox_align))
+ $this->legend_colorbox_align = $this->legend_text_align;
+ else
+ $this->legend_colorbox_align = $this->CheckOption($colorbox_align, 'left, right, none',
+ __FUNCTION__);
+ return ((boolean)$this->legend_text_align && (boolean)$this->legend_colorbox_align);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Use color boxes or point shapes (for points and linepoints plots only) in the legend.
+ * $use_shapes : True to use point shapes, false to use color boxes.
+ */
+ function SetLegendUseShapes($use_shapes)
+ {
+ $this->legend_use_shapes = (bool)$use_shapes;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get legend sizing parameters.
+ * This is used internally by DrawLegend(), and also by the public GetLegendSize().
+ * It returns information based on any SetLegend*() calls already made. It does not use
+ * legend position or data scaling, so it can be called before data scaling is set up.
+ * Returns an associative array with these entries describing legend sizing:
+ * 'width', 'height' : Overall legend box size in pixels.
+ * 'char_w', 'char_h' : Width and height of 'E' in legend text font. (Used to size color boxes)
+ * 'v_margin' : Inside margin for legend
+ * 'text_align', 'colorbox_align' : Same as the class variables, with default applied.
+ * 'draw_colorbox' : True if color boxes will be drawn.
+ * 'dot_height' : Height of color boxes (even if not drawn), for line spacing.
+ * 'colorbox_width' : Width of color boxes.
+ */
+ protected function GetLegendSizeParams()
+ {
+ $font = &$this->fonts['legend']; // Shortcut to font info array
// Find maximum legend label line width.
$max_width = 0;
if ($width > $max_width) $max_width = $width;
- // Use the font parameters to size the color boxes:
+ // Font parameters are used to size the color boxes:
$char_w = $font['width'];
$char_h = $font['height'];
$line_spacing = $this->GetLineSpacing($font);
- // Normalize text alignment and colorbox alignment variables:
+ // Apply defaults to text alignment and colorbox alignment variables:
$text_align = isset($this->legend_text_align) ? $this->legend_text_align : 'right';
$colorbox_align = isset($this->legend_colorbox_align) ? $this->legend_colorbox_align : 'right';
+ $draw_colorbox = ($colorbox_align != 'none');
// Sizing parameters:
- $v_margin = $char_h/2; // Between vertical borders and labels
- $dot_height = $char_h + $line_spacing; // Height of the small colored boxes
- // Color boxes are $char_w wide, but can be adjusted using legend_colorbox_width:
- $colorbox_width = $char_w;
+ $v_margin = $char_h / 2; // Between vertical borders and labels
+ $dot_height = $char_h + $line_spacing; // Height of the color boxes (even if not drawn)
+ $colorbox_width = $char_w; // Base color box width
if (isset($this->legend_colorbox_width))
- $colorbox_width *= $this->legend_colorbox_width;
+ $colorbox_width *= $this->legend_colorbox_width; // Adjustment to color box width
- // Overall legend box width e.g.: | space colorbox space text space |
- // where each space adds $char_w, and colorbox adds $char_w * its width adjustment.
- if (($draw_colorbox = ($colorbox_align != 'none'))) {
+ // Calculate overall legend box width and height.
+ // Width is e.g.: "| space colorbox space text space |" where each space adds $char_w,
+ // and colorbox (if drawn) adds $char_w * its width adjustment.
+ if ($draw_colorbox) {
$width = $max_width + 3 * $char_w + $colorbox_width;
} else {
$width = $max_width + 2 * $char_w;
+ $height = $dot_height * count($this->legend) + 2 * $v_margin;
- //////// Calculate box position
- // User-defined position specified?
- if ( !isset($this->legend_x_pos) || !isset($this->legend_y_pos)) {
- // No, use default
- $box_start_x = $this->plot_area[2] - $width - $this->safe_margin;
- $box_start_y = $this->plot_area[1] + $this->safe_margin;
- } elseif (isset($this->legend_xy_world)) {
- // User-defined position in world-coordinates (See SetLegendWorld).
- $box_start_x = $this->xtr($this->legend_x_pos);
- $box_start_y = $this->ytr($this->legend_y_pos);
- } else {
- // User-defined position in pixel coordinates.
