.export soft80_textcolor, soft80_bgcolor
.import soft80_internal_textcolor, soft80_internal_bgcolor
+ .import soft80_internal_cursorxlsb
+ .import soft80_kplot, soft80_checkchar
.importzp tmp1, tmp2
ldx soft80_internal_textcolor ; get old value
sta soft80_internal_textcolor ; set new value
- jsr mkcharcolor
+ lda soft80_internal_bgcolor
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ sta tmp1 ; remember new bg color (high nibble)
+ ora soft80_internal_textcolor
+ sta CHARCOLOR ; text/bg combo for new chars
txa ; get old value
ldx soft80_internal_bgcolor ; get old value
+ stx tmp2 ; save old value
sta soft80_internal_bgcolor ; set new value
jsr mkcharcolor
- stx tmp2 ; save old value
+ lda CURS_X
+ pha
+ lda CURS_Y
+ pha
+ ldy #0
+ ldx #0
+ clc
+ jsr soft80_kplot
+ sei
+ lda $01
+ pha
+ ldx #$34
+ stx $01 ; $34
+ ;ldy #0 ; is still 0
+ lda #24
+ sta CURS_Y
+ lda #39
+ sta CURS_X
; if the old bg color is equal to color ram of that cell, then also
; update the color ram to the new value.
- ; FIXME: perhaps we must also check if the non visible character is not
- ; a space, and NOT update the color ram in that case.
- ldx #$00
- .repeat $4,page
- .scope
- lda soft80_colram+(page*250),x
+ inc $01 ; $35
+ lda (CRAM_PTR),y ; colram
+ stx $01 ; $34
and #$0f
cmp tmp2 ; old bg color
bne @sk1
+ ; if the left character in the cell is not a space, then dont update
+ ; the color ram
+ lda #1
+ sta soft80_internal_cursorxlsb
+ jsr soft80_checkchar
+ bcc @sk1
lda soft80_internal_bgcolor ; new bg color
- sta soft80_colram+(page*250),x
- .endscope
- .endrepeat
- inx
- bne lp1
+ inc $01 ; $35
+ sta (CRAM_PTR),y ; colram
+ stx $01 ; $34
- sei
- ldy $01
- lda #$34 ; disable I/O
- sta $01
; if the old bg color is equal to text color in this cell, then also
; update the text color to the new value.
- ; FIXME: perhaps we need to check for space, see note above
- ldx #$00
- .repeat $4,page
- .scope
- lda soft80_vram+(page*250),x
+ lda (CRAM_PTR),y ; vram
and #$0f
cmp tmp2 ; old bg color
bne @sk2
+ ; if there are non space characters in the cell, do not update the
+ ; color ram
+ pha
+ lda #0
+ sta soft80_internal_cursorxlsb
+ jsr soft80_checkchar
+ pla
+ bcc @sk2
+ pha
+ inc soft80_internal_cursorxlsb
+ jsr soft80_checkchar
+ pla
+ bcc @sk2
lda soft80_internal_bgcolor ; new bg color
ora tmp1 ; new bg color (high nibble)
- sta soft80_vram+(page*250),x
- .endscope
- .endrepeat
+ sta (CRAM_PTR),y ; vram
- inx
- bne lp2
+ inc CRAM_PTR
+ bne @sk3
+ inc CRAM_PTR+1
- sty $01 ; enable I/O
+ clc
+ adc #8
+ bcc @sk4
+ inc SCREEN_PTR+1
+ dec CURS_X
+ bpl lpx
+ dec CURS_Y
+ bpl lpy
+ pla
+ sta $01 ; enable I/O
- lda tmp2 ; get old value
- rts
+ pla ; CURS_Y
+ tax
+ pla ; CURS_X
+ tay
+ clc
+ jsr soft80_kplot
- lda soft80_internal_bgcolor
- asl a
- asl a
- asl a
- asl a
- sta tmp1 ; remember new bg color (high nibble)
- ora soft80_internal_textcolor
- sta CHARCOLOR ; text/bg combo for new chars
+ lda tmp2 ; get old value