+ Export a symbol and mark it as an initializer. This may be used together
+ with the linker to build a table of initializer subroutines that are called
+ by the startup code.
+ Note: The linker has a feature to build a table of initializer routines, but
+ it is your code that must call these routines, so just declaring a symbol
+ as initializer does nothing by itself.
+ An initializer is always exported as an absolute (16 bit) symbol. It may
+ have an optional initializer priority that is separated by a comma. If no
+ priority is given, the default priority of 24 is used. Priority values 1-15
+ are reserved for the runtime and C libraries of the cc65 C compiler.
+ Example:
+ <tscreen><verb>
+ .initializer ModuleInit
+ .initializer ModInit, 16
+ </verb></tscreen>
+ See the C runtime libraries for more examples how to use initializers.
Builtin function. Extracts the left part of a given token list.