* add catalog = all, !skipped, !saved into Messages Standard (scripts/bacula-dir.conf)
* add exit 0 to scripts/cleanup
* run bacula-backup-test
- * charger bweb-(mysql|postgresql).sql
+ * uncomment job schedule in bacula-dir.conf
+ * load bweb-(mysql|postgresql).sql
* ./bin/bacula start
* configure bweb to point to bconsole and the catalog
ok($agent->success(), "Get it"); $c=$agent->content;
like($c, qr/"$grp"/, "check if $grp is here");
+# get group stats
+ok($agent->follow_link(url_regex=>qr/action=group_stats/), "Go to groups stats");
+ok($agent->success(), "Get it"); $c=$agent->content;
+like($c, qr/"$grp"/, "check if $grp is here");
# view next jobs
ok($agent->follow_link(text_regex=>qr/Next Jobs/), "Go to Next jobs");
ok($agent->success(), "Get it"); $c=$agent->content;