mainargs.o \
oserrlist.o \
randomize.o \
- rbascalc.o \
rcout.o \
- read.o \
+ read.o \
revers.o \
rhome.o \
rom.o \
rpread.o \
rrdkey.o \
- rsetwnd.o \
+ rvtabz.o \
systime.o \
sysuname.o \
wherex.o \
- wherey.o \
- write.o
+ wherey.o \
+ write.o
# Drivers
; Screen size variables
- .export screensize
+ .export screensize
+ .include ""
- ldx #40
- ldy #24
+ lda WNDBTM
+ sec
+ sbc WNDTOP
+ tay
; Zero page stuff
-WNDWDTH := $21 ; Right edge of text window
-CH := $24 ; Cursor horizontal position
-CV := $25 ; Cursor vertical position
-BASL := $28 ; Text base address
-INVFLG := $32 ; Normal/inverse(/flash)
-RNDL := $4E ; Random counter low
-RNDH := $4F ; Random counter high
-HIMEM := $73 ; Highest available memory address+1
+WNDLFT := $20 ; Text window left
+WNDWDTH := $21 ; Text window width
+WNDTOP := $22 ; Text window top
+WNDBTM := $23 ; Text window bottom+1
+CH := $24 ; Cursor horizontal position
+CV := $25 ; Cursor vertical position
+BASL := $28 ; Text base address low
+BASH := $29 ; Text base address high
+INVFLG := $32 ; Normal/inverse(/flash)
+PROMPT := $33 ; Used by GETLN
+RNDL := $4E ; Random counter low
+RNDH := $4F ; Random counter high
+HIMEM := $73 ; Highest available memory address+1
; Vectors
-SOFTEV := $03F2 ; Vector for warm start
-PWREDUP := $03F4 ; This must be = EOR #$A5 of SOFTEV+1
-DOSWARM := $03D0 ; DOS warmstart vector
-BRKVec := $03F0 ; Break vector
-MLI := $BF00 ; ProDOS Machine Language Interface
+DOSWARM := $03D0 ; DOS warmstart vector
+BRKVec := $03F0 ; Break vector
+SOFTEV := $03F2 ; Vector for warm start
+PWREDUP := $03F4 ; This must be = EOR #$A5 of SOFTEV+1
; Hardware
; Keyboard input
-KBD := $C000 ; Read keyboard
-KBDSTRB := $C010 ; Clear keyboard strobe
+KBD := $C000 ; Read keyboard
+KBDSTRB := $C010 ; Clear keyboard strobe
; 80 column card switches
-CLRALTCHAR := $C00E ; Normal Apple II char set
-SETALTCHAR := $C00F ; Norm/inv LC, no flash
-ALTCHARSET := $C01E ; >127 if alt charset switched in
-RD80VID := $C01F ; >127 if 80 column video enabled
+CLRALTCHAR := $C00E ; Normal Apple II char set
+SETALTCHAR := $C00F ; Norm/inv LC, no flash
+ALTCHARSET := $C01E ; >127 if alt charset switched in
+RD80VID := $C01F ; >127 if 80 column video enabled
; Video soft switches
-MIXCLR := $C052 ; Disable 4 lines of text
-MIXSET := $C053 ; Enable 4 lines of text
-LOWSCR := $C054 ; Page 1
-HISCR := $C055 ; Page 2
+MIXCLR := $C052 ; Disable 4 lines of text
+MIXSET := $C053 ; Enable 4 lines of text
+LOWSCR := $C054 ; Page 1
+HISCR := $C055 ; Page 2
; Game controller
-BUTN0 := $C061 ; Open-Apple Key
-BUTN1 := $C062 ; Closed-Apple Key
+BUTN0 := $C061 ; Open-Apple Key
+BUTN1 := $C062 ; Closed-Apple Key
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 08.08.1998
-; void cclearxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char length);
-; void cclear (unsigned char length);
+; void __fastcall__ cclearxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char length);
+; void __fastcall__ cclear (unsigned char length);
- .export _cclearxy, _cclear
- .import popa, _gotoxy, chlinedirect
+ .export _cclearxy, _cclear
+ .import popa, _gotoxy, chlinedirect
- pha ; Save the length
- jsr popa ; Get y
- jsr _gotoxy ; Call this one, will pop params
- pla ; Restore the length and run into _cclear
+ pha ; Save the length
+ jsr popa ; Get y
+ jsr _gotoxy ; Call this one, will pop params
+ pla ; Restore the length and run into _cclear
- ldx #' ' | $80 ; Blank, screen code
- jmp chlinedirect
+ ldx #' ' | $80 ; Blank, screen code
+ jmp chlinedirect
- ;;
- ;; Kevin Ruland
- ;;
- ;; char cgetc (void);
- ;;
- ;; If open_apple key is pressed then the high-bit of the
- ;; key is set.
