atari \
+TARGETUTIL = apple2 \
+ geos-apple
GEOSDIRS = common \
conio \
disk \
ifeq ($(TARGET),apple2enh)
DRVPFX = a2e
- DIRS = apple2
+ SRCDIR = apple2
ifeq ($(TARGET),$(filter $(TARGET),$(CBMS)))
- DIRS += cbm
+ SRCDIRS += cbm
ifeq ($(TARGET),$(filter $(TARGET),$(GEOS)))
- DIRS += $(addprefix $(TARGET)/, $(GEOSDIRS))
- DIRS += $(addprefix geos-common/,$(GEOSDIRS))
+ SRCDIRS += $(addprefix $(TARGET)/, $(GEOSDIRS))
+ SRCDIRS += $(addprefix geos-common/,$(GEOSDIRS))
-DIRS += common \
- conio \
- dbg \
- em \
- joystick \
- mouse \
- runtime \
- serial \
- tgi \
- zlib
+SRCDIRS += common \
+ conio \
+ dbg \
+ em \
+ joystick \
+ mouse \
+ runtime \
+ serial \
+ tgi \
+ zlib
-vpath %.s $(DIRS)
-vpath %.c $(DIRS)
+vpath %.s $(SRCDIRS)
+vpath %.c $(SRCDIRS)
-OBJS := $(patsubst %.s,%.o,$(foreach dir,$(DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
-OBJS += $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(foreach dir,$(DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
+OBJS := $(patsubst %.s,%.o,$(foreach dir,$(SRCDIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
+OBJS += $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(foreach dir,$(SRCDIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
OBJS := $(addprefix ../wrk/$(TARGET)/,$(sort $(notdir $(OBJS))))
DEPS = $(OBJS:.o=.d)
-EXTRA_SRCPAT = $(firstword $(DIRS))/extra/%.s
+EXTRA_SRCPAT = $(SRCDIR)/extra/%.s
EXTRA_OBJPAT = ../lib/$(TARGET)-%.o
-EXTRA_OBJS := $(patsubst $(EXTRA_SRCPAT),$(EXTRA_OBJPAT),$(wildcard $(firstword $(DIRS))/extra/*.s))
+EXTRA_OBJS := $(patsubst $(EXTRA_SRCPAT),$(EXTRA_OBJPAT),$(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/extra/*.s))
ZPOBJ = ../wrk/$(TARGET)/zeropage.o
ifeq ($(TARGET),$(filter $(TARGET),$(EXTZP)))
ZPOBJ += ../wrk/$(TARGET)/extzp.o
-ifeq ($(TARGET),$(filter $(TARGET),$(MKINC)))
- include $(TARGET)/
+ifeq ($(SRCDIR),$(filter $(SRCDIR),$(MKINC)))
+ include $(SRCDIR)/
+ifeq ($(SRCDIR),$(filter $(SRCDIR),$(TARGETUTIL)))
+ include $(SRCDIR)/targetutil/
define DRVTYPE_template
-$1_SRCDIR = $$(firstword $$(DIRS))/$1
+$1_SRCDIR = $$(SRCDIR)/$1
$1_OBJDIR = ../wrk/$$(TARGET)/$1
$1_DRVDIR = ../$1
$$($1_OBJS): | $$($1_OBJDIR)
- @$$(call MKDIR,$$@)
$$($1_DRVPAT): $$($1_OBJPAT) $$(ZPOBJ) | $$($1_DRVDIR)
@echo $$(TARGET) - $$(@F)
@$$(LD) -o $$@ -t module $$^
+$$($1_OBJDIR) $$($1_DRVDIR):
@$$(call MKDIR,$$@)
$(TARGET): $$($1_DRVS)
CO = $(if $(wildcard ../bin/co65*),../bin/co65,co65)
LD = $(if $(wildcard ../bin/ld65*),../bin/ld65,ld65)
+define ASSEMBLE_recipe
+@echo $(TARGET) - $<
+@$(CA) -t $(TARGET) $(AFLAGS) --create-dep $(@:.o=.d) -o $@ $<
+define COMPILE_recipe
+@echo $(TARGET) - $<
+@$(CC) -t $(TARGET) $(CFLAGS) --create-dep $(@:.o=.d) -o $(@:.o=.s) $<
+@$(CA) -t $(TARGET) -o $@ $(@:.o=.s)
../wrk/$(TARGET)/%.o: %.s | ../wrk/$(TARGET)
- @echo $(TARGET) - $<
- @$(CA) -t $(TARGET) $(AFLAGS) --create-dep $(@:.o=.d) -o $@ $<
+ $(ASSEMBLE_recipe)
../wrk/$(TARGET)/%.o: %.c | ../wrk/$(TARGET)
- @echo $(TARGET) - $<
- @$(CC) -t $(TARGET) $(CFLAGS) --create-dep $(@:.o=.d) -o $(@:.o=.s) $<
- @$(CA) -t $(TARGET) -o $@ $(@:.o=.s)
- @$(call MKDIR,$@)
+ $(COMPILE_recipe)
@echo $(TARGET) - $<
../lib/$(TARGET).lib: $(OBJS) | ../lib
$(AR) a $@ $?
