--- /dev/null
+;** VTech Creativision Definitions
+;** Screen
+;** VDP
+VDP_CONTROL_W = $3001
+VDP_DATA_W = $3000
+VDP_STATUS_R = $2001
+VDP_DATA_R = $2000
+;** PIA
+PIA0_DATA = $1000
+PIA0_STATUS = $1001
+PIA1_DATA = $1002
+PIA1_STATUS = $1003
+;** General
+CH_VLINE = 33
+CH_HLINE = 34
+;** I/O
+ZP_JOY0_DIR = $11
+ZP_JOY1_DIR = $13
--- /dev/null
+/* CreatiVision Header */
+#ifndef _CVISION_H
+#define _CVISION_H
+#define CH_VLINE 33
+#define CH_HLINE 34
+#define CH_ULCORNER 35
+#define CH_URCORNER 36
+#define CH_LLCORNER 37
+#define CH_LRCORNER 38
+#define DYN_DRV 0
+/* Colours - from TMS9918 */
+#define C_TRANSPARENT 0
+#define C_BLACK 1
+#define C_MED_GREEN 2
+#define C_LIGHT_GREEN 3
+#define C_DARK_BLUE 4
+#define C_LIGHT_BLUE 5
+#define C_DARK_RED 6
+#define C_CYAN 7
+#define C_MED_RED 8
+#define C_LIGHT_RED 9
+#define C_DARK_YELLOW 10
+#define C_LIGHT_YELLOW 11
+#define C_DARK_GREEN 12
+#define C_MAGENTA 13
+#define C_GREY 14
+#define C_WHITE 15
+/* Joystick states */
+#define JOY_UP 5
+#define JOY_DOWN 1
+#define JOY_LEFT 7
+#define JOY_RIGHT 3
+#define JOY_LEFT_UP 6
+#define JOY_LEFT_DOWN 8
+#define JOY_RIGHT_UP 4
+#define JOY_RIGHT_DOWN 2
+#define JOY_LBUTTON 1
+#define JOY_RBUTTON 2
+/* Joystick values */
+#define JOY_LEFT_DIR 1
+#define JOY_RIGHT_DIR 2
+/* Protos */
+void __fastcall__ psg_outb( unsigned char b );
+void __fastcall__ psg_delay( unsigned char b );
+void psg_silence( void );
+void __fastcall__ bios_playsound( void *a, unsigned char b);
+unsigned char __fastcall__ joystate( unsigned char which );
--- /dev/null
+;** _scrsize.s
+ .export screensize
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+.proc screensize
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; Boxchars
+ ; Vertical Line
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ ; Horizontal Line
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte $ff
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ ; Top Left
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte $1f
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ ; Top Right
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte $F8
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ ; Bottom Left
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $1F
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ ; Bottom Right
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $18
+ .byte $F8
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
--- /dev/null
+;* void cclearxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char length);
+;* void cclear (unsigned char length);
+ .export _cclearxy, _cclear
+ .import popa, _gotoxy, cputdirect
+ .importzp tmp1
+ pha ; Save length
+ jsr popa ; get Y
+ jsr _gotoxy
+ pla
+ cmp #0 ; Zero length?
+ beq L2
+ sta tmp1
+ lda #$20 ; Space
+ jsr cputdirect
+ dec tmp1
+ bne L1
+L2: rts
--- /dev/null
+;* cgetc
+ .export _cgetc
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+ lda #$80
+ bpl L1
+ and #$7f
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+;* void chlinexy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char length);
+;* void chline (unsigned char length);
+ .export _chlinexy, _chline
+ .import popa, _gotoxy, cputdirect
+ .importzp tmp1
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+ pha ; Save the length
+ jsr popa ; Get y
+ jsr _gotoxy ; Call this one, will pop params
+ pla ; Restore the length
+ cmp #0 ; Is the length zero?
+ beq L9 ; Jump if done
+ sta tmp1
+L1: lda #CH_HLINE ; Horizontal line, screen code
+ jsr cputdirect ; Direct output
+ dec tmp1
+ bne L1
+L9: rts
--- /dev/null
+;* clrscr
+;* NB: All screen functions assume Graphics Mode 1 in a default configuration.
+;* Therefore, this is hard coded to use $1000-$12FF as screen VRAM.