- .export _cgetc
+; Kevin Ruland
+; char cgetc (void);
+; If open_apple key is pressed then the high-bit of the key is set.
- .include ""
+ .export _cgetc
+ .include ""
- lda KBD
- bpl _cgetc ; if < 128, no key pressed
- ;; At this time, the high bit of the key pressed
- ;; is set
- bit KBDSTRB ; clear keyboard strobe
- bit BUTN0 ; check if OpenApple is down
- bmi pressed
- and #$7F ; If not down, then clear high bit
- ldx #$00
- rts
\ No newline at end of file
+ lda KBD
+ bpl _cgetc ; if < 128, no key pressed
+ ; At this time, the high bit of the key pressed is set
+ bit KBDSTRB ; clear keyboard strobe
+ bit BUTN0 ; check if OpenApple is down
+ bmi :+
+ and #$7F ; If not down, then clear high bit
+: ldx #$00
+ rts
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 08.08.1998
-; void chlinexy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char length);
-; void chline (unsigned char length);
+; void __fastcall__ chlinexy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char length);
+; void __fastcall__ chline (unsigned char length);
- .export _chlinexy, _chline, chlinedirect
- .import popa, _gotoxy, cputdirect
- .importzp tmp1
+ .export _chlinexy, _chline, chlinedirect
+ .import popa, _gotoxy, cputdirect
+ .include ""
+ .include ""
- pha ; Save the length
- jsr popa ; Get y
- jsr _gotoxy ; Call this one, will pop params
- pla ; Restore the length and run into _chline
+ pha ; Save the length
+ jsr popa ; Get y
+ jsr _gotoxy ; Call this one, will pop params
+ pla ; Restore the length and run into _chline
- ldx #'-' | $80 ; Horizontal line, screen code
+ .ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
+ ldx #'S' ; MouseText character
+ ldy INVFLG
+ cpy #$FF ; Normal character display mode?
+ beq chlinedirect
+ .endif
+ ldx #'-' | $80 ; Horizontal line, screen code
- cmp #$00 ; Is the length zero?
- beq done ; Jump if done
- sta tmp1
-: txa ; Screen code
- jsr cputdirect ; Direct output
- dec tmp1
- bne :-
-done: rts
+ cmp #$00 ; Is the length zero?
+ beq done ; Jump if done
+ sta tmp1
+: txa ; Screen code
+ jsr cputdirect ; Direct output
+ dec tmp1
+ bne :-
+done: rts
- ;;
- ;; Kevin Ruland
- ;;
- ;; void clrscr (void);
+; Kevin Ruland
+; void clrscr (void);
- .export _clrscr
- .import HOME
+ .export _clrscr
+ .import HOME
_clrscr := HOME
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 06.08.1998
-; void cputcxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, char c);
-; void cputc (char c);
+; void __fastcall__ cputcxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, char c);
+; void __fastcall__ cputc (char c);
- .constructor initconio
- .export _cputcxy, _cputc
- .export _gotoxy, cputdirect
- .export newline, putchar
+ .ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
+ .constructor initconio
+ .endif
+ .export _cputcxy, _cputc
+ .export _gotoxy, cputdirect
+ .export newline, putchar
- .import popa, SETWND, BASCALC
+ .import popa, VTABZ
- .include ""
+ .include ""
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Initialization
-.segment "INIT"
+ .segment "INIT"
+ .ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
- lda #$FF ; Normal character display mode
- sta INVFLG
- lda #$00
- jmp SETWND ; Reset text window to full screen
+ sta SETALTCHAR ; Switch in alternate charset
