.byte $10
.byte $20
.byte $08
- .byte $00 ; Future expansion
+ .byte $00 ; FIRE2 not available
.byte $00 ; Future expansion
.byte $00 ; Future expansion
; Jump table.
- .word INSTALL
- .word COUNT
- .word READJOY
+ .addr INSTALL
+ .addr COUNT
+ .addr READJOY
+ .addr 0 ; IRQ not used
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Constants
joy_uninstall: jmp $0000
joy_count: jmp $0000
joy_read: jmp $0000
+joy_irq: .byte $60, $00, $00 ; RTS plus two dummy bytes
; Driver header signature
bne @L2
- jmp joy_install ; Call driver install routine
+ jsr joy_install ; Call driver install routine
+; Install the IRQ vector if the driver needs it. A/X contains the error code
+; from joy_install, so don't use it.
+ ldy joy_irq+2 ; Check high byte of IRQ vector
+ beq @L3 ; Jump if vector invalid
+ ldy #$4C ; JMP opcode
+ sty joy_irq ; Activate IRQ routine
+@L3: rts
; Driver signature invalid
; */
+ lda #$60 ; RTS opcode
+ sta joy_irq ; Disable IRQ entry point
jsr joy_uninstall ; Call the driver routine
joy_clear_ptr: ; External entry point