+if test $RC != 0 ; then
+ echo "ldapmodify failed ($RC)!"
+ test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS
+ exit $RC
echo "Waiting $SLEEP seconds for cache to refresh"
exit 0
+echo ""
+echo "Testing pwdModify"
+ -D "$MANAGERDN" -w "$PASSWD" -s newpw "$USERDN" >> $TESTOUT 2>&1
+if test $RC != 0 ; then
+ echo "ldappasswd failed ($RC)!"
+ test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS
+ exit $RC
+RC=`grep "CACH.* BIND" $LOG2 | wc -l`
+if test $RC != 3 ; then
+ echo "ldappasswd didn't update the cache"
+ test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS && wait
+ exit 0
+CNT=`expr $CNT + 1`
+USERDN="cn=James A Jones 1,ou=Alumni Association,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
+echo "Query $CNT: (Bind should be cached)"
+echo "# Query $CNT: (Bind should be cached)" >> $SEARCHOUT
+$LDAPSEARCH -S "" -b "" -s base -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT2 \
+if test $RC != 0 ; then
+ echo "ldapsearch failed ($RC)!"
+ test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS
+ exit $RC
+RC=`grep "CACH.* BIND" $LOG2 | wc -l`
+if test $RC != 4 ; then
+ echo "Bind wasn't answered from cache"
+ test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS && wait
+ exit 0
test $KILLSERVERS != no && kill -HUP $KILLPIDS
echo ">>>>> Test succeeded"