+ rts
+ .endif
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Plot a character - also used as internal function
+ .code
+; Plot a character - also used as internal function
- pha ; Save C
- jsr popa ; Get Y
- jsr _gotoxy
- pla ; Restore C
+ pha ; Save C
+ jsr popa ; Get Y
+ jsr _gotoxy
+ pla ; Restore C
- cmp #$0D ; Test for \r = carrage return
- beq left
- cmp #$0A ; Test for \n = line feed
- beq newline
- ora #$80 ; Turn on high bit
- cmp #$E0 ; Test for lowercase
- bcc cputdirect
- and #$DF ; Convert to uppercase
+ cmp #$0D ; Test for \r = carrage return
+ beq left
+ cmp #$0A ; Test for \n = line feed
+ beq newline
+ ora #$80 ; Turn on high bit
+ .ifndef __APPLE2ENH__
+ cmp #$E0 ; Test for lowercase
+ bcc cputdirect
+ and #$DF ; Convert to uppercase
+ .endif
- jsr putchar
- inc CH ; Bump to next column
- lda CH
- cmp #40
- bne done
-left: lda #$00 ; Goto left edge of screen
- sta CH
-done: rts
+ jsr putchar
+ inc CH ; Bump to next column
+ lda CH
+ bcc :+
+left: lda #$00 ; Goto left edge of screen
+ sta CH
+: rts
- inc CV
- lda CV
- cmp #24
- bne :+
- lda #$00
- sta CV
-: jmp BASCALC
+ inc CV ; Bump to next line
+ lda CV
+ cmp WNDBTM
+ bcc :+
+ lda WNDTOP ; Goto top of screen
+ sta CV
+: jmp VTABZ
- and INVFLG ; Apply normal, inverse, flash
- ldy CH
- sta (BASL),Y
- rts
+ .ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
+ ldy INVFLG
+ cpy #$FF ; Normal character display mode?
+ beq put
+ cmp #$E0 ; Lowercase?
+ bcc mask
+ and #$7F ; Inverse lowercase
+ bra put
+ .endif
+mask: and INVFLG ; Apply normal, inverse, flash
+put: ldy CH
+ .ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
+ bit RD80VID ; In 80 column mode?
+ bpl col40 ; No, in 40 cols
+ pha
+ tya
+ lsr ; Div by 2
+ tay
+ pla
+ bcs col40 ; Odd cols go in 40 col memory
+ bit HISCR
+ sta (BASL),Y
+ bit LOWSCR
+ rts
+ .endif
+col40: sta (BASL),Y
+ rts
- sta CV ; Store Y
- jsr popa ; Get X
- sta CH ; Store X
- rts
+ clc
+ adc WNDTOP
+ sta CV ; Store Y
+ jsr VTABZ
+ jsr popa ; Get X
+ sta CH ; Store X
+ rts
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 08.08.1998
-; void cvlinexy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char length);
-; void cvline (unsigned char length);
+; void __fastcall__ cvlinexy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char length);
+; void __fastcall__ cvline (unsigned char length);
- .export _cvlinexy, _cvline, cvlinedirect
- .import popa, _gotoxy, putchar, newline
- .importzp tmp1
+ .export _cvlinexy, _cvline, cvlinedirect
+ .import popa, _gotoxy, putchar, newline
+ .include ""
- pha ; Save the length
- jsr popa ; Get y
- jsr _gotoxy ; Call this one, will pop params
- pla ; Restore the length and run into _cvline
+ pha ; Save the length
+ jsr popa ; Get y
+ jsr _gotoxy ; Call this one, will pop params
+ pla ; Restore the length and run into _cvline
- ldx #'!' | $80 ; Vertical line, screen code
+ .ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
+ ldx #'|' | $80 ; Vertical line, screen code
+ .else
+ ldx #'!' | $80 ; Vertical line, screen code
+ .endif
- cmp #$00 ; Is the length zero?
- beq done ; Jump if done
- sta tmp1
-: txa ; Screen code
- jsr putchar ; Write, no cursor advance
- jsr newline ; Advance cursor to next line
- dec tmp1
- bne :-
-done: rts
+ cmp #$00 ; Is the length zero?
