--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/sh
+# breload This shell script takes care of reloading the director after
+# a backup of the configuration and a bacula-dir -t test
+if [ -x ${BACDIRBIN}/bacula-dir -a -r ${BACDIRCFG}/bacula-dir.conf ]; then
+ echo "Testing the $Bacula Director daemon configuration"
+ if [ $(whoami) != "$DIR_USER" ]; then
+ fi
+ ${BACDIRBIN}/bacula-dir -t $USER_OPT -c ${BACDIRCFG}/bacula-dir.conf
+ RET=$?
+ if [ $RET = 0 ]; then
+ if [ ! -d $BACBKPDIR ]; then
+ echo "Creating Backup configuration directory"
+ mkdir -p $BACBKPDIR
+ chmod 700 $BACBKPDIR
+ fi
+ if [ -d $BACBKPDIR ]; then
+ echo "Backup configuration"
+ tar cfz $BACBKPDIR/bacula-dir-conf.$(date +%s).tgz $BACDIRCFG/*conf
+ fi
+ echo reload | ${BACDIRBIN}/bconsole >/dev/null
+ echo "Reloading configuration"
+ else
+ echo "Can't reload configuration, please correct errors first"
+ fi
+exit $RET