+ .export _clrscr
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+ sei ; Disable interrupts. Default INT handler reads VDP_STATUS
+ ; and would lose any setup done here.
+ lda #$00 ; VRAM offset low
+ lda #$50 ; VRAM offset high ($10 OR $40)
+ lda #$C0 ; Space from ROM setup
+ ldx #0
+ ldy #3
+L1: sta VDP_DATA_W
+ inx
+ bne L1
+ dey
+ bne L1
+ cli ; Let interrupts go again
+ lda #0
+ sta CURSOR_X
+ sta CURSOR_Y
+ lda #$10
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+;* unsigned char __fastcall__ textcolor (unsigned char color);
+;* unsigned char __fastcall__ bgcolor (unsigned char color);
+;* unsigned char __fastcall__ bordercolor (unsigned char color);
+ .export _textcolor, _bgcolor, _bordercolor
+ .import return0
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+_bordercolor = return0;
+_textcolor = return0;
+_bgcolor = return0;
--- /dev/null
+; Written by Groepaz/Hitmen <groepaz@gmx.net>
+; Cleanup by Ullrich von Bassewitz <uz@cc65.org>
+; void cputcxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, char c);
+; void cputc (char c);
+ .export _cputcxy, _cputc, cputdirect, putchar
+ .export newline
+ .constructor initconio
+ .import popa, _gotoxy
+ .import setcursor
+ .importzp tmp3,tmp4
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+ .include "boxchars.inc"
+ pha ; Save C
+ jsr popa ; Get Y
+ jsr _gotoxy ; Set cursor, drop x
+ pla ; Restore C
+; Plot a character - also used as internal function
+_cputc: cmp #$0d ; CR?
+ bne L1
+ lda #0
+ sta CURSOR_X
+ beq plot ; Recalculate pointers
+L1: cmp #$0a ; LF?
+ beq newline ; Recalculate pointers
+; Printable char of some sort
+ jsr putchar ; Write the character to the screen
+; Advance cursor position
+ ldy CURSOR_X
+ iny
+ bne L3
+ inc CURSOR_Y ; new line
+ ldy #0 ; + cr
+L3: sty CURSOR_X
+ jmp plot
+ inc CURSOR_Y
+; Set cursor position, calculate RAM pointers
+plot: ldy CURSOR_X
+ ldx CURSOR_Y
+ jmp setcursor ; Set the new cursor
+; Write one character to the screen without doing anything else, return X
+; position in Y
+ cmp #$5B
+ bcc IS_UPPER
+ clc
+ sbc #$1F
+ cmp #$20
+ bcc BAD_CHAR
+ pha
+ sei
+ lda SCREEN_PTR+1
+ ora #$40
+ pla
+ clc
+ adc #160
+ sta VDP_DATA_W
+ cli
+ jmp plot
+; Initialize the conio subsystem. Code goes into the INIT segment, which may
+; be reused after startup.
+.segment "INIT"
+ lda #$0
+ lda #$10
+ sta SCREEN_PTR+1
+ ; Copy box characters to slot
+ sei
+ lda #08
+ lda #$46
+ ldx #0
+ lda boxchars,x
+ sta VDP_DATA_W
+ inx
+ cpx #48
+ bne LL
+ cli
+ jmp plot
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 02.06.1998
+; Character specification table.
+; The tables are readonly, put them into the rodata segment
+; The following 256 byte wide table specifies attributes for the isxxx type
+; of functions. Doing it by a table means some overhead in space, but it
+; has major advantages:
+; * It is fast. If it were'nt for the slow parameter passing of cc65, one
+; could even define macros for the isxxx functions (this is usually
+; done on other platforms).
+; * It is highly portable. The only unportable part is the table itself,
+; all real code goes into the common library.
+; * We save some code in the isxxx functions.