- $box_start_x = $this->legend_x_pos;
- $box_start_y = $this->legend_y_pos;
+ return compact('width', 'height', 'char_w', 'char_h', 'v_margin',
+ 'text_align', 'colorbox_align', 'draw_colorbox', 'dot_height', 'colorbox_width');
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get legend box size. This can be used to adjust the plot margins, for example.
+ * Returns: Array of ($width, $height) of the legend box in pixels.
+ */
+ function GetLegendSize()
+ {
+ $params = $this->GetLegendSizeParams();
+ return array($params['width'], $params['height']);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get legend location in device coordinates. This is a helper for DrawLegend, and is only
+ * called if there is a legend. See SetLegendWorld(), SetLegendPixels(), SetLegendPosition().
+ * $width, $height : Width and height of the legend box.
+ * Returns: coordinates of the upper left corner of the legend box as an array ($x, $y)
+ */
+ protected function GetLegendPosition($width, $height)
+ {
+ // Extract variables set by SetLegend*(): $mode, $x, $y, $x_base, $y_base, $x_offset, $y_offset
+ if (isset($this->legend_pos['mode']))
+ extract($this->legend_pos);
+ else
+ $mode = ''; // Default legend position mode.
+ switch ($mode) {
+ case 'plot': // SetLegendPosition with mode='plot', relative coordinates over plot area.
+ return array((int)($x_base * $this->plot_area_width - $x * $width)
+ + $this->plot_area[0] + $x_offset,
+ (int)($y_base * $this->plot_area_height - $y * $height)
+ + $this->plot_area[1] + $y_offset);
+ case 'world': // User-defined position in world-coordinates (SetLegendWorld), using x_base, y_base
+ return array($this->xtr($x_base) + $x_offset - (int)($x * $width),
+ $this->ytr($y_base) + $y_offset - (int)($y * $height));
+ case 'image': // SetLegendPosition with mode='image', relative coordinates over image area.
+ // SetLegendPixels() uses this too, with x=y=0.
+ return array((int)($x_base * $this->image_width - $x * $width) + $x_offset,
+ (int)($y_base * $this->image_height - $y * $height) + $y_offset);
+ case 'title': // SetLegendPosition with mode='title', relative to main title.
+ // Recalculate main title position/size, since CalcMargins does not save it. See DrawTitle()
+ list($title_width, $title_height) = $this->SizeText($this->fonts['title'], 0, $this->title_txt);
+ $title_x = (int)(($this->image_width - $title_width) / 2);
+ return array((int)($x_base * $title_width - $x * $width) + $title_x + $x_offset,
+ (int)($y_base * $title_height - $y * $height) + $this->title_offset + $y_offset);
+ default: // If mode is unset (or invalid), use default position.
+ return array ($this->plot_area[2] - $width - $this->safe_margin,
+ $this->plot_area[1] + $this->safe_margin);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Draws the graph legend
+ * This is called by DrawGraph only if $this->legend is not empty.
+ * Base code submitted by Marlin Viss
+ */
+ protected function DrawLegend()
+ {
+ $font = &$this->fonts['legend']; // Shortcut to font info array
+ // Calculate legend box sizing parameters:
+ // See GetLegendSizeParams() to see what variables are set by this.
+ extract($this->GetLegendSizeParams());
- // Lower right corner
- $box_end_y = $box_start_y + $dot_height*(count($this->legend)) + 2*$v_margin;
+ // Get legend box position:
+ list($box_start_x, $box_start_y) = $this->GetLegendPosition($width, $height);
+ $box_end_y = $box_start_y + $height;
$box_end_x = $box_start_x + $width;
// Draw outer box
$x_pos = $box_start_x + $char_w;
$x_pos = $box_end_x - $char_w;
+ $dot_left_x = 0; // Not used directly if color boxes/shapes are off, but referenced below.
} elseif ($colorbox_align == 'left') {
$dot_left_x = $box_start_x + $char_w;
$dot_right_x = $dot_left_x + $colorbox_width;
$x_pos = $dot_left_x - $char_w;
- // Calculate starting position of first text line. The bottom of each color box
- // lines up with the bottom (baseline) of its text line.