+../wrk/$(TARGET) ../lib ../targetutil:
@$(call MKDIR,$@)
$(TARGET): $(EXTRA_OBJS) ../lib/$(TARGET).lib
--- /dev/null
+../wrk/$(TARGET)/loader.o: $(SRCDIR)/targetutil/loader.s | ../wrk/$(TARGET)
+ $(ASSEMBLE_recipe)
+../targetutil/loader.system: ../wrk/$(TARGET)/loader.o $(SRCDIR)/targetutil/loader.cfg | ../targetutil
+ $(LD) -o $@ -C $(filter %.cfg,$^) $(filter-out %.cfg,$^)
+$(TARGET): ../targetutil/loader.system
--- /dev/null
+# #
+# LOADER.SYSTEM - an Apple][ ProDOS 8 loader for cc65 programs (Oliver Schmidt) #
+# #
+ MEMORY_2000: start = $2000, size = $0200, file = %O;
+ MEMORY_0300: start = $0300, size = $0100;
+ CODE_2000: load = MEMORY_2000, type = ro;
+ DATA_2000: load = MEMORY_2000, type = rw;
+ CODE_0300: load = MEMORY_2000, run = MEMORY_0300, type = ro, define = yes;
+ DATA_0300: load = MEMORY_2000, run = MEMORY_0300, type = rw, define = yes;
--- /dev/null
+; ;
+; LOADER.SYSTEM - an Apple][ ProDOS 8 loader for cc65 programs (Oliver Schmidt) ;
+; ;
+A1L := $3C
+A1H := $3D
+STACK := $0100
+BUF := $0200
+PATHNAME := $0280
+MLI := $BF00
+QUIT_CALL = $65
+ .import __CODE_0300_SIZE__, __DATA_0300_SIZE__
+ .import __CODE_0300_LOAD__, __CODE_0300_RUN__
+.segment "DATA_2000"
+ .byte $0A ;PARAM_COUNT
+ .byte $00 ;ACCESS
+ .byte $00 ;FILE_TYPE
+FILE_INFO_ADDR: .word $0000 ;AUX_TYPE
+ .byte $00 ;STORAGE_TYPE
+ .word $0000 ;BLOCKS_USED
+ .word $0000 ;MOD_DATE
+ .word $0000 ;MOD_TIME
+ .word $0000 ;CREATE_DATE
+ .word $0000 ;CREATE_TIME
+ .byte $03 ;PARAM_COUNT
+ .addr MLI - 1024 ;IO_BUFFER
+OPEN_REF: .byte $00 ;REF_NUM
+ .byte $0D
+ .asciiz "Loading "
+ .byte " ...", $0D, $0D, $00
+.segment "DATA_0300"
+ .byte $04 ;PARAM_COUNT
+READ_REF: .byte $00 ;REF_NUM
+READ_ADDR: .addr $0000 ;DATA_BUFFER
+ .word $0000 ;TRANS_COUNT
+ .byte $01 ;PARAM_COUNT
+CLOSE_REF: .byte $00 ;REF_NUM
+ .byte $04 ;PARAM_COUNT
+ .byte $00 ;QUIT_TYPE
+ .word $0000 ;RESERVED
+ .byte $00 ;RESERVED
+ .word $0000 ;RESERVED
+ .asciiz "... File Not Found"
+ .asciiz "... Error $"
+ .asciiz " - Press Any Key "
+.segment "CODE_2000"
+ jmp :+
+ .byte $EE
+ .byte $EE
+ .byte 65
+STARTUP:.res 65
+ ; Reset stack
+: ldx #$FF
+ txs
+ ; Relocate CODE_0300 and DATA_0300
+ ldx #<(__CODE_0300_SIZE__ + __DATA_0300_SIZE__)
+: lda __CODE_0300_LOAD__ - 1,x
+ sta __CODE_0300_RUN__ - 1,x
+ dex
+ bne :-
+ ; Remove ".SYSTEM" from pathname
+ sec
+ sbc #.strlen(".SYSTEM")
+ ; Add trailing '\0' to pathname
+ tax
+ lda #$00
+ sta PATHNAME + 1,x
+ ; Copy ProDOS startup filename and trailing '\0' to stack
+ lda #$00
+ beq :++ ; bra
+: lda STARTUP + 1,x
+: sta STACK,x
+ dex
+ bpl :--
+ ; Provide some user feedback
+ lda #<LOADING
+ ldx #>LOADING
+ jsr PRINT
+ lda #<(PATHNAME + 1)
+ ldx #>(PATHNAME + 1)
+ jsr PRINT
+ lda #<ELLIPSES
+ ldx #>ELLIPSES
+ jsr PRINT
+ jsr MLI
+ bcc :+
+ jmp ERROR
+: jsr MLI
+ .byte OPEN_CALL
+ .word OPEN_PARAM
+ bcc :+
+ jmp ERROR
+ ; Copy file reference number
+: lda OPEN_REF
+ sta READ_REF
+ ; Get load address from aux-type
+ ldx FILE_INFO_ADDR + 1
+ stx READ_ADDR + 1
+ ; It's high time to leave this place
+ jmp __CODE_0300_RUN__
+.segment "CODE_0300"
+ jsr MLI
+ .byte READ_CALL
+ .word READ_PARAM
+ bcs ERROR
+ jsr MLI
+ .byte CLOSE_CALL
+ bcs ERROR
+ ; Copy REM token and startup filename to BASIC input buffer
+ ldx #$00
+ lda #$B2
+ bne :++ ; bra
+: inx
+ lda a:STACK - 1,x
+: sta BUF,x
+ bne :--
+ ; Go for it ...
+ jmp (READ_ADDR)
+ sta A1L
+ stx A1H
+ ldy #$00
+: lda (A1L),y
+ beq :++
+ cpx #$06 ; //e ?
+ beq :+
+ cmp #$60 ; lowercase ?
+ bcc :+
+ and #$5F ; -> uppercase
+: ora #$80
+ jsr COUT
+ iny
+ bne :-- ; bra
+: rts
+ bne :+
+ jsr PRINT
+ beq :++ ; bra
+: pha
+ jsr PRINT
+ pla
+ jsr PRBYTE
+: lda #<PRESS_ANY_KEY
+ jsr PRINT
+ jsr RDKEY
+ jsr MLI
+ .byte QUIT_CALL
+ .word QUIT_PARAM
--- /dev/null
+LOADER.SYSTEM - an Apple][ ProDOS 8 loader for cc65 programs (Oliver Schmidt)
+Apple][ ProDOS 8 system programs (filetype SYS) are always loaded into memory
+starting at location $2000. This poses the problem of how to make efficient
+use of the memory in the range $0800-$2000. The usual approach of relocation
+has two downsides:
+- Relocating e.g. 30 kB from $2000-$9800 to $0800-$8000 takes a considerable
+ amount of time.