+; Bit assignments:
+; 0 - Lower case char
+; 1 - Upper case char
+; 2 - Numeric digit
+; 3 - Hex digit (both, lower and upper)
+; 4 - Control character
+; 5 - The space character itself
+; 6 - Other whitespace (that is: '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t' and '\v')
+; 7 - Space or tab character
+ .export __ctype
+.repeat 2 ; 2 times for normal and inverted
+ .byte $10 ; 0/00 ___ctrl_@___
+ .byte $10 ; 1/01 ___ctrl_A___
+ .byte $10 ; 2/02 ___ctrl_B___
+ .byte $10 ; 3/03 ___ctrl_C___
+ .byte $10 ; 4/04 ___ctrl_D___
+ .byte $10 ; 5/05 ___ctrl_E___
+ .byte $10 ; 6/06 ___ctrl_F___
+ .byte $10 ; 7/07 ___ctrl_G___
+ .byte $10 ; 8/08 ___ctrl_H___
+ .byte $D0 ; 9/09 ___ctrl_I___
+ .byte $50 ; 10/0a ___ctrl_J___
+ .byte $50 ; 11/0b ___ctrl_K___
+ .byte $50 ; 12/0c ___ctrl_L___
+ .byte $50 ; 13/0d ___ctrl_M___
+ .byte $10 ; 14/0e ___ctrl_N___
+ .byte $10 ; 15/0f ___ctrl_O___
+ .byte $10 ; 16/10 ___ctrl_P___
+ .byte $10 ; 17/11 ___ctrl_Q___
+ .byte $10 ; 18/12 ___ctrl_R___
+ .byte $10 ; 19/13 ___ctrl_S___
+ .byte $10 ; 20/14 ___ctrl_T___
+ .byte $10 ; 21/15 ___ctrl_U___
+ .byte $10 ; 22/16 ___ctrl_V___
+ .byte $10 ; 23/17 ___ctrl_W___
+ .byte $10 ; 24/18 ___ctrl_X___
+ .byte $10 ; 25/19 ___ctrl_Y___
+ .byte $10 ; 26/1a ___ctrl_Z___
+ .byte $10 ; 27/1b ___ctrl_[___
+ .byte $10 ; 28/1c ___ctrl_\___
+ .byte $10 ; 29/1d ___ctrl_]___
+ .byte $10 ; 30/1e ___ctrl_^___
+ .byte $10 ; 31/1f ___ctrl_____
+ .byte $A0 ; 32/20 ___SPACE___
+ .byte $00 ; 33/21 _____!_____
+ .byte $00 ; 34/22 _____"_____
+ .byte $00 ; 35/23 _____#_____
+ .byte $00 ; 36/24 _____$_____
+ .byte $00 ; 37/25 _____%_____
+ .byte $00 ; 38/26 _____&_____
+ .byte $00 ; 39/27 _____'_____
+ .byte $00 ; 40/28 _____(_____
+ .byte $00 ; 41/29 _____)_____
+ .byte $00 ; 42/2a _____*_____
+ .byte $00 ; 43/2b _____+_____
+ .byte $00 ; 44/2c _____,_____
+ .byte $00 ; 45/2d _____-_____
+ .byte $00 ; 46/2e _____._____
+ .byte $00 ; 47/2f _____/_____
+ .byte $0C ; 48/30 _____0_____
+ .byte $0C ; 49/31 _____1_____
+ .byte $0C ; 50/32 _____2_____
+ .byte $0C ; 51/33 _____3_____
+ .byte $0C ; 52/34 _____4_____
+ .byte $0C ; 53/35 _____5_____
+ .byte $0C ; 54/36 _____6_____
+ .byte $0C ; 55/37 _____7_____
+ .byte $0C ; 56/38 _____8_____
+ .byte $0C ; 57/39 _____9_____
+ .byte $00 ; 58/3a _____:_____
+ .byte $00 ; 59/3b _____;_____
+ .byte $00 ; 60/3c _____<_____
+ .byte $00 ; 61/3d _____=_____
+ .byte $00 ; 62/3e _____>_____
+ .byte $00 ; 63/3f _____?_____
+ .byte $00 ; 64/40 _____@_____
+ .byte $0A ; 65/41 _____A_____
+ .byte $0A ; 66/42 _____B_____
+ .byte $0A ; 67/43 _____C_____
+ .byte $0A ; 68/44 _____D_____
+ .byte $0A ; 69/45 _____E_____
+ .byte $0A ; 70/46 _____F_____
+ .byte $02 ; 71/47 _____G_____
+ .byte $02 ; 72/48 _____H_____
+ .byte $02 ; 73/49 _____I_____
+ .byte $02 ; 74/4a _____J_____
+ .byte $02 ; 75/4b _____K_____
+ .byte $02 ; 76/4c _____L_____
+ .byte $02 ; 77/4d _____M_____
+ .byte $02 ; 78/4e _____N_____
+ .byte $02 ; 79/4f _____O_____
+ .byte $02 ; 80/50 _____P_____
+ .byte $02 ; 81/51 _____Q_____
+ .byte $02 ; 82/52 _____R_____
+ .byte $02 ; 83/53 _____S_____
+ .byte $02 ; 84/54 _____T_____
+ .byte $02 ; 85/55 _____U_____
+ .byte $02 ; 86/56 _____V_____
+ .byte $02 ; 87/57 _____W_____
+ .byte $02 ; 88/58 _____X_____