+ // $y_pos is the bottom of each color box. $yc is the vertical center of the color box or
+ // the point shape (if drawn). The text is centered vertically on $yc.
$y_pos = $box_start_y + $v_margin + $dot_height;
+ $yc = (int)($y_pos - $dot_height / 2);
+ $xc = (int)($dot_left_x + $colorbox_width / 2); // Horizontal center for point shape if drawn
+ $shape_index = 0; // Shape number index, if drawing point shapes
+ // Option to use point shapes rather than solid boxes. Disallow this if the shapes array
+ // has not been initialized (see CheckPointParams). Only works with 'points' or 'linepoints' plots.
+ $use_shapes = !empty($this->legend_use_shapes) && !empty($this->point_counts);
foreach ($this->legend as $leg) {
// Draw text with requested alignment:
- $this->DrawText($font, 0, $x_pos, $y_pos, $this->ndx_text_color, $leg, $text_align, 'bottom');
+ $this->DrawText($font, 0, $x_pos, $yc, $this->ndx_text_color, $leg, $text_align, 'center');
if ($draw_colorbox) {
- // Draw a box in the data color
$y1 = $y_pos - $dot_height + 1;
$y2 = $y_pos - 1;
- ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $dot_left_x, $y1, $dot_right_x, $y2,
- $this->ndx_data_colors[$color_index]);
- // Draw a rectangle around the box
- ImageRectangle($this->img, $dot_left_x, $y1, $dot_right_x, $y2,
- $this->ndx_text_color);
+ if ($use_shapes) {
+ // Draw a point shape in the data color
+ // If plot area background is on, use that as the shape background:
+ if ($this->draw_plot_area_background) {
+ ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $dot_left_x, $y1, $dot_right_x, $y2,
+ $this->ndx_plot_bg_color);
+ }
+ // Draw the shape. DrawShape() takes shape_index modulo number of defined shapes.
+ $this->DrawShape($xc, $yc, $shape_index++, $this->ndx_data_colors[$color_index]);
+ } else {
+ // Draw color boxes:
+ ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $dot_left_x, $y1, $dot_right_x, $y2,
+ $this->ndx_data_colors[$color_index]);
+ // Draw a rectangle around the box
+ ImageRectangle($this->img, $dot_left_x, $y1, $dot_right_x, $y2, $this->ndx_text_color);
+ }
$y_pos += $dot_height;
- $color_index++;
- if ($color_index > $max_color_index)
+ $yc += $dot_height;
+ if (++$color_index > $max_color_index)
$color_index = 0;
return TRUE;
- * Draws a styled dot. Uses world coordinates.
+ * Draw a shape (dot, point). This is the bottom half of DrawDot, and is also
+ * used by legend drawing. Unlike DrawDot this takes device coordinates.
* The list of supported shapes can also be found in SetPointShapes().
- * All shapes are drawn using a 3x3 grid, centered on the data point.
- * The center is (x_mid, y_mid) and the corners are (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
- * $record is the 0-based index that selects the shape and size.
+ * $x, $y - Device coordinates of the center of the shape
+ * $record - Index into point_shapes[] and point_sizes[]. This is taken modulo the array sizes.
+ * $color - Shape color to use.
