.export _mouse_init, _mouse_done
.export _mouse_hide, _mouse_show
- .export _mouse_box, _mouse_info
- .export _mouse_x, _mouse_y
+ .export _mouse_box
+ .export _mouse_pos, _mouse_info
.export _mouse_move, _mouse_buttons
.import popax, popsreg, addysp1
- .importzp sp, sreg
+ .importzp sp, sreg, ptr1
.include "../inc/const.inc"
.include "../inc/jumptab.inc"
.include "../inc/geossym.inc"
-; .macpack generic
- ldy #0 ; Stack offset
+ ldy #0 ; Stack offset
sta mouseBottom
-; stx YMax+1 ; maxy
lda (sp),y
sta mouseRight
lda (sp),y
sta mouseTop
- iny
-; lda (sp),y
-; sta YMin+1 ; miny
+ iny ; Skip high byte
lda (sp),y
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; int __fastcall__ mouse_x (void);
+; void __fastcall__ mouse_pos (struct mouse_pos* pos);
+; /* Return the current mouse position */
- lda mouseXPos
- ldx mouseXPos+1
- rts
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1 ; Remember the argument pointer
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; int __fastcall__ mouse_y (void);
+ ldy #0 ; Structure offset
- lda mouseYPos
- ldx #0
- rts
+ sei ; Disable interrupts
+ lda mouseXPos ; Transfer the position
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ lda mouseXPos+1
+ iny
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ lda mouseYPos
+ iny
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ lda #$00
+ iny
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ cli ; Reenable interrupts
+ rts ; Done
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; void mouse_info (...);
+; void __fastcall__ mouse_info (struct mouse_info* info);
+; /* Return the state of the mouse buttons and the position of the mouse */
- rts
+; We're cheating here to keep the code smaller: The first fields of the
+; mouse_info struct are identical to the mouse_pos struct, so we will just
+; call _mouse_pos to initialize the struct pointer and fill the position
+; fields.
+ jsr _mouse_pos
+; Fill in the button state
+ jsr _mouse_buttons ; Will not touch ptr1
+ iny
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ rts
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
jsr popsreg ; Get X
sei ; Disable interrupts
sta mouseYPos
-; stx YPos+1
lda sreg
ldx sreg+1
sta mouseXPos
stx mouseXPos+1
+ cli ; Enable interrupts
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------