> [filter=<ldapfilter>] [attrs=<attrlist>]
> <basic-style> ::= regex | exact
> <scope-style> ::= base | one | subtree | children
-> <attrlist> ::= <attr> | <attr> , <attrlist>
+> <attrlist> ::= <attr> [val[.<basic-style>]=<regex>] | <attr> , <attrlist>
> <attr> ::= <attrname> | entry | children
> <who> ::= * | [anonymous | users | self
> | dn[.<basic-style>]=<regex> | dn.<scope-style>=<DN>]
> attrs=<attribute list>
+A specific value of an attribute is selected by using a single
+attribute name and also using a value selector:
+> attrs=<attribute> val[.<style>]=<regex>
There are two special {{pseudo}} attributes {{EX:entry}} and
-{{EX:children}}. To read (and hence return) an target entry, the
+{{EX:children}}. To read (and hence return) a target entry, the
subject must have {{EX:read}} access to the target's {{entry}}
attribute. To add or delete an entry, the subject must have
{{EX:write}} access to the entry's {{EX:entry}} attribute AND must