+- Really large programs just don't fit into memory when loaded starting at
+ location $2000.
+The relocation can be eliminated by loading the major part(s) of the program
+from disk right to the final location by a rather small system program.
+LOADER.SYSTEM is such a small program. In fact it's so small that it fits into
+a single block in the ProDOS 8 file system making it a so-called seedling file,
+which are loaded really fast. LOADER.SYSTEM can load cc65 programs into memory
+anywhere in the range $0800-$BB00 (44,75 kB).
+Link the cc65 program to the start address $0803 (or any other address) and
+store it as binary program (filetype BIN). This is in fact no different from
+a binary program to be run by BASIC.SYSTEM's BRUN command in the usual way.
+If however the cc65 program isn't run by BASIC.SYSTEM but is rather run by
+LOADER.SYSTEM then it behaves like a system program which means:
+- It uses memory up to the ProDOS 8 system global page located at $BF00.
+- It supports the ProDOS 8 startup file mechanism (mapped to argv[1]).
+- It quits to the ProDOS 8 dispatcher.
+Obviously LOADER.SYSTEM has to be told which cc65 program to run. Unfortunately
+the ProDOS 8 dispatcher has no notion of system program parameters so the usual
+approach would have been to make LOADER.SYSTEM bring up yet another menu to
+select the cc65 program to run.
+But to allow to select the cc65 program directly from the ProDOS 8 dispatcher
+anyway LOADER.SYSTEM detects the path to the cc65 program from its own path by
+just removing the '.SYSTEM' from its name. So if you want to run the cc65
+program MYPROGRAM you'll need a copy of LOADER.SYSTEM in the same directory
+being renamed to MYPROGRAM.SYSTEM.
+This means you will end up with a copy of LOADER.SYSTEM for every cc65 program
+to be run by it. But as LOADER.SYSTEM is a ProDOS 8 seedling file using up only
+a single block in the ProDOS 8 file system this should be no issue.
+In case you want to build 'loader.system' from the source code yourself you can
+do so using the following commands:
+ca65 loader.s
+ld65 -C loader.cfg -o loader.system loader.o
+The file 'loader.system' as generated by the cc65 linker with the command above
+does NOT include the 4-byte address/length header that is generated for Apple][
+programs by default. This is because ProDOS 8 system programs are always loaded
+into memory starting at location $2000.
+The recommended way to transfer 'loader.system' from your native file system to
+a ProDOS 8 file system disk image is to use AppleCommander which is available at
+If you want to put the file 'loader.system' onto a disk image 'mydisk.dsk' as
+system program MYPROGRAM.SYSTEM you can do so using the following command:
+java -jar ac.jar -p mydisk.dsk MYPROGRAM.SYSTEM sys < loader.system
--- /dev/null
+../wrk/$(TARGET)/convert.o: TARGET = apple2enh
+../wrk/$(TARGET)/convert.o: $(SRCDIR)/targetutil/convert.c | ../wrk/$(TARGET)
+ $(COMPILE_recipe)
+../targetutil/convert.system: ../wrk/$(TARGET)/convert.o | ../targetutil
+ $(LD) -o $@ -C apple2enh-system.cfg $^ apple2enh.lib
+$(TARGET): ../targetutil/convert.system
--- /dev/null
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <device.h>
+#include <dio.h>
+unsigned char info_signature[3] = {3, 21, 63 | 0x80};
+dhandle_t dhandle;
+struct dir_entry_t {
+ struct {
+ unsigned name_length :4;
+ unsigned storage_type :4;
+ } storage_length;
+ char file_name[15];
+ unsigned char file_type;
+ unsigned key_pointer;
+ unsigned blocks_used;
+ unsigned char size[3];
+ unsigned long creation;
+ unsigned char version;
+ unsigned char min_version;
+ unsigned char access;
+ unsigned aux_type;
+ unsigned long last_mod;
+ unsigned header_pointer;
+}* dir_entry;
+union {
+ unsigned char bytes[512];
+ struct {
+ unsigned prev_block;
+ unsigned next_block;
+ unsigned char entries[1];
+ } content;
+} dir_block;
+union {
+ unsigned char bytes[512];
+ struct {
+ unsigned char addr_lo[254];
+ unsigned char size_lo[2];
+ unsigned char addr_hi[254];
+ unsigned char size_hi[2];
+ } content;
+} index_block, master_block, vlir_block;
+union {
+ unsigned char bytes[512];
+ struct {
+ unsigned reserved;
+ unsigned char info_block[254];
+ unsigned char vlir_records[128];
+ struct dir_entry_t dir_entry;
+ } content;
+} header_block;
+static void err_exit(char *operation, unsigned char oserr)
+ if (oserr) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s - err:%02x - %s",
+ operation, (int)_oserror, _stroserror(_oserror));
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s",
+ operation);
+ }
+ getchar();
+static unsigned get_dir_entry(char* p_name)
+ char* d_name;
+ char* f_name;
+ size_t f_namelen;
+ DIR* dir;
+ struct dirent* dirent;
+ unsigned cur_addr;
+ unsigned char entry_length;
+ unsigned char entries_per_block;
