--- /dev/null
+header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
+ ajax_taglookup($_REQUEST['taglookup']);
+ ajax_addnote($_REQUEST['addnote'],$_REQUEST['note']);
+ * Add a note to the existing notes
+ */
+function ajax_addnote($dn,$note){
+ global $conf;
+ global $LDAP_CON;
+ // fetch the existing note
+ $result = ldap_search($LDAP_CON,$dn,'(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)',array('description'));
+ if(ldap_count_entries($LDAP_CON,$result)){
+ $result = ldap_get_binentries($LDAP_CON, $result);
+ }
+ $note = $note."\n\n".$result[0]['description'][0];
+ $note = preg_replace("!\n\n\n+!","\n\n",$note);
+ $entry['description'] = $note;
+ ldap_modify($LDAP_CON,$dn,$entry);
+ require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/smarty/plugins/modifier.noteparser.php');
+ print smarty_modifier_noteparser($note);
+ * Find all tags (markers) starting with the given
+ * string
+ */
+function ajax_taglookup($tag){
+ global $conf;
+ global $LDAP_CON;
+ if(!$conf[extended]) return;
+ $search = ldap_filterescape($tag);
+ $filter = "(&(objectClass=contactPerson)(marker=$search*))";
+ $result = ldap_queryabooks($filter,'marker');
+ if(!count($result)) return;
+ $tags = array();
+ foreach ($result as $entry){
+ if(count($entry['marker'])){
+ foreach($entry['marker'] as $marker){
+ if(preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($tag,'/').'/i',$marker)){
+ array_push($tags, strtolower($marker));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $tags = array_unique($tags);
+ sort($tags,SORT_STRING);
+ print '<ul>';
+ foreach($tags as $out){
+ print '<li>'.htmlspecialchars($out).'</li>';
+ }
+ print '</ul>';