+ .byte $02 ; 89/59 _____Y_____
+ .byte $02 ; 90/5a _____Z_____
+ .byte $00 ; 91/5b _____[_____
+ .byte $00 ; 92/5c _____\_____
+ .byte $00 ; 93/5d _____]_____
+ .byte $00 ; 94/5e _____^_____
+ .byte $00 ; 95/5f _UNDERLINE_
+ .byte $00 ; 96/60 ___grave___
+ .byte $09 ; 97/61 _____a_____
+ .byte $09 ; 98/62 _____b_____
+ .byte $09 ; 99/63 _____c_____
+ .byte $09 ; 100/64 _____d_____
+ .byte $09 ; 101/65 _____e_____
+ .byte $09 ; 102/66 _____f_____
+ .byte $01 ; 103/67 _____g_____
+ .byte $01 ; 104/68 _____h_____
+ .byte $01 ; 105/69 _____i_____
+ .byte $01 ; 106/6a _____j_____
+ .byte $01 ; 107/6b _____k_____
+ .byte $01 ; 108/6c _____l_____
+ .byte $01 ; 109/6d _____m_____
+ .byte $01 ; 110/6e _____n_____
+ .byte $01 ; 111/6f _____o_____
+ .byte $01 ; 112/70 _____p_____
+ .byte $01 ; 113/71 _____q_____
+ .byte $01 ; 114/72 _____r_____
+ .byte $01 ; 115/73 _____s_____
+ .byte $01 ; 116/74 _____t_____
+ .byte $01 ; 117/75 _____u_____
+ .byte $01 ; 118/76 _____v_____
+ .byte $01 ; 119/77 _____w_____
+ .byte $01 ; 120/78 _____x_____
+ .byte $01 ; 121/79 _____y_____
+ .byte $01 ; 122/7a _____z_____
+ .byte $00 ; 123/7b _____{_____
+ .byte $00 ; 124/7c _____|_____
+ .byte $00 ; 125/7d _____}_____
+ .byte $00 ; 126/7e _____~_____
+ .byte $40 ; 127/7f ____DEL____
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 08.08.1998
+; void cvlinexy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char length);
+; void cvline (unsigned char length);
+ .export _cvlinexy, _cvline
+ .import popa, _gotoxy, putchar, newline
+ .importzp tmp1
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+ pha ; Save the length
+ jsr popa ; Get y
+ jsr _gotoxy ; Call this one, will pop params
+ pla ; Restore the length and run into _cvline
+ cmp #0 ; Is the length zero?
+ beq L9 ; Jump if done
+ sta tmp1
+L1: lda #CH_VLINE ; Vertical bar
+ jsr putchar ; Write, no cursor advance
+ jsr newline ; Advance cursor to next line
+ dec tmp1
+ bne L1
+L9: rts
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-05-02
+; void gotox (unsigned char x);
+ .export _gotox
+ .import setcursor
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+.proc _gotox
+ sta CURSOR_X ; Set new position
+ tay
+ ldx CURSOR_Y
+ jmp setcursor ; Set the cursor to the new position
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 06.08.1998
+; void gotoxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y);
+ .export _gotoxy
+ .import setcursor
+ .import popa
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+.proc _gotoxy
+ sta CURSOR_Y ; Set Y
+ jsr popa ; Get X
+ sta CURSOR_X ; Set X
+ tay
+ ldx CURSOR_Y
+ jmp setcursor ; Set the cursor position
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-05-02
+; void gotoy (unsigned char y);
+ .export _gotoy
+ .import setcursor
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+.proc _gotoy
+ sta CURSOR_Y ; Set new position
+ tax
+ ldy CURSOR_X
+ jmp setcursor ; Set the cursor to the new position
--- /dev/null
+;* Creativision Joystick Function
+;* unsigned char __fastcall__ joystate(unsigned char joy);
+;* JOY_1 -> Return Left Joystick direction
+;* JOY_2 -> Return Right Joystick direction
+;* JOY_3 -> Return Left Joystick buttons
+;* JOY_4 -> Return Right Joystick buttons
+;* Will only work if interrupts are enabled.
