FROM File WHERE FileId IN ($fileid))";
- # using this is not good because the sql engine doesn't know
- # what LIKE will use. It will be better to get Path% in perl
- # but it doesn't work with accents... :(
foreach my $dirid (@dirid) {
- push @union, "
+ my $p = $bvfs->get_path($dirid);
+ if ($p =~ m!^[a-z0-9/\-_\s,.;:*={}()\[\]\!?]+$!i) {
+ push @union, "
+ (SELECT File.JobId, File.FileIndex, File.FilenameId, File.PathId $FileId
+ FROM Path JOIN File USING (PathId)
+ WHERE Path.Path LIKE '$p%'
+ AND File.JobId IN ($inclause))";
+ } else {
+ # using this is not good because the sql engine doesn't know
+ # what LIKE will use. It will be better to get Path% in perl
+ # but it doesn't work with accents... :(
+ push @union, "
(SELECT File.JobId, File.FileIndex, File.FilenameId, File.PathId $FileId
FROM Path JOIN File USING (PathId)
WHERE PathId = $dirid
AND File.JobId IN ($inclause))";
+ }
return unless scalar(@union);