+ unsigned char cur_entry;
+ /* Split path name into directory name and file name */
+ f_name = strrchr(p_name, '/');
+ if (f_name) {
+ d_name = p_name;
+ *f_name++ = '\0';
+ } else {
+ d_name = ".";
+ f_name = p_name;
+ }
+ f_namelen = strlen(f_name);
+ /* Start with high level functions to get handling
+ of relative path and current drive for free */
+ dir = opendir(d_name);
+ if (!dir) {
+ err_exit("opendir", 1);
+ }
+ dirent = readdir(dir);
+ if (!dirent) {
+ err_exit("readdir", 1);
+ }
+ /* Field header_pointer directly follows field last_mod */
+ cur_addr = *(unsigned*)(&dirent->d_mtime.hour + 1);
+ dhandle = dio_open(getcurrentdevice());
+ if (!dhandle) {
+ err_exit("dio_open", 1);
+ }
+ if (dio_read(dhandle, cur_addr, &dir_block)) {
+ err_exit("dio_read.1", 1);
+ }
+ /* Get directory entry infos from directory header */
+ entry_length = dir_block.bytes[0x23];
+ entries_per_block = dir_block.bytes[0x24];
+ /* Skip directory header entry */
+ cur_entry = 1;
+ do {
+ /* Search for next active directory entry */
+ do {
+ /* Check if next directory block is necessary */
+ if (cur_entry == entries_per_block) {
+ /* Check if another directory block is present */
+ cur_addr = dir_block.content.next_block;
+ if (!cur_addr) {
+ _mappederrno(0x46);
+ err_exit("dio_read.2", 1);
+ }
+ /* Read next directory block */
+ if (dio_read(dhandle, cur_addr, &dir_block)) {
+ err_exit("dio_read.3", 1);
+ }
+ /* Start with first entry in next block */
+ cur_entry = 0;
+ }
+ /* Compute pointer to current entry */
+ dir_entry = (struct dir_entry_t*)(dir_block.content.entries +
+ cur_entry * entry_length);
+ /* Switch to next entry */
+ ++cur_entry;
+ } while (!dir_entry->storage_length.storage_type);
+ } while (dir_entry->storage_length.name_length != f_namelen ||
+ strncasecmp(dir_entry->file_name, f_name, f_namelen));
+ return cur_addr;
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ char input[80];
+ char* p_name;
+ unsigned dir_addr;
+ unsigned header_addr;
+ unsigned char index;
+ unsigned long size;
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ p_name = argv[1];
+ } else {
+ printf("\n"
+ "Apple GEOS Convert 1.0\n"
+ "----------------------\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Pathname:");
+ p_name = gets(input);
+ }
+ dir_addr = get_dir_entry(p_name);
+ /* Read index block */
+ if (dio_read(dhandle, dir_entry->key_pointer, &index_block)) {
+ err_exit("dio_read.4", 1);
+ }
+ /* First pointer is header block */
+ header_addr = index_block.content.addr_lo[0] |
+ index_block.content.addr_hi[0] << 8;
+ /* Read header block */
+ if (dio_read(dhandle, header_addr, &header_block)) {
+ err_exit("dio_read.5", 1);
+ }
+ /* Do some sanity check */
+ for (index = 0; index < sizeof(info_signature); ++index) {
+ if (header_block.content.info_block[index] != info_signature[index]) {
+ err_exit("file signature mismatch", 0);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check ProDOS storage type in directory entry template */
+ if (header_block.content.dir_entry.storage_length.storage_type == 2)
+ {
+ /* ProDOS sapling file means GEOS Sequential file*/
+ printf("\nSequential file\n");
+ /* Remove header block pointer from pointer list */
+ memmove(&index_block.content.addr_lo[0],
+ &index_block.content.addr_lo[1], sizeof(index_block.content.addr_lo) - 1);
+ memmove(&index_block.content.addr_hi[0],
+ &index_block.content.addr_hi[1], sizeof(index_block.content.addr_hi) - 1);
+ /* Get file size from ProDOS directory entry template */
+ size = (unsigned long)(header_block.content.dir_entry.size[0]) |
+ (unsigned long)(header_block.content.dir_entry.size[1]) << 8 |
+ (unsigned long)(header_block.content.dir_entry.size[2]) << 16;
+ } else {
+ /* ProDOS tree file means GEOS VLIR file */
+ unsigned vlir_addr;
+ unsigned long vlir_size;
+ unsigned char vlir_blocks;
+ unsigned char record = 0;
+ printf("\nVLIR file\n");
+ /* Skip header block pointer */
+ index = 1;
+ size = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ /* Get next VLIR index pointer from index block */
+ vlir_addr = index_block.content.addr_lo[index] |
+ index_block.content.addr_hi[index] << 8;
+ ++index;
+ /* Check for end of pointer list */
+ if (vlir_addr == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Check for empty VLIRs */
+ while (header_block.content.vlir_records[record] == 0xFF) {
+ /* Add empty VLIR index pointer to to master index block */
+ master_block.content.addr_lo[record] = 0xFF;
+ master_block.content.addr_hi[record] = 0xFF;
+ ++record;
+ }
+ /* Add VLIR index pointer to master index block */
+ master_block.content.addr_lo[record] = (unsigned char)(vlir_addr );
+ master_block.content.addr_hi[record] = (unsigned char)(vlir_addr >> 8);
+ ++record;
+ /* Read VLIR index block */