- protected function DrawDot($x_world, $y_world, $record, $color)
+ protected function DrawShape($x, $y, $record, $color)
$index = $record % $this->point_counts;
$point_size = $this->point_sizes[$index];
$half_point = (int)($point_size / 2);
- $x_mid = $this->xtr($x_world);
- $y_mid = $this->ytr($y_world);
- $x1 = $x_mid - $half_point;
- $x2 = $x_mid + $half_point;
- $y1 = $y_mid - $half_point;
- $y2 = $y_mid + $half_point;
+ $x1 = $x - $half_point;
+ $x2 = $x + $half_point;
+ $y1 = $y - $half_point;
+ $y2 = $y + $half_point;
switch ($this->point_shapes[$index]) {
case 'halfline':
- ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y_mid, $x_mid, $y_mid, $color);
+ ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y, $x, $y, $color);
case 'line':
- ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y_mid, $x2, $y_mid, $color);
+ ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y, $x2, $y, $color);
case 'plus':
- ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y_mid, $x2, $y_mid, $color);
- ImageLine($this->img, $x_mid, $y1, $x_mid, $y2, $color);
+ ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y, $x2, $y, $color);
+ ImageLine($this->img, $x, $y1, $x, $y2, $color);
case 'cross':
ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y2, $x2, $y1, $color);
case 'circle':
- ImageArc($this->img, $x_mid, $y_mid, $point_size, $point_size, 0, 360, $color);
+ ImageArc($this->img, $x, $y, $point_size, $point_size, 0, 360, $color);
case 'dot':
- ImageFilledEllipse($this->img, $x_mid, $y_mid, $point_size, $point_size, $color);
+ ImageFilledEllipse($this->img, $x, $y, $point_size, $point_size, $color);
case 'diamond':
- $arrpoints = array( $x1, $y_mid, $x_mid, $y1, $x2, $y_mid, $x_mid, $y2);
+ $arrpoints = array($x1, $y, $x, $y1, $x2, $y, $x, $y2);
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 4, $color);
case 'triangle':
- $arrpoints = array( $x1, $y_mid, $x2, $y_mid, $x_mid, $y2);
+ $arrpoints = array($x1, $y, $x2, $y, $x, $y2);
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 3, $color);
case 'trianglemid':
- $arrpoints = array( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y1, $x_mid, $y_mid);
+ $arrpoints = array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y1, $x, $y);
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 3, $color);
case 'yield':
- $arrpoints = array( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y1, $x_mid, $y2);
+ $arrpoints = array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y1, $x, $y2);
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 3, $color);
case 'delta':
- $arrpoints = array( $x1, $y2, $x2, $y2, $x_mid, $y1);
+ $arrpoints = array($x1, $y2, $x2, $y2, $x, $y1);
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 3, $color);
case 'star':
- ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y_mid, $x2, $y_mid, $color);
- ImageLine($this->img, $x_mid, $y1, $x_mid, $y2, $color);
+ ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y, $x2, $y, $color);
+ ImageLine($this->img, $x, $y1, $x, $y2, $color);
ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y2, $x2, $y1, $color);
case 'hourglass':
- $arrpoints = array( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y1, $x1, $y2, $x2, $y2);
+ $arrpoints = array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y1, $x1, $y2, $x2, $y2);
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 4, $color);
case 'bowtie':
- $arrpoints = array( $x1, $y1, $x1, $y2, $x2, $y1, $x2, $y2);
+ $arrpoints = array($x1, $y1, $x1, $y2, $x2, $y1, $x2, $y2);
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 4, $color);
case 'target':
- ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x_mid, $y_mid, $color);
- ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x_mid, $y_mid, $x2, $y2, $color);
+ ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x, $y, $color);
+ ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x, $y, $x2, $y2, $color);
ImageRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
case 'box':
ImageRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
case 'home': /* As in: "home plate" (baseball), also looks sort of like a house. */
- $arrpoints = array( $x1, $y2, $x2, $y2, $x2, $y_mid, $x_mid, $y1, $x1, $y_mid);
+ $arrpoints = array($x1, $y2, $x2, $y2, $x2, $y, $x, $y1, $x1, $y);
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 5, $color);
case 'up':
- ImagePolygon($this->img, array($x_mid, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x1, $y2), 3, $color);
+ ImagePolygon($this->img, array($x, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x1, $y2), 3, $color);
case 'down':
- ImagePolygon($this->img, array($x_mid, $y2, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y1), 3, $color);
+ ImagePolygon($this->img, array($x, $y2, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y1), 3, $color);
case 'none': /* Special case, no point shape here */
return TRUE;
+ /*
+ * Draws a styled dot. Uses world coordinates.
+ * Note: DrawShape() does all the work.
+ */
+ protected function DrawDot($x_world, $y_world, $record, $color)
+ {
+ return $this->DrawShape($this->xtr($x_world), $this->ytr($y_world), $record, $color);
+ }
* Draw a bar (or segment of a bar), with optional shading or border.
* This is used by the bar and stackedbar plots, vertical and horizontal.
if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') // Draw X Data labels?