+ beq done ; Jump if done
+ sta tmp1
+: txa ; Screen code
+ jsr putchar ; Write, no cursor advance
+ jsr newline ; Advance cursor to next line
+ dec tmp1
+ bne :-
+done: rts
; Identify DOS version we're running on as one of these:
-; AppleDOS 3.3 $00
-; ProDOS 1.0.1 $10
-; ProDOS 1.0.2 $10
-; ProDOS 1.1.1 $11
-; ProDOS 1.2 $12
-; ProDOS 1.3 $13
-; ProDOS 1.4 $14
-; ProDOS 1.5 $15
-; ProDOS 1.6 $16
-; ProDOS 1.7 $17
-; ProDOS 1.8 $18
-; ProDOS 1.9 $18
-; ProDOS 2.0.1 $21
-; ProDOS 2.0.2 $22
-; ProDOS 2.0.3 $23
+; AppleDOS 3.3 - $00
+; ProDOS 8 1.0.1 - $10
+; ProDOS 8 1.0.2 - $10
+; ProDOS 8 1.1.1 - $11
+; ProDOS 8 1.2 - $12
+; ProDOS 8 1.3 - $13
+; ProDOS 8 1.4 - $14
+; ProDOS 8 1.5 - $15
+; ProDOS 8 1.6 - $16
+; ProDOS 8 1.7 - $17
+; ProDOS 8 1.8 - $18
+; ProDOS 8 1.9 - $18
+; ProDOS 8 2.0.1 - $21
+; ProDOS 8 2.0.2 - $22
+; ProDOS 8 2.0.3 - $23
- .constructor initdostype
- .export __dos_type
+ .constructor initdostype
+ .export __dos_type
- .include ""
+ .include ""
; Identify DOS version according to:
; - "Beneath Apple ProDOS", chapter 6-63
; - "Apple II ProDOS 8 TechNote #023: ProDOS 8 Changes and Minutia"
; - ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter 5.2.4
-.segment "INIT"
+ .segment "INIT"
- lda MLI
- cmp #$4C ; Is MLI present? (JMP opcode)
- bne done
- cmp #$10
- bcs :+
- ora #$10 ; Make high nibble match major version
-: sta __dos_type
-done: rts
+ lda ENTRY
+ cmp #$4C ; Is MLI present? (JMP opcode)
+ bne done
+ lda KVERSION ; ProDOS 8 kernel version
+ cmp #$10
+ bcs :+
+ ora #$10 ; Make high nibble match major version
+: sta __dos_type
+done: rts
+ .bss
-__dos_type: .res 1
+__dos_type: .res 1
; unsigned char get_ostype(void)
- .constructor initostype
- .export _get_ostype
+ .constructor initostype
+ .export _get_ostype
; Identify machine according to:
; "Apple II Miscellaneous TechNote #7: Apple II Family Identification"
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Initialization
-.segment "INIT"
+ .segment "INIT"
- sec
- jsr $FE1F
- bcs nogs
- tya
- ora #$80
-done: sta ostype
- rts
-nogs: ldx #$FF
-next: inx
- lda value,x
- ldy index,x
- beq done ; $00 is no valid index
- cmp $FB00,y
- beq next
-: inx
- ldy index,x
- bne :-
- beq next ; Branch always
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sec
+ jsr $FE1F
+ bcs nogs
+ tya
+ ora #$80
+done: sta ostype
+ rts
+nogs: ldx #$FF
+next: inx
+ lda value,x
+ ldy index,x
+ beq done ; $00 is no valid index
+ cmp $FB00,y
+ beq next
+: inx
+ ldy index,x
+ bne :-
+ beq next ; Branch always
- lda ostype
- ldx #$00
- rts
+index: .byte $B3, $00 ; Apple ][
+ .byte $B3, $1E, $00 ; Apple ][+
+ .byte $B3, $1E, $00 ; Apple /// (emulation)
+ .byte $B3, $C0, $00 ; Apple //e
+ .byte $B3, $C0, $DD, $BE, $00 ; Apple //e Option Card
+ .byte $B3, $C0, $00 ; Apple //e (enhanced)
+ .byte $B3, $C0, $BF, $00 ; Apple //c
+ .byte $B3, $C0, $BF, $00 ; Apple //c (3.5 ROM)
+ .byte $B3, $C0, $BF, $00 ; Apple //c (Mem. Exp.)
+ .byte $B3, $C0, $BF, $00 ; Apple //c (Rev. Mem. Exp.)
