ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp, define = yes;
DATA: load = ROM, type = rw, define = yes, run = RAM;
BSS: load = RAM, type = bss, define = yes;
+ HEAP: load = RAM, type = bss, optional = yes;
STARTUP: load = ROM, type = ro;
ONCE: load = ROM, type = ro, optional = yes;
CODE: load = ROM, type = ro;
<p><tt> ZEROPAGE: </tt>Data in page 0, defined by ZP as starting at $0 with length $100
<p><tt> DATA: </tt>Initialized data that can be modified by the program, stored in RAM
<p><tt> BSS: </tt>Uninitialized data stored in RAM (used for variable storage)
+<p><tt> HEAP: </tt>Uninitialized C-level heap storage in RAM, optional
<p><tt> STARTUP: </tt>The program initialization code, stored in ROM
<p><tt> ONCE: </tt>The code run once to initialize the system, stored in ROM
<p><tt> CODE: </tt>The program code, stored in ROM
<sect>Custom Run-Time Library Creation<p>
The next step in customizing the cc65 toolset is creating a run-time
-library for the targeted hardware. The recommended way to do this is to
-modify the platform-independent standard library of the cc65 distribution.
-It is named "none.lib" in the lib directory of the distribution.
-When using "none.lib" we need to supply our own <tt>crt0</tt>
-module with custom startup code. This is simply done by first copying the
-the library and giving it a new name, compiling the startup code with ca65,
-and finally using the ar65 archiver to add the module to the new library.
-The steps are shown below:
+library for the targeted hardware. The easiest way to do this is to
+modify a standard library from the cc65 distribution. In this example,
+there is no console I/O, mouse, joystick, etc. in the system, so it is
+most appropriate to use the simplest library as the base, which is for
+the Watara Supervision and is named "supervision.lib" in the
+lib directory of the distribution.
+The only modification required is to replace the <tt>crt0</tt> module in
+the supervision.lib library with custom startup code. This is simply
+done by first copying the library and giving it a new name, compiling
+the startup code with ca65, and finally using the ar65 archiver to
+replace the module in the new library. The steps are shown below:
- cp /usr/local/share/cc65/lib/none.lib sbc.lib
- ca65 crt0.s
- ar65 a sbc.lib crt0.o
+$ copy "C:\Program Files\cc65\lib\supervision.lib" sbc.lib
+$ ca65 crt0.s
+$ ar65 a sbc.lib crt0.o
<sect>Interrupt Service Routine Definition<p>
used for code storage:
- cc65 -t none -O --cpu 65sc02 main.c
- ca65 --cpu 65sc02 main.s
- ca65 --cpu 65sc02 rs232_tx.s
- ca65 --cpu 65sc02 interrupt.s
- ca65 --cpu 65sc02 vectors.s
- ca65 --cpu 65sc02 wait.s
- ld65 -C sbc.cfg -m interrupt.o vectors.o wait.o
- rs232_tx.o main.o sbc.lib
+$ cc65 -t none -O --cpu 65sc02 main.c
+$ ca65 --cpu 65sc02 main.s
+$ ca65 --cpu 65sc02 rs232_tx.s
+$ ca65 --cpu 65sc02 interrupt.s
+$ ca65 --cpu 65sc02 vectors.s
+$ ca65 --cpu 65sc02 wait.s
+$ ld65 -C sbc.cfg -m interrupt.o vectors.o wait.o rs232_tx.o
+ main.o sbc.lib
During the C-level code compilation phase (<tt>cc65</tt>), assumptions