//save data if asked for
if($_SESSION['ldapab']['username'] && !empty($_REQUEST['save']) && $_REQUEST['save']){
// prepare special data
- $_REQUEST['entry']['jpegPhoto'][]=_getUploadData();
+ $_REQUEST['entry']['photo'] = _getUploadData();
$_REQUEST['entry']['marker'] = explode(',',$_REQUEST['entry']['markers']);
- $_REQUEST['entry']['marker'] = array_map('trim',$_REQUEST['entry']['marker']);
- $_REQUEST['entry']['marker'] = array_unique($_REQUEST['entry']['marker']);
- $_REQUEST['entry']['marker'] = array_filter($_REQUEST['entry']['marker']);
- sort($_REQUEST['entry']['marker']);
- $_REQUEST['entry']['mail'] = array_map('trim',$_REQUEST['entry']['mail']);
- $_REQUEST['entry']['mail'] = array_unique($_REQUEST['entry']['mail']);
- $_REQUEST['entry']['mail'] = array_filter($_REQUEST['entry']['mail']);
- sort($_REQUEST['entry']['mail']);
+ foreach(array_keys($_REQUEST['entry']) as $field){
+ if($FIELDS['*'.$field]){
+ // entry has to be handled as array -> clean it up (trim, unique, sort)
+ $_REQUEST['entry'][$field] = array_map('trim',$_REQUEST['entry'][$field]);
+ $_REQUEST['entry'][$field] = array_unique($_REQUEST['entry'][$field]);
+ $_REQUEST['entry'][$field] = array_filter($_REQUEST['entry'][$field]);
+ natcasesort($_REQUEST['entry'][$field]);
+ }
+ }
$dn = _saveData();
function _saveData(){
global $LDAP_CON;
global $conf;
- $entries = namedentries();
- $entries['mail']='mail'; //special field mail isn't in entries so we add it here
- if($conf['extended']){
- $entries['marker']='marker'; //same for marker in extended schema
- }
+ global $FIELDS;
+ global $OCLASSES;
$entry = $_REQUEST['entry'];
$dn = $_REQUEST['dn'];
$newdn .= ', '.$conf['publicbook'];
- $entry['cn'] = $entry['givenname'].' '.$entry['name'];;
+ $entry['displayname'] = $entry['givenname'].' '.$entry['name'];;
$entry = prepare_ldap_entry($entry);
return $newdn;
- // in extended mode we have to make sure the right classes are set
- if($conf['extended']){
- ldap_store_objectclasses($dn,array('inetOrgPerson','contactPerson'));
- }
- // in openxchange mode we have to make sure the right classes are set
- if ($conf['openxchange']){
- ldap_store_objectclasses($dn,array('inetOrgPerson','OXUserObject'));
- }
- //modify entry (touches only our attributes)
- foreach (array_keys($entries) as $key){
+ // update the objectClasses
+ ldap_store_objectclasses($dn,$OCLASSES);
+ unset($entry['objectclass']);
+ //modify entry attribute by attribute - this ensure we don't delete unknown stuff
+ foreach (array_values($FIELDS) as $key){
if($key == 'dn'){
+ // field is empty -> handle deletion (except for photo unless deletion triggered)
if (empty($_REQUEST['delphoto'])) { $_REQUEST['delphoto']=0; }
if($key == 'jpegPhoto' && !$_REQUEST['delphoto']){
return '';
--- /dev/null
+ * Configures fieldname - LDAP attribute associations
+ *
+ * If you use other attributes you may change the assignments here.
+ * Note the arrays need to remain flippable, eg. both sides have to
+ * be unique
+ *
+ * Fields starting with a * may contain multiple values (needs to be
+ * handled by the template as well)
+ */
+ * The object classes to store with contacts
+ */
+$OCLASSES[] = 'inetOrgPerson';
+ * The standard fields suported by OpenLDAP's default schemas
+ */
+$FIELDS = array(
+ 'dn' => 'dn', // don't touch!