+ .export _joystate
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+ cmp #1 ; Left Direction
+ bne l1
+ lda $11
+ beq l5
+ and #$f
+ lsr a
+ tax
+ inx
+ txa
+ rts
+l1: cmp #2 ; Right Direction
+ bne l2
+ lda $13
+ beq l5
+ and #$f
+ lsr a
+ tax
+ inx
+ txa
+ rts
+l2: cmp #3 ; Left Buttons
+ bne l3
+ lda $16
+ beq l5
+ and #$f
+ rts
+l3: cmp #4
+ bne l4
+ lda $17
+ beq l5
+ and #$f
+ rts
+l4: lda #0
+l5: rts
--- /dev/null
+; Oliver Schmidt, 2013-05-31
+ .export joy_libref, tgi_libref
+ .import _exit
+joy_libref := _exit
+tgi_libref := _exit
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-03-07
+; Setup arguments for main
+ .constructor initmainargs, 24
+ .import __argc, __argv
+; Get possible command-line arguments. Goes into the special INIT segment,
+; which may be reused after the startup code is run
+.segment "INIT"
+.proc initmainargs
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; void __fastcall__ psg_outb( unsigned char b );
+; void __fastcall__ psg_delayms( unsigned char c);
+; void __fastcall__ bios_playsound( void *b, unsigned char c);
+; void psg_silence( void );
+ .export _psg_outb, _psg_silence, _psg_delay
+ .export _bios_playsound
+ .import popa
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+ ;* Let BIOS output the value
+ jmp $FE77
+ jmp $FE54
+ tay
+ lda #200
+ sbc #1
+ bne l2
+ lda #200
+ sbc #1
+ bne l3
+ dey
+ bne l1
+ rts
+;* Creativision Sound Player
+;* Based on BIOS sound player.
+;* Pass a pointer to a set of note triples, terminated with a tempo byte
+;* and the len (max 255)
+ pha ; Save Length Byte
+ sei
+ lda #$D5 ; BIOS volume table low
+ sta $4
+ lda #$FC ; BIOS volume table high
+ sta $5
+ jsr popa ; Get Sound table pointer low
+ sta $0
+ jsr popa ; Get Sound table pointer high
+ sta $1
+ pla
+ tay ; Put length in Y
+ dey
+ php
+ jmp $fbed ; Let BIOS do it's thing
--- /dev/null
+; Written by Groepaz/Hitmen <groepaz@gmx.net>
+; Cleanup by Ullrich von Bassewitz <uz@cc65.org>
+; Set the cursor position
+ .export setcursor
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+.proc setcursor
+ tya
+ clc
+ adc addrlo,x
+ lda addrhi,x
+ adc #0
+ sta SCREEN_PTR+1
+ rts
+; Tables with screen addresses
+addrlo: .repeat SCREEN_ROWS,line
+ .byte <($1000+(line*SCREEN_COLS))
+ .endrepeat
+addrhi: .repeat SCREEN_ROWS,line
+ .byte >($1000+(line*SCREEN_COLS))
+ .endrepeat
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-08-12
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ _sysuname (struct utsname* buf);
+ .export __sysuname, utsdata
+ .import utscopy
+ __sysuname = utscopy
+; Data. We define a fixed utsname struct here and just copy it.
+ ; sysname
+ .asciiz "cc65"
+ ; nodename
+ .asciiz ""
+ ; release
+ .byte ((.VERSION >> 8) & $0F) + '0'
+ .byte '.'
+ .byte ((.VERSION >> 4) & $0F) + '0'
+ .byte $00
+ ; version
+ .byte (.VERSION & $0F) + '0'
+ .byte $00
+ ; machine
+ .asciiz "CREATIVISION"
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-05-02
+; unsigned char wherex (void);
+ .export _wherex
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+.proc _wherex
+ lda CURSOR_X
+ ldx #$00
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-05-02
+; unsigned char wherey (void);
+ .export _wherey
+ .include "creativision.inc"
+.proc _wherey
+ lda CURSOR_Y
+ ldx #$00
+ rts