devicedir.o \
dir.o \
diskcmd.o \
+ diskinit.o \
exehdr.o \
filedes.o \
filename.o \
.export _getdevicedir
- .import opencmdchannel, closecmdchannel
- .import writefndiskcmd, readdiskerror
- .import isdisk, fnunit, fncmd, devicestr
+ .import diskinit, devicestr, fnunit
.import popa, popax
.importzp ptr2, ptr3
sta ptr2
stx ptr2+1
-; Save device
+; Check device readiness
jsr popa
- sta fnunit
-; Check for disk device
- tax
- jsr isdisk
- bcs erange
-; Open channel
- jsr opencmdchannel
- bne oserr
-; Write command
- lda #'i' ; Init command
- sta fncmd
- jsr writefndiskcmd
- bne close
-; Read error
- ldx fnunit
- jsr readdiskerror
-; Close channel
-close: pha
- ldx fnunit
- jsr closecmdchannel
- pla
- bne oserr
+ jsr diskinit
+ beq size
+ jsr __mappederrno
+ bne fail ; Branch always
; Check for sufficient buf size
- lda ptr3+1
+size: lda ptr3+1
bne okay ; Buf >= 256
lda ptr3
cmp #3
bcs okay ; Buf >= 3
-erange: lda #<ERANGE
+ lda #<ERANGE
jsr __directerrno
- bne fail ; Branch always
-oserr: jsr __mappederrno
fail: lda #0 ; Return NULL
; Copy device string representation into buf
-okay: lda fnunit
+okay: lda fnunit ; Set by diskinit
jsr devicestr ; Returns 0 in A
sta __oserror ; Clear _oserror
--- /dev/null
+; Oliver Schmidt, 2012-10-17
+ .export diskinit
+ .import opencmdchannel, closecmdchannel
+ .import writefndiskcmd, readdiskerror
+ .import isdisk, fnunit, fncmd
+; diskinit
+.proc diskinit
+; Save device
+ sta fnunit
+; Check for disk device
+ tax
+ jsr isdisk
+ bcc open
+ lda #9 ; "Ilegal device"
+ rts
+; Open channel
+open: jsr opencmdchannel
+ bne done
+; Write command
+ lda #'i' ; Init command
+ sta fncmd
+ jsr writefndiskcmd
+ bne close
+; Read error
+ ldx fnunit
+ jsr readdiskerror
+; Close channel
+close: pha
+ ldx fnunit
+ jsr closecmdchannel
+ pla
+done: rts
.export __syschdir
- .import curunit, initcwd
+ .import diskinit, fnunit, curunit, initcwd
.importzp ptr1, tmp1, tmp2
lda (ptr1),y
- beq done
+ beq init
jsr getdigit
bcs err
stx tmp1 ; First digit
lda (ptr1),y
bne err
+; Check device readiness
+init: txa
+ jsr diskinit
+ bne done
; Success, update cwd
-done: stx curunit
+ lda fnunit ; Set by diskinit
+ sta curunit
jmp initcwd ; Returns with A = 0
+; Return with error in A
err: lda #9 ; "Ilegal device"
- rts
+done: rts