+ 'name' => 'sn',
+ 'displayname' => 'cn',
+ 'givenname' => 'givenName',
+ 'title' => 'title',
+ 'organization' => 'o', // aka. company
+ 'office' => 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName',
+ 'street' => 'postalAddress',
+ 'zip' => 'postalCode',
+ 'location' => 'l', // aka. city
+ 'phone' => 'telephoneNumber',
+ 'fax' => 'facsimileTelephoneNumber',
+ 'mobile' => 'mobile', // aka. cell phone
+ 'pager' => 'pager',
+ 'homephone' => 'homePhone',
+ 'homestreet' => 'homePostalAddress',
+ 'photo' => 'jpegPhoto',
+ 'url' => 'labeledURI',
+ 'note' => 'description',
+ 'manager' => 'manager', // aka. key account
+ '*mail' => 'mail',
+ * If the provided "extended" schema is used the following fields
+ * and object classes are added
+ */
+$OCLASSES[] = 'contactPerson';
+$FIELDS['anniversary'] = 'anniversary';
+$FIELDS['*marker'] = 'marker'; // aka. tags
+ * If the open exchange schema is used the following fields
+ * and object classes are added
+ */
+/* comment in if you want to use it
+$OCLASSES[] = 'OXUserObject';
+$FIELDS['country'] = 'userCountry';
+$FIELDS['birthday'] = 'birthDay';
+$FIELDS['ipphone'] = 'IPPhone';
+$FIELDS['*marker'] = 'OXUserCategories';
+$FIELDS['instantmessenger'] = 'OXUserInstantMessenger';
+$FIELDS['timezone'] = 'OXTimeZone';
+$FIELDS['position'] = 'OXUserPosition';
+$FIELDS['certificate'] = 'relClientCert';
+ * Flip the array
+ */
+$RFIELDS = array_flip($FIELDS);
* assigns some standard variables to smarty templates
return $data;
* loads ldap names and their cleartext meanings from
* entries.conf file and returns it as hash
function namedentries($flip=false){
- global $conf;
- $entries['dn'] = 'dn';
- $entries['sn'] = 'name';
- $entries['givenName'] = 'givenname';
- $entries['title'] = 'title';
- $entries['o'] = 'organization';
- $entries['physicalDeliveryOfficeName'] = 'office';
- $entries['postalAddress'] = 'street';
- $entries['postalCode'] = 'zip';
- $entries['l'] = 'location';
- $entries['telephoneNumber'] = 'phone';
- $entries['facsimileTelephoneNumber'] = 'fax';
- $entries['mobile'] = 'mobile';
- $entries['pager'] = 'pager';
- $entries['homePhone'] = 'homephone';
- $entries['homePostalAddress'] = 'homestreet';
- $entries['jpegPhoto'] = 'photo';
- $entries['labeledURI'] = 'url';
- $entries['description'] = 'note';
- $entries['manager'] = 'manager';
- $entries['cn'] = 'displayname';
- if($conf['extended']){
- $entries['anniversary'] = 'anniversary';
- }
- if($conf['openxchange']){
- $entries['mailDomain'] = 'domain';
- $entries['userCountry'] = 'country';
- $entries['birthDay'] = 'birthday';
- $entries['IPPhone'] = 'ipphone';
- $entries['OXUserCategories'] = 'categories';
- $entries['OXUserInstantMessenger'] = 'instantmessenger';
- $entries['OXTimeZone'] = 'timezone';
- $entries['OXUserPosition'] = 'position';
- $entries['relClientCert'] = 'certificate';
- }
- if($flip){
- $entries = array_reverse($entries);
- $entries = array_flip($entries);
- }
- return $entries;
+ trigger_error('deprecated namedentries called',E_USER_WARNING);
function prepare_ldap_entry($in){
global $conf;
- //check dateformat
- if(!preg_match('/\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d/',$in['anniversary'])){
- $in['anniversary']='';
- }
- $entries = namedentries(true);
- foreach(array_keys($in) as $key){
- if(empty($entries[$key])){
- $keyname=$key;
- }else{
