--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# Test for the startup notification protocol.
+use i3test;
+use POSIX qw(mkfifo);
+use File::Temp qw(:POSIX);
+my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
+use ExtUtils::PkgConfig;
+# setup dependency on libstartup-notification using pkg-config
+my %sn_config;
+ %sn_config = ExtUtils::PkgConfig->find('libstartup-notification-1.0');
+use Inline C => Config => LIBS => $sn_config{libs}, CCFLAGS => $sn_config{cflags};
+use Inline C => <<'END_OF_C_CODE';
+#include <xcb/xcb.h>
+#include <libsn/sn-common.h>
+#include <libsn/sn-launchee.h>
+static SnDisplay *sndisplay;
+static SnLauncheeContext *ctx;
+// TODO: this should use $x
+void init_ctx() {
+ int screen;
+ xcb_connection_t *conn;
+ if ((conn = xcb_connect(NULL, &screen)) == NULL ||
+ xcb_connection_has_error(conn))
+ errx(1, "x11 conn failed");
+ printf("screen = %d\n", screen);
+ sndisplay = sn_xcb_display_new(conn, NULL, NULL);
+ ctx = sn_launchee_context_new_from_environment(sndisplay, screen);
+const char *get_startup_id() {
+ return sn_launchee_context_get_startup_id(ctx);
+void mark_window(int window) {
+ sn_launchee_context_setup_window(ctx, (Window)window);
+void complete_startup() {
+ /* mark the startup process complete */
+ sn_launchee_context_complete(ctx);
+my $first_ws = fresh_workspace;
+is(@{get_ws_content($first_ws)}, 0, 'no containers on this workspace yet');
+# 1) initiate startup, switch workspace, create window
+# (should be placed on the original workspace)
+# Start a new process via i3 (to initialize a new startup notification
+# context), then steal its DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID variable. We handle the startup
+# notification in the testcase from there on.
+# This works by setting up a FIFO in which the process (started by i3) will
+# echo its $DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID. We (blockingly) read the variable into
+# $startup_id in the testcase.
+my $tmp = tmpnam();
+mkfifo($tmp, 0600) or die "Could not create FIFO in $tmp";
+cmd qq|exec echo \$DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID >$tmp|;
+open(my $fh, '<', $tmp);
+chomp(my $startup_id = <$fh>);
+$ENV{DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID} = $startup_id;
+# Create a new libstartup-notification launchee context
+# Make sure the context was set up successfully
+is(get_startup_id(), $startup_id, 'libstartup-notification returns the same id');
+my $second_ws = fresh_workspace;
+is(@{get_ws_content($second_ws)}, 0, 'no containers on the second workspace yet');
+my $win = open_window($x);
+is(@{get_ws_content($second_ws)}, 0, 'still no containers on the second workspace');
+is(@{get_ws_content($first_ws)}, 1, 'one container on the first workspace');
+# TODO: the same thing, but in a CLIENT_LEADER situation
+# 2) open another window after the startup process is completed
+# (should be placed on the current workspace)
+my $otherwin = open_window($x);
+is(@{get_ws_content($second_ws)}, 1, 'one container on the second workspace');