+ if (dio_read(dhandle, vlir_addr, &vlir_block)) {
+ err_exit("dio_read.6", 1);
+ }
+ /* Get VLIR size from VLIR index block */
+ vlir_size = (unsigned long)(vlir_block.content.size_lo[1]) |
+ (unsigned long)(vlir_block.content.size_hi[1]) << 8 |
+ (unsigned long)(vlir_block.content.size_lo[0]) << 16 |
+ (unsigned long)(vlir_block.content.size_hi[0]) << 24;
+ printf("VLIR %u size %lu bytes\n", record - 1, vlir_size);
+ /* Compute VLIR block size */
+ vlir_blocks = (unsigned char)((vlir_size + 511) / 512);
+ /* Copy VLIR block pointers from index block to VLIR index block */
+ memcpy(&vlir_block.content.addr_lo[0],
+ &index_block.content.addr_lo[index], vlir_blocks);
+ memcpy(&vlir_block.content.addr_hi[0],
+ &index_block.content.addr_hi[index], vlir_blocks);
+ index += vlir_blocks;
+ /* Write back VLIR index block */
+ if (dio_write(dhandle, vlir_addr, &vlir_block)) {
+ err_exit("dio_write.1", 1);
+ }
+ /* Add VLIR size to file size */
+ size += vlir_size;
+ }
+ /* Replace (by now completely read) index block with
+ (by now completely created) master index block */
+ index_block = master_block;
+ }
+ printf("File size %lu bytes\n\n", size);
+ /* Set file size in index block */
+ index_block.content.size_lo[1] = (unsigned char)(size );
+ index_block.content.size_hi[1] = (unsigned char)(size >> 8);
+ index_block.content.size_lo[0] = (unsigned char)(size >> 16);
+ index_block.content.size_hi[0] = (unsigned char)(size >> 24);
+ /* Write index block */
+ if (dio_write(dhandle, dir_entry->key_pointer, &index_block)) {
+ err_exit("dio_write.2", 1);
+ }
+ /* Copy selected fields from directory entry template to directory block */
+ dir_entry->storage_length = header_block.content.dir_entry.storage_length;
+ memcpy(dir_entry->file_name, header_block.content.dir_entry.file_name, 15);
+ dir_entry->file_type = header_block.content.dir_entry.file_type;
+ dir_entry->size[0] = (unsigned char)(size );
+ dir_entry->size[1] = (unsigned char)(size >> 8);
+ dir_entry->size[2] = (unsigned char)(size >> 16);
+ dir_entry->creation = header_block.content.dir_entry.creation;
+ dir_entry->version = header_block.content.dir_entry.version;
+ dir_entry->min_version = header_block.content.dir_entry.min_version;
+ dir_entry->aux_type = header_addr;
+ dir_entry->last_mod = header_block.content.dir_entry.last_mod;
+ /* Write directory block */
+ if (dio_write(dhandle, dir_addr, &dir_block)) {
+ err_exit("dio_write.3", 1);
+ }
+ /* We're done */
+ if (dio_close(dhandle)) {
+ err_exit("dio_close", 1);
+ }
+ printf("Convert to '%.*s' successful", dir_entry->storage_length.name_length,
+ dir_entry->file_name);
+ getchar();
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Programs
-# Subdirectories
-SUBDIRS = apple2 geos-apple
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# List of executables. This list could be made target dependent by checking
-# $(SYS).
-.PHONY: all
- @for DIR in $(SUBDIRS); do \
- $(MAKE) -C $${DIR} $(MAKEOPTS); \
- done
-.PHONY: clean
- @for DIR in $(SUBDIRS); do \
- $(MAKE) -C $${DIR} $(MAKEOPTS) clean; \
- done
-.PHONY: zap
- @for DIR in $(SUBDIRS); do \
- $(MAKE) -C $${DIR} $(MAKEOPTS) zap; \
- done
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Programs
-CC = ../../src/cc65/cc65
-AS = ../../src/ca65/ca65
-LD = ../../src/ld65/ld65
-# Directories
-CFGDIR = ../../src/ld65/cfg
-INCDIR = ../../include
-LIBDIR = ../../libsrc
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# List of executables.
-EXELIST = loader.system
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Targets
-.PHONY: all
-all: $(EXELIST)
-loader.system: loader.s Makefile
- $(AS) -t apple2 --forget-inc-paths loader.s
- $(LD) -o $@ -C loader.cfg loader.o $(LIBDIR)/apple2.lib
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Cleanup rules
-.PHONY: clean
- $(RM) *~ *.map *.o *.lbl
-.PHONY: zap
-zap: clean
- $(RM) $(EXELIST)
+++ /dev/null
-# #
-# LOADER.SYSTEM - an Apple][ ProDOS 8 loader for cc65 programs (Oliver Schmidt) #
-# #
- MEMORY_2000: start = $2000, size = $0200, file = %O;
- MEMORY_0300: start = $0300, size = $0100;
- CODE_2000: load = MEMORY_2000, type = ro;
- DATA_2000: load = MEMORY_2000, type = rw;
- CODE_0300: load = MEMORY_2000, run = MEMORY_0300, type = ro, define = yes;
- DATA_0300: load = MEMORY_2000, run = MEMORY_0300, type = rw, define = yes;
+++ /dev/null
-; ;
-; LOADER.SYSTEM - an Apple][ ProDOS 8 loader for cc65 programs (Oliver Schmidt) ;
-; ;
-A1L := $3C
-A1H := $3D
-STACK := $0100
-BUF := $0200
-PATHNAME := $0280
-MLI := $BF00
-QUIT_CALL = $65
- .import __CODE_0300_SIZE__, __DATA_0300_SIZE__
- .import __CODE_0300_LOAD__, __CODE_0300_RUN__
-.segment "DATA_2000"
- .byte $0A ;PARAM_COUNT
- .byte $00 ;ACCESS
- .byte $00 ;FILE_TYPE
-FILE_INFO_ADDR: .word $0000 ;AUX_TYPE
- .byte $00 ;STORAGE_TYPE