$this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels);
- // Lower left and lower right X of the bars in this stack:
- $x1 = $x_now_pixels - $x_first_bar;
- $x2 = $x1 + $this->actual_bar_width;
- // Draw the bar segments in this stack.
- $wy1 = 0; // World coordinates Y1, current sum of values
- $wy2 = $this->x_axis_position; // World coordinates Y2, last drawn value
- $first = TRUE;
+ // Determine bar direction based on 1st non-zero value. Note the bar direction is
+ // based on zero, not the axis value.
+ $n_recs = $this->num_recs[$row];
+ $upward = TRUE; // Initialize this for the case of all segments = 0
+ for ($i = $record; $i < $n_recs; $i++) {
+ if (is_numeric($this_y = $this->data[$row][$i]) && $this_y != 0) {
+ $upward = ($this_y > 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- for ($idx = 0; $record < $this->num_recs[$row]; $record++, $idx++) {
+ $x1 = $x_now_pixels - $x_first_bar; // Left X of bars in this stack
+ $x2 = $x1 + $this->actual_bar_width; // Right X of bars in this stack
+ $wy1 = 0; // World coordinates Y1, current sum of values
+ $wy2 = $this->x_axis_position; // World coordinates Y2, last drawn value
- // Skip missing Y values, and ignore Y=0 values.
- if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$record])
- && ($this_y = $this->data[$row][$record]) != 0) {
+ // Draw bar segments and labels in this stack.
+ $first = TRUE;
+ for ($idx = 0; $record < $n_recs; $record++, $idx++) {
- // First non-zero value sets the direction, $upward. Note this compares to 0,
- // not the axis position. Segments are based at 0 but clip to the axis.
- if ($first)
- $upward = ($this_y > 0);
+ // Skip missing Y values. Process Y=0 values due to special case of moved axis.
+ if (is_numeric($this_y = $this->data[$row][$record])) {
$wy1 += $this_y; // Keep the running total for this bar stack
// Mark the new end of the bar, conditional on segment height > 0.
$wy2 = $wy1;
+ $first = FALSE;
- $first = FALSE;
} // end for
if ($this->y_data_label_pos != 'none') // Draw Y Data labels?
$this->DrawYDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $y_now_pixels);
+ // Determine bar direction based on 1st non-zero value. Note the bar direction is
+ // based on zero, not the axis value.
+ $n_recs = $this->num_recs[$row];
+ $rightward = TRUE; // Initialize this for the case of all segments = 0
+ for ($i = $record; $i < $n_recs; $i++) {
+ if (is_numeric($this_x = $this->data[$row][$i]) && $this_x != 0) {
+ $rightward = ($this_x > 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
// Lower left and upper left Y of the bars in this stack:
- $y1 = $y_now_pixels + $y_first_bar;
- $y2 = $y1 - $this->actual_bar_width;
+ $y1 = $y_now_pixels + $y_first_bar; // Lower Y of bars in this stack
+ $y2 = $y1 - $this->actual_bar_width; // Upper Y of bars in this stack
+ $wx1 = 0; // World coordinates X1, current sum of values
+ $wx2 = $this->y_axis_position; // World coordinates X2, last drawn value
- // Draw the bar segments in this stack:
- $wx1 = 0; // World coordinates X1, current sum of values
- $wx2 = $this->y_axis_position; // World coordinates X2, last drawn value
+ // Draw bar segments and labels in this stack.
$first = TRUE;
for ($idx = 0; $record < $this->num_recs[$row]; $record++, $idx++) {
- // Skip missing X values, and ignore X<0 values.
- if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$record])
- && ($this_x = $this->data[$row][$record]) != 0) {
- // First non-zero value sets the direction, $rightward. Note this compares to 0,
- // not the axis position. Segments are based at 0 but clip to the axis.
- if ($first)
- $rightward = ($this_x > 0);
+ // Skip missing X values. Process Y=0 values due to special case of moved axis.
+ if (is_numeric($this_x = $this->data[$row][$record])) {
$wx1 += $this_x; // Keep the running total for this bar stack
// Mark the new end of the bar, conditional on segment width > 0.
$wx2 = $wx1;
+ $first = FALSE;
- $first = FALSE;
} // end for