With the recent cairo bugfix, we can now switch to using cairo for
rendering i3bar per default by raising the minimum version of cairo
to 1.14.4, if this cairo version is available.
resolves #2048
│ PCRE │ 8.12 │ 8.35 │ http://www.pcre.org/ │
│ libsn¹ │ 0.10 │ 0.12 │ http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/startup-notification
│ pango │ 1.30.0 | 1.36.8 │ http://www.pango.org/ │
-│ cairo │ 1.12.2 │ 1.14.0 │ http://cairographics.org/ │
+│ cairo │ 1.14.4 │ 1.14.4 │ http://cairographics.org/ │
¹ libsn = libstartup-notification
² Pod::Simple is a Perl module required for converting the testsuite
PANGO_CFLAGS := $(call cflags_for_lib, cairo)
PANGO_CFLAGS += $(call cflags_for_lib, pangocairo)
+ifeq ($(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --atleast-version=1.14.4 cairo 2>/dev/null && echo 1),1)
PANGO_LIBS := $(call ldflags_for_lib, cairo)
PANGO_LIBS += $(call ldflags_for_lib, pangocairo)