; Driver for the Inkwell Systems 170-C and 184-C lightpens.
-; 2013-06-17, Greg King
+; 2013-07-01, Greg King
.include "zeropage.inc"
ldx LIBREF+1
sta ptr1 ; Point to mouse_adjuster
stx ptr1+1
- ldy #0
+ ldy #1
lda (ptr1),y
- sta Calibrate+1 ; Point to function
- iny
+ bze @L1 ; Don't call pointer if it's NULL
+ sta Calibrate+2 ; Point to function
+ dey
lda (ptr1),y
- sta Calibrate+2
- ora Calibrate+1 ; Don't call pointer if it's NULL
- bze @L1
+ sta Calibrate+1
lda #<XOffset ; Function will set this variable
ldx #>XOffset
jsr Calibrate
; It needs to be done here because the lightpen interrupt handler doesn't
; set the lightpen position if it hasn't changed.
-@L1: jsr CHIDE
+@L1: sei
+ jsr CHIDE
lda #<(SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2)
ldx #>(SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2)
lda #<(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2)
ldx #>(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2)
jsr MoveX
+ cli
; Done, return zero.
; Driver for the Inkwell Systems 170-C and 184-C lightpens.
-; 2013-06-17, Greg King
+; 2013-07-01, Greg King
.include "zeropage.inc"
ldx LIBREF+1
sta ptr1 ; Point to mouse_adjuster
stx ptr1+1
- ldy #0
+ ldy #1
lda (ptr1),y
- sta Calibrate+1 ; Point to function
- iny
+ bze @L1 ; Don't call pointer if it's NULL
+ sta Calibrate+2 ; Point to function
+ dey
lda (ptr1),y
- sta Calibrate+2
- ora Calibrate+1 ; Don't call pointer if it's NULL
- bze @L1
+ sta Calibrate+1
lda #<XOffset ; Function will set this variable
ldx #>XOffset
jsr Calibrate
; It needs to be done here because the lightpen interrupt handler doesn't
; set the lightpen position if it hasn't changed.
-@L1: jsr CHIDE
+@L1: sei
+ jsr CHIDE
lda #<(SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2)
ldx #>(SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2)
lda #<(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2)
ldx #>(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2)
jsr MoveX
+ cli
; Done, return zero.