+ .byte $B3, $C0, $BF, $00 ; Apple //c Plus
+ .byte $00
+value: .byte $38, $10 ; Apple ][
+ .byte $EA, $AD, $11 ; Apple ][+
+ .byte $EA, $8A, $20 ; Apple /// (emulation)
+ .byte $06, $EA, $30 ; Apple //e
+ .byte $06, $E0, $02, $00, $40 ; Apple //e Option Card
+ .byte $06, $E0, $31 ; Apple //e (enhanced)
+ .byte $06, $00, $FF, $50 ; Apple //c
+ .byte $06, $00, $00, $51 ; Apple //c (3.5 ROM)
+ .byte $06, $00, $03, $53 ; Apple //c (Mem. Exp.)
+ .byte $06, $00, $04, $54 ; Apple //c (Rev. Mem. Exp.)
+ .byte $06, $00, $05, $55 ; Apple //c Plus
+ .byte $00
-index: .byte $B3, $00 ; Apple ][
- .byte $B3, $1E, $00 ; Apple ][+
- .byte $B3, $1E, $00 ; Apple /// (emulation)
- .byte $B3, $C0, $00 ; Apple //e
- .byte $B3, $C0, $DD, $BE, $00 ; Apple //e Option Card
- .byte $B3, $C0, $00 ; Apple //e (enhanced)
- .byte $B3, $C0, $BF, $00 ; Apple //c
- .byte $B3, $C0, $BF, $00 ; Apple //c (3.5 ROM)
- .byte $B3, $C0, $BF, $00 ; Apple //c (Mem. Exp.)
- .byte $B3, $C0, $BF, $00 ; Apple //c (Rev. Mem. Exp.)
- .byte $B3, $C0, $BF, $00 ; Apple //c Plus
- .byte $00
-value: .byte $38, $10 ; Apple ][
- .byte $EA, $AD, $11 ; Apple ][+
- .byte $EA, $8A, $20 ; Apple /// (emulation)
- .byte $06, $EA, $30 ; Apple //e
- .byte $06, $E0, $02, $00, $40 ; Apple //e Option Card
- .byte $06, $E0, $31 ; Apple //e (enhanced)
- .byte $06, $00, $FF, $50 ; Apple //c
- .byte $06, $00, $00, $51 ; Apple //c (3.5 ROM)
- .byte $06, $00, $03, $53 ; Apple //c (Mem. Exp.)
- .byte $06, $00, $04, $54 ; Apple //c (Rev. Mem. Exp.)
- .byte $06, $00, $05, $55 ; Apple //c Plus
- .byte $00
+ .code
+ lda ostype
+ ldx #$00
+ rts
+ .bss
-ostype: .res 1
+ostype: .res 1
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-05-02
-; char* getenv (const char* name);
+; char* __fastcall__ getenv (const char* name);
- .export _getenv
- .import return0
+ .export _getenv
+ .import return0
-_getenv = return0 ; "not found"
+_getenv = return0 ; "not found"
; const char joy_stddrv[];
- .export _joy_stddrv
+ .export _joy_stddrv
-_joy_stddrv: .asciiz "A2.STDJOY.JOY"
+ .ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
+ .asciiz "A2E.STDJOY.JOY"
+ .else
+ .asciiz "A2.STDJOY.JOY"
+ .endif
- ;;
- ;; Kevin Ruland
- ;;
- ;; int kbhit (void);
- ;;
+; Kevin Ruland
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2005-03-25
+; unsigned char kbhit (void);
- .export _kbhit
+ .export _kbhit
- .import return0, return1
- .include ""
+ .include ""
- bit KBD ; Reading keyboard checks for keypress
- bmi L1 ; if KBD > 127 key was pressed
- jmp return0
- jmp return1
+_kbhit: lda KBD ; Reading KBD checks for keypress
+ rol ; if high bit is set, key was pressed
+ lda #$00
+ tax
+ rol
+ rts
- ;;
- ;; Kevin Ruland
- ;;
- ;; unsigned char __fastcall__ revers (unsigned char onoff)
- ;;
+; Kevin Ruland
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ revers (unsigned char onoff)
.export _revers
and #$FF ; Test for any bit
beq normal ; Nothing set
lda #~$3F ; Not Inverse
- eor #$FF ; Xor Normal
+normal: eor #$FF ; Xor Normal
tya ; What was the old value?