- .word $0000 ;BLOCKS_USED
- .word $0000 ;MOD_DATE
- .word $0000 ;MOD_TIME
- .word $0000 ;CREATE_DATE
- .word $0000 ;CREATE_TIME
- .byte $03 ;PARAM_COUNT
- .addr MLI - 1024 ;IO_BUFFER
-OPEN_REF: .byte $00 ;REF_NUM
- .byte $0D
- .asciiz "Loading "
- .byte " ...", $0D, $0D, $00
-.segment "DATA_0300"
- .byte $04 ;PARAM_COUNT
-READ_REF: .byte $00 ;REF_NUM
-READ_ADDR: .addr $0000 ;DATA_BUFFER
- .word $0000 ;TRANS_COUNT
- .byte $01 ;PARAM_COUNT
-CLOSE_REF: .byte $00 ;REF_NUM
- .byte $04 ;PARAM_COUNT
- .byte $00 ;QUIT_TYPE
- .word $0000 ;RESERVED
- .byte $00 ;RESERVED
- .word $0000 ;RESERVED
- .asciiz "... File Not Found"
- .asciiz "... Error $"
- .asciiz " - Press Any Key "
-.segment "CODE_2000"
- jmp :+
- .byte $EE
- .byte $EE
- .byte 65
-STARTUP:.res 65
- ; Reset stack
-: ldx #$FF
- txs
- ; Relocate CODE_0300 and DATA_0300
- ldx #<(__CODE_0300_SIZE__ + __DATA_0300_SIZE__)
-: lda __CODE_0300_LOAD__ - 1,x
- sta __CODE_0300_RUN__ - 1,x
- dex
- bne :-
- ; Remove ".SYSTEM" from pathname
- sec
- sbc #.strlen(".SYSTEM")
- ; Add trailing '\0' to pathname
- tax
- lda #$00
- sta PATHNAME + 1,x
- ; Copy ProDOS startup filename and trailing '\0' to stack
- lda #$00
- beq :++ ; bra
-: lda STARTUP + 1,x
-: sta STACK,x
- dex
- bpl :--
- ; Provide some user feedback
- lda #<LOADING
- ldx #>LOADING
- jsr PRINT
- lda #<(PATHNAME + 1)
- ldx #>(PATHNAME + 1)
- jsr PRINT
- lda #<ELLIPSES
- ldx #>ELLIPSES
- jsr PRINT
- jsr MLI
- bcc :+
- jmp ERROR
-: jsr MLI
- .byte OPEN_CALL
- .word OPEN_PARAM
- bcc :+
- jmp ERROR
- ; Copy file reference number
-: lda OPEN_REF
- sta READ_REF
- ; Get load address from aux-type
- ldx FILE_INFO_ADDR + 1
- stx READ_ADDR + 1
- ; It's high time to leave this place
- jmp __CODE_0300_RUN__
-.segment "CODE_0300"
- jsr MLI
- .byte READ_CALL
- .word READ_PARAM
- bcs ERROR
- jsr MLI
- .byte CLOSE_CALL
- bcs ERROR
- ; Copy REM token and startup filename to BASIC input buffer
- ldx #$00
- lda #$B2
- bne :++ ; bra
-: inx
- lda a:STACK - 1,x
-: sta BUF,x
- bne :--
- ; Go for it ...
- jmp (READ_ADDR)
- sta A1L
- stx A1H
- ldy #$00
-: lda (A1L),y
- beq :++
- cpx #$06 ; //e ?
- beq :+
- cmp #$60 ; lowercase ?
- bcc :+
- and #$5F ; -> uppercase
-: ora #$80
- jsr COUT
- iny
- bne :-- ; bra
-: rts
- bne :+
- jsr PRINT
- beq :++ ; bra
-: pha
- jsr PRINT
- pla
- jsr PRBYTE
-: lda #<PRESS_ANY_KEY
- jsr PRINT
- jsr RDKEY
- jsr MLI
- .byte QUIT_CALL
- .word QUIT_PARAM
+++ /dev/null
-LOADER.SYSTEM - an Apple][ ProDOS 8 loader for cc65 programs (Oliver Schmidt)
-Apple][ ProDOS 8 system programs (filetype SYS) are always loaded into memory
-starting at location $2000. This poses the problem of how to make efficient
-use of the memory in the range $0800-$2000. The usual approach of relocation
-has two downsides:
-- Relocating e.g. 30 kB from $2000-$9800 to $0800-$8000 takes a considerable
- amount of time.
-- Really large programs just don't fit into memory when loaded starting at
- location $2000.
-The relocation can be eliminated by loading the major part(s) of the program
-from disk right to the final location by a rather small system program.
-LOADER.SYSTEM is such a small program. In fact it's so small that it fits into
-a single block in the ProDOS 8 file system making it a so-called seedling file,
-which are loaded really fast. LOADER.SYSTEM can load cc65 programs into memory
-anywhere in the range $0800-$BB00 (44,75 kB).
-Link the cc65 program to the start address $0803 (or any other address) and
-store it as binary program (filetype BIN). This is in fact no different from
-a binary program to be run by BASIC.SYSTEM's BRUN command in the usual way.
-If however the cc65 program isn't run by BASIC.SYSTEM but is rather run by
-LOADER.SYSTEM then it behaves like a system program which means:
-- It uses memory up to the ProDOS 8 system global page located at $BF00.
-- It supports the ProDOS 8 startup file mechanism (mapped to argv[1]).
-- It quits to the ProDOS 8 dispatcher.
-Obviously LOADER.SYSTEM has to be told which cc65 program to run. Unfortunately
-the ProDOS 8 dispatcher has no notion of system program parameters so the usual
-approach would have been to make LOADER.SYSTEM bring up yet another menu to
-select the cc65 program to run.
-But to allow to select the cc65 program directly from the ProDOS 8 dispatcher
-anyway LOADER.SYSTEM detects the path to the cc65 program from its own path by
-just removing the '.SYSTEM' from its name. So if you want to run the cc65
-program MYPROGRAM you'll need a copy of LOADER.SYSTEM in the same directory
-being renamed to MYPROGRAM.SYSTEM.
-This means you will end up with a copy of LOADER.SYSTEM for every cc65 program
-to be run by it. But as LOADER.SYSTEM is a ProDOS 8 seedling file using up only
-a single block in the ProDOS 8 file system this should be no issue.
