--- /dev/null
+# The Cogent CSB732 board has a single i.MX35 chip
+source [find target/imx35.cfg]
+# Determined by trial and error
+reset_config trst_and_srst combined
+jtag_nsrst_delay 200
+jtag_ntrst_delay 200
+$_TARGETNAME configure -event gdb-attach { reset init }
+$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-init { csb732_init }
+# Bare-bones initialization of core clocks and SDRAM
+proc csb732_init { } {
+ # Disable fast writing only for init
+ memwrite burst disable
+ # All delay loops are omitted.
+ # We assume the interpreter latency is enough.
+ # Allow access to all coprocessors
+ arm11 mcr imx35.cpu 15 0 15 1 0 0x2001
+ # Disable MMU, caches, write buffer
+ arm11 mcr imx35.cpu 15 0 1 0 0 0x78
+ # Grant manager access to all domains
+ arm11 mcr imx35.cpu 15 0 3 0 0 0xFFFFFFFF
+ # Set ARM clock to 532 MHz, AHB to 133 MHz
+ mww 0x53F80004 0x1000
+ # Set core clock to 2 * 24 MHz * (11 + 1/12) = 532 MHz
+ mww 0x53F8001C 0xB2C01
+ set ESDMISC 0xB8001010
+ set ESDCFG0 0xB8001004
+ set ESDCTL0 0xB8001000
+ # Enable DDR
+ mww $ESDMISC 0x4
+ # Timing
+ mww $ESDCFG0 0x007fff3f
+ # CS0
+ mww $ESDCTL0 0x92120080
+ # Precharge all dummy write
+ mww 0x80000400 0
+ # Enable CS) auto-refresh
+ mww $ESDCTL0 0xA2120080
+ # Refresh twice (dummy writes)
+ mww 0x80000000 0
+ mww 0x80000000 0
+ # Enable CS0 load mode register
+ mww $ESDCTL0 0xB2120080
+ # Dummy writes
+ mwb 0x80000033 0x01
+ mwb 0x81000000 0x01
+ mww $ESDCTL0 0x82226080
+ mww 0x80000000 0
+ # Re-enable fast writing
+ memwrite burst enable