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+%% to be entered as printable characters:
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+%%% 26-sept-2012 - Philippe Chauvat
+%%% Modifications to integrate a new design
+%% All prefixed by PCT
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+%%% --- PCT
+\newindex{general}{idx}{ind}{General Index}
+\def\bsystitle{Console and Operators Guide}
--- /dev/null
+\caption{Error codes}\label{tabdev:errorcodes}\\
+\textbf{M\_ABORT} & Causes the daemon to immediately abort. This should be used
+ only in extreme cases. It attempts to produce a traceback. \\
+\textbf{M\_ERROR\_TERM} & Causes the daemon to immediately terminate. This
+ should be used only in extreme cases. It does not produce a traceback. \\
+\textbf{M\_FATAL} & Causes the daemon to terminate the current job, but the
+ daemon keeps running. \\
+\textbf{M\_ERROR} & Reports the error. The daemon and the job continue running.
+ \\
+\textbf{M\_WARNING} & Reports a warning message. The daemon and the job
+ continue running. \\
+\textbf{M\_INFO} & Reports an informational message.
--- /dev/null
+\multicolumn{1}{l}{\textbf{Standard function}} &
+\multicolumn{1}{l}{\textbf{Direct access function}} \\
+\multicolumn{1}{l}{\textbf{Standard function}} &
+\multicolumn{1}{l}{\textbf{Direct access function}} \\
+\caption{Systems functions}\label{tabdev:systemsfunctions} \\
+\texttt{malloc(}\textit{size}\texttt{)} &
+ \texttt{actuallymalloc(}\textit{size}\texttt{)} \\
+\texttt{calloc(}\textit{nelem}\texttt{,}\textit{elsize}\texttt{)} &
+ \texttt{actuallycalloc(}\textit{nelem}\texttt{,}\textit{elsize}\texttt{)} \\
+\texttt{realloc(}\textit{ptr}\texttt{,}\textit{size}\texttt{)} &
+ \texttt{actuallyrealloc(}\textit{ptr}\texttt{,}\textit{size}\texttt{)} \\
+\texttt{free(}\textit{ptr}\texttt{)} &
+ \texttt{actuallyfree(}\textit{ptr}\texttt{)} \\
--- /dev/null
+\multicolumn{1}{l}{\textbf{Standard function}} &
+\multicolumn{1}{l}{\textbf{Direct access function}} \\
+\multicolumn{1}{l}{\textbf{Standard function}} &
+\multicolumn{1}{l}{\textbf{Direct access function}} \\
+\caption{Systems functions}\label{tabdev:systemsfunctions} \\
+\texttt{malloc(}\textit{size}\texttt{)} &
+ \texttt{actuallymalloc(}\textit{size}\texttt{)} \\
+\texttt{calloc(}\textit{nelem}\texttt{,}\textit{elsize}\texttt{)} &
+ \texttt{actuallycalloc(}\textit{nelem}\texttt{,}\textit{elsize}\texttt{)} \\
+\texttt{realloc(}\textit{ptr}\texttt{,}\textit{size}\texttt{)} &
+ \texttt{actuallyrealloc(}\textit{ptr}\texttt{,}\textit{size}\texttt{)} \\
+\texttt{free(}\textit{ptr}\texttt{)} &
+ \texttt{actuallyfree(}\textit{ptr}\texttt{)} \\
--- /dev/null
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bf Backup OS} &
+ \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Restore OS} &
+ \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Results} \\
+ \endfirsthead
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bf Backup OS} &
+ \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Restore OS} &
+ \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Results} \\
+ \endhead
+ \multicolumn{3}{c}{\emph{Cont. on next page}} \\
+ \endfoot
+ \hline
+ \caption{WinNT/2K/XP Restore Portability Status} \\
+ \endlastfoot
+ \hline \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{\emph{Win Me}}} \\
+ \hline {WinMe} & {WinMe} & {Works} \\
+ \hline {WinMe} & {WinNT} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions)} \\
+ \hline {WinMe} & {WinXP} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions)} \\
+ \hline {WinMe} & {Linux} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions)} \\
+ \hline \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{\emph{Win XP}}} \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {WinXP} & {Works} \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {WinNT} & {Works (all files OK, but got "The data is invalid"
+ message)} \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {WinMe} & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported.} \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {WinMe} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.} \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {Linux} & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported.} \\
+ \hline {WinXP} & {Linux} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.}\\
+ \hline \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{\emph{Win NT}}} \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {WinNT} & {Works} \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {WinXP} & {Works} \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {WinMe} & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported.} \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {WinMe} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.}\\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {Linux} & {Error: Win32 data stream not supported.} \\
+ \hline {WinNT} & {Linux} & {Works if {\bf Portable=yes} specified during backup.}\\
+ \hline \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{\emph{Linux}}} \\
+ \hline {Linux} & {Linux} & {Works} \\
+ \hline {Linux} & {WinNT} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions)} \\
+ \hline {Linux} & {WinMe} & {Works} \\
+ \hline {Linux} & {WinXP} & {Works (SYSTEM permissions)} \\