-In case you want to build 'loader.system' from the source code yourself you can
-do so using the following commands:
-ca65 loader.s
-ld65 -C loader.cfg -o loader.system loader.o
-The file 'loader.system' as generated by the cc65 linker with the command above
-does NOT include the 4-byte address/length header that is generated for Apple][
-programs by default. This is because ProDOS 8 system programs are always loaded
-into memory starting at location $2000.
-The recommended way to transfer 'loader.system' from your native file system to
-a ProDOS 8 file system disk image is to use AppleCommander which is available at
-If you want to put the file 'loader.system' onto a disk image 'mydisk.dsk' as
-system program MYPROGRAM.SYSTEM you can do so using the following command:
-java -jar ac.jar -p mydisk.dsk MYPROGRAM.SYSTEM sys < loader.system
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Programs
-CC = ../../src/cc65/cc65
-AS = ../../src/ca65/ca65
-LD = ../../src/ld65/ld65
-# Directories
-CFGDIR = ../../src/ld65/cfg
-INCDIR = ../../include
-LIBDIR = ../../libsrc
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# List of executables.
-EXELIST = convert.system
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Targets
-.PHONY: all
-all: $(EXELIST)
-convert.system: convert.c Makefile
- $(CC) --forget-inc-paths -I $(INCDIR) -t apple2enh -O convert.c
- $(AS) --forget-inc-paths convert.s
- $(LD) -o $@ -C $(CFGDIR)/apple2enh-system.cfg convert.o $(LIBDIR)/apple2enh.lib
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Cleanup rules
-.PHONY: clean
- $(RM) *~ *.map *.o *.s *.lbl
-.PHONY: zap
-zap: clean
- $(RM) $(EXELIST)
+++ /dev/null
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <device.h>
-#include <dio.h>
-unsigned char info_signature[3] = {3, 21, 63 | 0x80};
-dhandle_t dhandle;
-struct dir_entry_t {
- struct {
- unsigned name_length :4;
- unsigned storage_type :4;
- } storage_length;
- char file_name[15];
- unsigned char file_type;
- unsigned key_pointer;
- unsigned blocks_used;
- unsigned char size[3];
- unsigned long creation;
- unsigned char version;
- unsigned char min_version;
- unsigned char access;
- unsigned aux_type;
- unsigned long last_mod;
- unsigned header_pointer;
-}* dir_entry;
-union {
- unsigned char bytes[512];
- struct {
- unsigned prev_block;
- unsigned next_block;
- unsigned char entries[1];
- } content;
-} dir_block;
-union {
- unsigned char bytes[512];
- struct {
- unsigned char addr_lo[254];
- unsigned char size_lo[2];
- unsigned char addr_hi[254];
- unsigned char size_hi[2];
- } content;
-} index_block, master_block, vlir_block;
-union {
- unsigned char bytes[512];
- struct {
- unsigned reserved;
- unsigned char info_block[254];
- unsigned char vlir_records[128];
- struct dir_entry_t dir_entry;
- } content;
-} header_block;
-static void err_exit(char *operation, unsigned char oserr)
- if (oserr) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s - err:%02x - %s",
- operation, (int)_oserror, _stroserror(_oserror));
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s",
- operation);
- }
- getchar();
-static unsigned get_dir_entry(char* p_name)
- char* d_name;
- char* f_name;
- size_t f_namelen;
- DIR* dir;
- struct dirent* dirent;
- unsigned cur_addr;
- unsigned char entry_length;
- unsigned char entries_per_block;
- unsigned char cur_entry;
- /* Split path name into directory name and file name */
- f_name = strrchr(p_name, '/');
- if (f_name) {
- d_name = p_name;
- *f_name++ = '\0';
- } else {
- d_name = ".";
- f_name = p_name;
- }
- f_namelen = strlen(f_name);
- /* Start with high level functions to get handling
- of relative path and current drive for free */
- dir = opendir(d_name);
- if (!dir) {
- err_exit("opendir", 1);
- }
- dirent = readdir(dir);
- if (!dirent) {
- err_exit("readdir", 1);
- }
- /* Field header_pointer directly follows field last_mod */
- cur_addr = *(unsigned*)(&dirent->d_mtime.hour + 1);
- dhandle = dio_open(getcurrentdevice());
- if (!dhandle) {
- err_exit("dio_open", 1);
- }
- if (dio_read(dhandle, cur_addr, &dir_block)) {
- err_exit("dio_read.1", 1);
- }
- /* Get directory entry infos from directory header */
- entry_length = dir_block.bytes[0x23];
- entries_per_block = dir_block.bytes[0x24];
- /* Skip directory header entry */
- cur_entry = 1;
- do {
- /* Search for next active directory entry */
- do {
- /* Check if next directory block is necessary */
- if (cur_entry == entries_per_block) {
- /* Check if another directory block is present */
- cur_addr = dir_block.content.next_block;
- if (!cur_addr) {
- _mappederrno(0x46);
- err_exit("dio_read.2", 1);
- }
- /* Read next directory block */
- if (dio_read(dhandle, cur_addr, &dir_block)) {
- err_exit("dio_read.3", 1);
- }
- /* Start with first entry in next block */
- cur_entry = 0;
- }
- /* Compute pointer to current entry */
- dir_entry = (struct dir_entry_t*)(dir_block.content.entries +
- cur_entry * entry_length);
- /* Switch to next entry */
- ++cur_entry;
- } while (!dir_entry->storage_length.storage_type);
- } while (dir_entry->storage_length.name_length != f_namelen ||
- strncasecmp(dir_entry->file_name, f_name, f_namelen));
- return cur_addr;
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- char input[80];
- char* p_name;
- unsigned dir_addr;
- unsigned header_addr;
