--- /dev/null
+## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
+APPDATA_IN_FILES = glabels-3.appdata.xml.in
+APPDATA_FILES =$(APPDATA_IN_FILES:.appdata.xml.in=.appdata.xml)
+appdatadir = $(datadir)/appdata
+appdata_DATA = $(APPDATA_FILES)
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright 2013 Jim Evins <evins@snaught.com> -->
+ <id type="desktop">glabels-3.0.desktop</id>
+ <licence>CC0</licence>
+ <description>
+ <_p>
+ gLabels is a program for creating labels and business cards. It is
+ designed to work with various laser/ink-jet peel-off label and
+ business card sheets that you'll find at most office supply stores.
+ </_p>
+ <_p>
+ gLabels can be used to design address labels, name tags, price tags,
+ cd/dvd labels, or just about anything else that is organized in a
+ regular pattern on a sheet of paper. Labels (or cards) can contain
+ text, images, lines, shapes, and barcodes. gLabels also includes a
+ document-merge feature which lets you print a unique label for each
+ record from an external data source, such as a CSV file or an
+ Evolution address book.
+ </_p>
+ </description>
+ <screenshots>
+ <screenshot type="default" width="881" height="640">http://glabels.org/screenshots/320-screenshot-main.png</screenshot>
+ </screenshots>
+ <url type="homepage">http://glabels.org/</url>
+ <updatecontact>evins_at_snaught.com</updatecontact>
[type: gettext/glade]data/ui/template-designer.ui
[type: gettext/glade]data/ui/print-op-dialog-custom-widget.ui
[type: gettext/ini]data/desktop/glabels-3.0.desktop.in