void __fastcall__ _heapadd (void* mem, size_t size);
/* Add a block to the heap */
+size_t __fastcall__ _heapblocksize (const void* block);
+/* Return the size of an allocated block */
size_t __fastcall__ _heapmemavail (void);
/* Return the total free heap space */
size_t __fastcall__ _heapmaxavail (void);
/* Return the size of the largest free block on the heap */
/* Random numbers */
#define RAND_MAX 0x7FFF
int rand (void);
_fopen.o \
_heap.o \
_heapadd.o \
+ _heapblocksize.o\
_heapmaxavail.o \
_heapmemavail.o \
_oserror.o \
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2004-07-17
+; size_t __fastcall__ _heapblocksize (const void* ptr);
+; Return the size of an allocated block.
+ .importzp ptr1
+ .export __heapblocksize
+ .include "_heap.inc"
+; Code
+; Decrement the block pointer so it points to the admin data
+ sec
+ sbc #HEAP_ADMIN_SPACE ; Assume it's less than 256
+ bcs L1
+ dex
+L1: sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1
+; Load the size from the given block
+ ldy #1
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ tax
+ dey
+ lda (ptr1),y
+; Done
+ rts