eor #$FF ; Normal = $FF, Inverse = $3F
- beq L2
+ beq :+
lda #$01
+: ldx #$00
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2004-06-03
+; Rom VTABZ routine
+ .export VTABZ
+VTABZ := $FC24 ; Generate text base address
; */
- .export __systime
+ .export __systime
- .importzp sreg
+ .include ""
lda #$FF
--- /dev/null
+; Oliver Schmidt, 10.03.2004
+; void __fastcall__ _textframexy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y,
+; unsigned char width, unsigned char height,
+; unsigned char style);
+; void __fastcall__ _textframe (unsigned char width, unsigned char height);
+; unsigned char style);
+ .export __textframexy, __textframe
+ .import popa, pusha, _gotoxy
+ .import chlinedirect, cvlinedirect
+ .include ""
+ .include ""
+WIDTH = tmp2
+HEIGHT = tmp3
+XORIGIN = tmp4
+YORIGIN = ptr1
+ sec
+ bra :+
+ clc
+: ldx INVFLG
+ phx ; Save character display mode
+ ldx #$FF
+ stx INVFLG ; Set normal character display mode
+ pha ; Save index
+ jsr popa ; Get height
+ sta HEIGHT
+ jsr popa ; Get width
+ sta WIDTH
+ lda CH
+ ldx CV
+ bcc noxy
+ jsr popa ; Get y
+ tax
+ jsr popa ; Get x
+noxy: sta XORIGIN
+ plx ; Restore index
+loop: lda XOFFS,x
+ clc
+ bpl :+ ; Relative to left edge?
+ adc WIDTH
+: adc XORIGIN
+ jsr pusha
+ lda YOFFS,x
+ clc
+ bpl :+ ; Relative to top?
+ adc HEIGHT
+: adc YORIGIN
+ jsr _gotoxy ; Call this one, will pop params
+ txa
+ tay
+ lsr ; Get bit 0 (vline) into carry
+ lda LENGTH,x
+ phx ; Save index
+ ldx CHAR,y
+ bcc hline
+ clc
+ adc HEIGHT
+ jsr cvlinedirect
+ bra next
+hline: adc WIDTH
+ jsr chlinedirect
+next: plx ; Restore index
+ inx
+ txa
+ and #$03 ; Mask style
+ bne loop
+ pla
+ sta INVFLG ; Restore character display mode
+ rts
+ .rodata
+; 2 styles with 4 lines each make up 8 entries per table
+; - even entry numbers mean horizontal lines
+; - odd entry numbers mean vertical lines
+; x offset for the line starting point
+; - a positive value means relative to the frame left edge
+; - a negative value menas relative to the frame right edge
+XOFFS: .byte 0, 0, 0, -2, 1, 0, 1, -2
+; y offset for the line starting point
+; - a positive value means relative to the frame top
+; - a negative value menas relative to the frame bottom
+YOFFS: .byte 0, 1, -2, 1, 0, 0, -2, 0
+; length of the line relative to the frame size
+; - a negative value for hlines means shorter than the width
+; - a negative value for vlines menas shorter than the height
+LENGTH: .byte 0, -2, 0, -2, -2, 0, -2, 0
+; character to use for drawing the line
+; - hibit set means normal printable character
+; - hibit clear means MouseText character
+CHAR: .byte '_'|$80, '_', 'L', 'Z', 'L', 'Z', '_'|$80, '_'
; Apple II mode table for tgi_map_mode
- .export _tgi_mode_table
+ .export _tgi_mode_table
- .include ""
+ .include ""
; Mode table. Contains entries of mode and driver name, the driver name being
- .byte TGI_MODE_280_192_6, "A2.HI.TGI", 0
- .byte TGI_MODE_40_40_16, "A2.LO.TGI", 0
-; .byte TGI_MODE_560_192_2, "A2.DHI.TGI", 0
- .byte 0 ; End marker
+ .ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
+ .byte TGI_MODE_280_192_6, "A2E.HI.TGI", 0
+ .byte TGI_MODE_40_40_16, "A2E.LO.TGI", 0
+; .byte TGI_MODE_560_192_2, "A2E.DHI.TGI", 0
+ .else
+ .byte TGI_MODE_280_192_6, "A2.HI.TGI", 0
+ .byte TGI_MODE_40_40_16, "A2.LO.TGI", 0
+; .byte TGI_MODE_560_192_2, "A2.DHI.TGI", 0
+ .endif
+ .byte 0 ; End marker
+; Kevin Ruland
+; unsigned char wherex (void);
