windows, or toolbar windows (GIMP or similar). Those windows usually set the
appropriate hint and are opened in floating mode by default.
-You can enable floating mode for a window by pressing +mod+Shift+Space+. By
+You can toggle floating mode for a window by pressing +mod+Shift+Space+. By
dragging the window’s titlebar with your mouse you can move the window
around. By grabbing the borders and moving them you can resize the window. You
can also do that by using the <<floating_modifier>>.
for_window [title="x200: ~/work"] floating enable
+The valid criteria are the same as those for commands, see <<command_criteria>>.
=== Variables
As you learned in the section about keyboard bindings, you will have
bindsym mod+x move workspace 3; workspace 3
Furthermore, you can change the scope of a command, that is, which containers
should be affected by that command, by using various criteria. These are
prefixed in square brackets to every command. If you want to kill all windows