- $keyname=$entries[$key];
- }
- if(is_array($in[$key])){
- $out[$keyname] = $in[$key];
+ global $FIELDS;
+ global $OCLASSES;
+ //check dateformats
+ if(!preg_match('/\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d/',$in['anniversary'])) $in['anniversary']='';
+ if(!preg_match('/\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d/',$in['birthday'])) $in['birthday']='';
+ // we map all internal names to the configured LDAP attributes here
+ foreach($in as $key => $value){
+ if($FIELDS[$key]){
+ // normal mapped field
+ $out[$FIELDS[$key]][] = $value;
+ }elseif($FIELDS["*$key"]){
+ // mapped multi field
+ if(is_array($value)){
+ $out[$FIELDS["*$key"]] = $value;
+ }else{
+ $out[$FIELDS["*$key"]][] = $value; //shouldn't happen, but to be sure
+ }
- $out[$keyname][] = $in[$key];
+ // no mapping found - assume it to be a LDAP attribute (shouldn't happen)
+ if(is_array($value)){
+ $out[$key] = $value;
+ }else{
+ $out[$key][] = $value;
+ }
- //standard Objectclass
- $out['objectclass'][] = 'inetOrgPerson';
- if($conf['extended']){
- $out['objectclass'][] = 'contactPerson';
- }
- if($conf['openxchange']){
- $out['objectclass'][] = 'OXUserObject';
- }
+ // add the Objectclasses
+ $out['objectclass'] = $OCLASSES;
return clear_array($out);
$result2 = '';
$result = array_merge((array)$result1,(array)$result2);
// select entry template
function _namesort($a,$b){
global $result;
- if (empty($result[$a]['givenName'])) { $result[$a]['givenName']=''; }
- if (empty($result[$b]['givenName'])) { $result[$b]['givenName']=''; }
- $x = $result[$a]['sn'][0].$result[$a]['givenName'][0];
- $y = $result[$b]['sn'][0].$result[$b]['givenName'][0];
+ global $FIELDS;
+ if (empty($result[$a][$FIELDS['givenname']])) { $result[$a][$FIELDS['givenname']]=''; }
+ if (empty($result[$b][$FIELDS['givenname']])) { $result[$b][$FIELDS['givenname']]=''; }
+ $x = $result[$a][$FIELDS['name']][0].$result[$a][$FIELDS['givenname']][0];
+ $y = $result[$b][$FIELDS['name']][0].$result[$b][$FIELDS['givenname']][0];
* Creates an LDAP filter from given request variables search or filter
function _makeldapfilter(){
- $f_entries = namedentries(true);
+ global $FIELDS;
//handle given filter
if (empty($_REQUEST['search'])) { $_REQUEST['search']=''; }
if (empty($_REQUEST['org'])) { $_REQUEST['org']=''; }
if (empty($_REQUEST['marker'])) { $_REQUEST['marker']=''; }
- if (empty($_REQUEST['categories'])) { $_REQUEST['categories']=''; }
$filter = ldap_filterescape($_REQUEST['filter']);
$search = ldap_filterescape($_REQUEST['search']);
$org = ldap_filterescape($_REQUEST['org']);
$marker = ldap_filterescape($_REQUEST['marker']);
- $categories = ldap_filterescape($_REQUEST['categories']);
$_SESSION['ldapab']['filter'] = $_REQUEST['filter'];
if(empty($filter)) $filter='a';
+ // Search by tag
$ldapfilter = '(&(objectClass=contactPerson)';
$marker = explode(',',$marker);
foreach($marker as $m){
$m = trim($m);
- $ldapfilter .= "(marker=$m)";
+ $ldapfilter .= '('.$FIELDS['*marker'].'='.$m.')';
$ldapfilter .= ')';
- }elseif(!empty($categories)){
- $ldapfilter = "(&(objectClass=OXUserObject)(OXUserCategories=$categories))";
+ // Search name and organization
$search = trim($search);
foreach($words as $word){
- $filter .= "(|(|(sn=*$word*)(givenName=*$word*))(".$f_entries['organization']."=*$word*))";
+ $filter .= '(|(|('.$FIELDS['name'].'=*'.$word.'*)('.