- ;; Keivn Ruland
- ;;
- ;; unsigned char wherex( void );
+ .export _wherex
- .export _wherex
- .include ""
+ .include ""
- lda CH
+ lda CH
ldx #$00
- rts
+ rts
+; Kevin Ruland
+; unsigned char wherey (void);
- ;; Keivn Ruland
- ;;
- ;; unsigned char wherey( void );
+ .export _wherey
- .export _wherey
- .include ""
+ .include ""
- lda CV
+ lda CV
+ sec
+ sbc WNDTOP
ldx #$00
- rts
+ rts
CC = ../../src/cc65/cc65
LD = ../../src/ld65/ld65
-AFLAGS = -t $(SYS) -I../../asminc
-CFLAGS = -Osir -g -T -t $(SYS) --forget-inc-paths -I . -I ../../include
+AFLAGS = -t $(SYS) -I../apple2 -I../../asminc
+CFLAGS = -Osir -g -T -t $(SYS) --forget-inc-paths -I ../apple2 -I ../../include
# Rules
-%.o: %.c
+%.o: ../apple2/%.c
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $<
@$(AS) -o $@ $(AFLAGS) $(*).s
-%.o: %.s
+%.o: ../apple2/%.s
@$(AS) -g -o $@ $(AFLAGS) $<
%.emd: %.o ../runtime/zeropage.o
# Object files
-OBJS= _scrsize.o \
- chline.o \
+OBJS= _scrsize.o \
+ break.o \
+ cclear.o \
+ cgetc.o \
+ chline.o \
+ clrscr.o \
+ color.o \
cputc.o \
+ crt0.o \
+ ctype.o \
cvline.o \
- textframe.o
+ dosdetect.o \
+ get_ostype.o \
+ getenv.o \
+ joy_stddrv.o \
+ kbhit.o \
+ mainargs.o \
+ oserrlist.o \
+ randomize.o \
+ rcout.o \
+ read.o \
+ revers.o \
+ rhome.o \
+ rom.o \
+ rpread.o \
+ rrdkey.o \
+ rvtabz.o \
+ systime.o \
+ sysuname.o \
+ textframe.o \
+ tgi_mode_table.o\
+ wherex.o \
+ wherey.o \
+ write.o
# Drivers
+EMDS = apple2-lc.emd
+TGIS = apple2-40-40-16.tgi apple2-280-192-6.tgi
# Targets
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 26.10.2000
-; Screen size variables
- .export screensize
- .include "../apple2/"
- ldy #24
- rts
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 08.08.1998
-; void chlinexy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char length);
-; void chline (unsigned char length);
- .export _chlinexy, _chline, chlinedirect
- .import popa, _gotoxy, cputdirect
- .importzp tmp1
- .include "../apple2/"
- pha ; Save the length
- jsr popa ; Get y
- jsr _gotoxy ; Call this one, will pop params
- pla ; Restore the length and run into _chline
- ldx #'S' ; MouseText character
- ldy INVFLG
- cpy #$FF ; Normal character display mode?
- beq chlinedirect
- ldx #'-' | $80 ; Horizontal line, screen code
- cmp #$00 ; Is the length zero?
- beq done ; Jump if done
- sta tmp1
-: txa ; Screen code
- jsr cputdirect ; Direct output
- dec tmp1
- bne :-
-done: rts
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 06.08.1998
-; void cputcxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, char c);
-; void cputc (char c);
- .constructor initconio
- .export _cputcxy, _cputc
- .export _gotoxy, cputdirect
- .export newline, putchar
- .import popa, SETWND, BASCALC
- .include "../apple2/"
- lda #$FF ; Normal character display mode
- sta INVFLG
- sta SETALTCHAR ; Switch in alternate charset
- lda #$00
- jsr SETWND ; Reset text window to full screen
- rts
-; Plot a character - also used as internal function
- pha ; Save C
- jsr popa ; Get Y
- jsr _gotoxy
- pla ; Restore C
- cmp #$0D ; Test for \r = carrage return
- beq left
- cmp #$0A ; Test for \n = line feed
- beq newline
- ora #$80 ; Turn on high bit
- jsr putchar
- inc CH ; Bump to next column
- lda CH
- bne done
-left: stz CH ; Goto left edge of screen
-done: rts
- inc CV
- lda CV
- cmp #24
- bne :+
- lda #$00
- sta CV
-: jsr BASCALC
- rts
- ldy INVFLG
- cpy #$FF ; Normal character display mode?
