; Vectors
+SOFTEV := $03F2 ; Vector for warm start
+PWREDUP := $03F4 ; This must be = EOR #$A5 of SOFTEV+1
DOSWARM := $03D0 ; DOS warmstart vector
BRKVec := $03F0 ; Break vector
MLI := $BF00 ; ProDOS Machine Language Interface
; This must be the *first* file on the linker command line
- .export _exit
+ .export _exit, __Exit
.import initlib, donelib
.import zerobss
.import __STARTUP_LOAD__, __BSS_LOAD__ ; Linker generated
; Save the zero page locations we need
ldx #zpspace-1
-L1: lda sp,x
+: lda sp,x
sta zpsave,x
- bpl L1
+ bpl :-
+; Save the original RESET vector
+ ldx #$02
+: lda SOFTEV,x
+ sta rvsave,x
+ dex
+ bpl :-
+; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter 5.3.5:
+; "Your system program should place in the RESET vector the address of a
+; routine that ... closes the files."
+ ldx #<_exit
+ lda #>_exit
+ jsr reset ; Setup RESET vector
; Clear the BSS data
jsr zerobss
-; Save system stuff and setup the stack
+; Setup the stack
sta sp
jsr callmain
-; Call module destructors. This is also the _exit entry.
+; Avoid re-entrance of donelib. This is also the _exit entry
+_exit: ldx #<__Exit
+ lda #>__Exit
+ jsr reset ; Setup RESET vector
+; Call module destructors
+ jsr donelib
-_exit: jsr donelib
+; Restore the original RESET vector. This is also the __Exit entry
+__Exit: ldx #$02
+: lda rvsave,x
+ sta SOFTEV,x
+ dex
+ bpl :-
; Copy back the zero page stuff
ldx #zpspace-1
-L2: lda zpsave,x
+: lda zpsave,x
sta sp,x
- bpl L2
+ bpl :-
; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter 5.2.1:
; "System programs should set the stack pointer to $FF at the warm-start
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Setup RESET vector
+reset: stx SOFTEV
+ sta SOFTEV+1
+ eor #$A5
+ rts
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Data
zpsave: .res zpspace
+rvsave: .res 3