- unsigned char index;
- unsigned long size;
- if (argc > 1) {
- p_name = argv[1];
- } else {
- printf("\n"
- "Apple GEOS Convert 1.0\n"
- "----------------------\n"
- "\n"
- "Pathname:");
- p_name = gets(input);
- }
- dir_addr = get_dir_entry(p_name);
- /* Read index block */
- if (dio_read(dhandle, dir_entry->key_pointer, &index_block)) {
- err_exit("dio_read.4", 1);
- }
- /* First pointer is header block */
- header_addr = index_block.content.addr_lo[0] |
- index_block.content.addr_hi[0] << 8;
- /* Read header block */
- if (dio_read(dhandle, header_addr, &header_block)) {
- err_exit("dio_read.5", 1);
- }
- /* Do some sanity check */
- for (index = 0; index < sizeof(info_signature); ++index) {
- if (header_block.content.info_block[index] != info_signature[index]) {
- err_exit("file signature mismatch", 0);
- }
- }
- /* Check ProDOS storage type in directory entry template */
- if (header_block.content.dir_entry.storage_length.storage_type == 2)
- {
- /* ProDOS sapling file means GEOS Sequential file*/
- printf("\nSequential file\n");
- /* Remove header block pointer from pointer list */
- memmove(&index_block.content.addr_lo[0],
- &index_block.content.addr_lo[1], sizeof(index_block.content.addr_lo) - 1);
- memmove(&index_block.content.addr_hi[0],
- &index_block.content.addr_hi[1], sizeof(index_block.content.addr_hi) - 1);
- /* Get file size from ProDOS directory entry template */
- size = (unsigned long)(header_block.content.dir_entry.size[0]) |
- (unsigned long)(header_block.content.dir_entry.size[1]) << 8 |
- (unsigned long)(header_block.content.dir_entry.size[2]) << 16;
- } else {
- /* ProDOS tree file means GEOS VLIR file */
- unsigned vlir_addr;
- unsigned long vlir_size;
- unsigned char vlir_blocks;
- unsigned char record = 0;
- printf("\nVLIR file\n");
- /* Skip header block pointer */
- index = 1;
- size = 0;
- while (1) {
- /* Get next VLIR index pointer from index block */
- vlir_addr = index_block.content.addr_lo[index] |
- index_block.content.addr_hi[index] << 8;
- ++index;
- /* Check for end of pointer list */
- if (vlir_addr == 0) {
- break;
- }
- /* Check for empty VLIRs */
- while (header_block.content.vlir_records[record] == 0xFF) {
- /* Add empty VLIR index pointer to to master index block */
- master_block.content.addr_lo[record] = 0xFF;
- master_block.content.addr_hi[record] = 0xFF;
- ++record;
- }
- /* Add VLIR index pointer to master index block */
- master_block.content.addr_lo[record] = (unsigned char)(vlir_addr );
- master_block.content.addr_hi[record] = (unsigned char)(vlir_addr >> 8);
- ++record;
- /* Read VLIR index block */
- if (dio_read(dhandle, vlir_addr, &vlir_block)) {
- err_exit("dio_read.6", 1);
- }
- /* Get VLIR size from VLIR index block */
- vlir_size = (unsigned long)(vlir_block.content.size_lo[1]) |
- (unsigned long)(vlir_block.content.size_hi[1]) << 8 |
- (unsigned long)(vlir_block.content.size_lo[0]) << 16 |
- (unsigned long)(vlir_block.content.size_hi[0]) << 24;
- printf("VLIR %u size %lu bytes\n", record - 1, vlir_size);
- /* Compute VLIR block size */
- vlir_blocks = (unsigned char)((vlir_size + 511) / 512);
- /* Copy VLIR block pointers from index block to VLIR index block */
- memcpy(&vlir_block.content.addr_lo[0],
- &index_block.content.addr_lo[index], vlir_blocks);
- memcpy(&vlir_block.content.addr_hi[0],
- &index_block.content.addr_hi[index], vlir_blocks);
- index += vlir_blocks;
- /* Write back VLIR index block */
- if (dio_write(dhandle, vlir_addr, &vlir_block)) {
- err_exit("dio_write.1", 1);
- }
- /* Add VLIR size to file size */
- size += vlir_size;
- }
- /* Replace (by now completely read) index block with
- (by now completely created) master index block */
- index_block = master_block;
- }
- printf("File size %lu bytes\n\n", size);
- /* Set file size in index block */
- index_block.content.size_lo[1] = (unsigned char)(size );
- index_block.content.size_hi[1] = (unsigned char)(size >> 8);
- index_block.content.size_lo[0] = (unsigned char)(size >> 16);
- index_block.content.size_hi[0] = (unsigned char)(size >> 24);
- /* Write index block */
- if (dio_write(dhandle, dir_entry->key_pointer, &index_block)) {
- err_exit("dio_write.2", 1);
- }
- /* Copy selected fields from directory entry template to directory block */
- dir_entry->storage_length = header_block.content.dir_entry.storage_length;
- memcpy(dir_entry->file_name, header_block.content.dir_entry.file_name, 15);
- dir_entry->file_type = header_block.content.dir_entry.file_type;
- dir_entry->size[0] = (unsigned char)(size );
- dir_entry->size[1] = (unsigned char)(size >> 8);
- dir_entry->size[2] = (unsigned char)(size >> 16);
- dir_entry->creation = header_block.content.dir_entry.creation;
- dir_entry->version = header_block.content.dir_entry.version;
- dir_entry->min_version = header_block.content.dir_entry.min_version;
- dir_entry->aux_type = header_addr;
- dir_entry->last_mod = header_block.content.dir_entry.last_mod;
- /* Write directory block */
- if (dio_write(dhandle, dir_addr, &dir_block)) {
- err_exit("dio_write.3", 1);
- }
- /* We're done */
- if (dio_close(dhandle)) {
- err_exit("dio_close", 1);
- }
- printf("Convert to '%.*s' successful", dir_entry->storage_length.name_length,
- dir_entry->file_name);
- getchar();
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;