- beq put
- cmp #$E0 ; Lowercase?
- bcc mask
- and #$7F ; Inverse lowercase
- bra put
-mask: and INVFLG ; Apply normal, inverse, flash
-put: ldy CH
- bit RD80VID ; In 80 column mode?
- bpl col40 ; No, in 40 cols
- pha
- tya
- lsr ; Div by 2
- tay
- pla
- bcs col40 ; Odd cols go in 40 col memory
- bit HISCR
- sta (BASL),Y
- bit LOWSCR
- rts
-col40: sta (BASL),Y
- rts
- sta CV ; Store Y
- jsr popa ; Get X
- sta CH ; Store X
- rts
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 08.08.1998
-; void cvlinexy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char length);
-; void cvline (unsigned char length);
- .export _cvlinexy, _cvline, cvlinedirect
- .import popa, _gotoxy, putchar, newline
- .importzp tmp1
- pha ; Save the length
- jsr popa ; Get y
- jsr _gotoxy ; Call this one, will pop params
- pla ; Restore the length and run into _cvline
- ldx #'|' | $80 ; Vertical line, screen code
- cmp #$00 ; Is the length zero?
- beq done ; Jump if done
- sta tmp1
-: txa ; Screen code
- jsr putchar ; Write, no cursor advance
- jsr newline ; Advance cursor to next line
- dec tmp1
- bne :-
-done: rts
+++ /dev/null
-; Oliver Schmidt, 10.03.2004
-; void _textframexy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y,
-; unsigned char width, unsigned char height,
-; unsigned char style);
-; void _textframe (unsigned char width, unsigned char height);
-; unsigned char style);
- .export __textframexy, __textframe
- .import popa, pusha, _gotoxy
- .import chlinedirect, cvlinedirect
- .importzp tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, ptr1
- .include "../apple2/"
-WIDTH = tmp2
-HEIGHT = tmp3
-XORIGIN = tmp4
-YORIGIN = ptr1
- sec
- bra textframe
- clc
- ldx INVFLG
- phx ; Save character display mode
- ldx #$FF
- stx INVFLG ; Set normal character display mode
- pha ; Save index
- jsr popa ; Get height
- sta HEIGHT
- jsr popa ; Get width
- sta WIDTH
- lda CH
- ldx CV
- bcc noxy
- jsr popa ; Get y
- tax
- jsr popa ; Get x
-noxy: sta XORIGIN
- plx ; Restore index
-loop: lda XOFFS,x
- clc
- bpl :+ ; Relative to left edge?
- adc WIDTH
-: adc XORIGIN
- jsr pusha
- lda YOFFS,x
- clc
- bpl :+ ; Relative to top?
- adc HEIGHT
-: adc YORIGIN
- jsr _gotoxy ; Call this one, will pop params
- txa
- tay
- lsr ; Get bit 0 (vline) into carry
- lda LENGTH,x
- phx ; Save index
- ldx CHAR,y
- bcc hline
- clc
- adc HEIGHT
- jsr cvlinedirect
- bra next
-hline: adc WIDTH
- jsr chlinedirect
-next: plx ; Restore index
- inx
- txa
- and #$03 ; Mask style
- bne loop
- pla
- sta INVFLG ; Restore character display mode
- rts
- .rodata
-; 2 styles with 4 lines each make up 8 entries per table
-; - even entry numbers mean horizontal lines
-; - odd entry numbers mean vertical lines
-; x offset for the line starting point
-; - a positive value means relative to the frame left edge
-; - a negative value menas relative to the frame right edge
-XOFFS: .byte 0, 0, 0, -2, 1, 0, 1, -2
-; y offset for the line starting point
-; - a positive value means relative to the frame top
-; - a negative value menas relative to the frame bottom
-YOFFS: .byte 0, 1, -2, 1, 0, 0, -2, 0
-; length of the line relative to the frame size
-; - a negative value for hlines means shorter than the width
-; - a negative value for vlines menas shorter than the height
-LENGTH: .byte 0, -2, 0, -2, -2, 0, -2, 0
-; character to use for drawing the line
-; - hibit set means normal printable character
-; - hibit clear means MouseText character
-CHAR: .byte '_'|$80, '_', 'L', 'Z', 'L', 'Z', '_'|$80, '_'