.import findfreeiocb
- .import __seterrno, __do_oserror, __oserror
+ .import __do_oserror
.import fddecusage
.import fdtoiocb
.import __inviocb
.proc _rs232_init
jsr findfreeiocb
- beq iocbok ; we found one
- lda #<EMFILE ; "too many open files"
- ldx #>EMFILE
-seterr: jsr __seterrno
- lda #$FF
- tax
- rts ; return -1
-iocbok: txa
+ bne init_err
+ txa
tay ; move iocb # into Y
lda #3
sta tmp3 ; name length + 1
sta ICBLL,x ; zap buf len
sta ICBLH,x
jsr CIOV
- bmi cioerr
+ bmi cioerr1
lda tmp2 ; get fd
sta rshand
ldx #0
stx rshand+1
- stx __oserror
-cioerr: jsr fddecusage ; decrement usage counter of fd as open failed
- jmp __do_oserror
+cioerr1:jsr fddecusage ; decrement usage counter of fd as open failed
+ ldx #0
+ rts
.endproc ; _rs232_init