send any more messages as race conditions might occur. Instead, open another
connection for that.
- use AnyEvent::I3;
+ use AnyEvent::I3 qw(:all);
my $i3 = i3("/tmp/i3-ipc.sock");
say "Connected to i3";
- my $workspaces = $i3->message(1)->recv;
+ my $workspaces = $i3->message(TYPE_GET_WORKSPACES)->recv;
say "Currently, you use " . @{$workspaces} . " workspaces";
=head1 EXPORT
use Exporter;
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = qw(i3);
+use constant TYPE_COMMAND => 0;
+use constant TYPE_GET_WORKSPACES => 1;
+use constant TYPE_SUBSCRIBE => 2;
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [
+] );
+our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{all} } );
my $magic = "i3-ipc";
-# TODO: export constants for message types
# TODO: auto-generate this from the header file? (i3/ipc.h)
my $event_mask = (1 << 31);
my %events = (
Sends a message of the specified C<type> to i3, possibly containing the data
structure C<payload>, if specified.
- my $cv = $i3->message(0, "reload");
- my $reply = $cv->recv;
+ my $reply = $i3->message(TYPE_COMMAND, "reload")->recv;
if ($reply->{success}) {
say "Configuration successfully reloaded";