+ $FIELDS['givenname'].'=*'.$word.'*))('.
+ $FIELDS['organization'].'=*'.$word.'*))';
$ldapfilter = "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)$filter)";
- $ldapfilter = "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(".$f_entries['organization']."=$org))";
+ // List organization members
+ $ldapfilter = '(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)('.$FIELDS['organization']."=$org))";
+ // Alphabetic listing of last names
for ($i=ord('a');$i<=ord('z');$i++){
- $other .= '(!(sn='.chr($i).'*))';
+ $other .= '(!('.$FIELDS['name'].'='.chr($i).'*))';
$ldapfilter = "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)$other)";
+ // List all
$ldapfilter = "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)";
- $ldapfilter = "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(sn=$filter*))";
+ // Search by last name start
+ $ldapfilter = '(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)('.$FIELDS['name']."=$filter*))";
return $ldapfilter;
+ require_once('fields.php');
//init session
//kill magic quotes
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
if (!empty($_GET)) remove_magic_quotes($_GET);
}else {
$array[$key] = stripslashes($array[$key]);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
//prepare SMARTY object
$smarty = new Smarty;
function tag_cloud(){
global $conf;
global $LDAP_CON;
+ global $FIELDS;
if(!$conf['extended']) return;
- $result = ldap_queryabooks('(objectClass=contactPerson)','marker');
+ $result = ldap_queryabooks('(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)',$FIELDS['*marker']);
$max = 0;
$min = 999999999;
$tags = array();
foreach ($result as $entry){
- if(!empty($entry['marker']) && count($entry['marker'])){
- foreach($entry['marker'] as $marker){
+ if(!empty($entry[$FIELDS['*marker']]) && count($entry[$FIELDS['*marker']])){
+ foreach($entry[$FIELDS['*marker']] as $marker){
$marker = strtolower($marker);
if (empty($tags[$marker])) { $tags[$marker]=0; }
$tags[$marker] += 1;
global $smarty;
global $lang;
global $conf;
+ global $FIELDS;
$_SESSION['ldapab']['username'] = '';
- //$smarty->assign('dfexample',$dfexample);
+ $smarty->assign('fields',$FIELDS);
function tpl_entry($in){
global $smarty;
global $conf;
- $entries = namedentries();
+ global $RFIELDS;
- //handle named entries
- foreach(array_keys($entries) as $key){
- if(!empty($in[$key])){
- if(is_array($in[$key])){
- $out[$entries[$key]] = $in[$key][0];
- }else{
- $out[$entries[$key]] = $in[$key];
- }
+ // handle named entries
+ foreach($RFIELDS as $key => $name){
+ if(empty($in[$key])) continue;
+ // keep arrays for starred fields
+ if($name{0} == '*'){
+ $name = substr($name,1);
+ if(is_array($in[$key])){
+ $out[$name] = $in[$key];
+ }else{
+ $out[$name] = array($in[$key]);
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(is_array($in[$key])){
+ $out[$name] = $in[$key][0];
+ }else{
+ $out[$name] = $in[$key];
+ }
- //set the type
+ // set the type
if (empty($out['dn'])) { $out['dn']=''; }
$out['dn'] = normalize_dn($out['dn']);
$conf['publicbook'] = normalize_dn($conf['publicbook']);
- if(strstr($out['dn'],$conf['publicbook'])){
- $out['type'] = 'public';
- }else{
- $out['type'] = 'private';
- }
+ if(strstr($out['dn'],$conf['publicbook'])){
+ $out['type'] = 'public';
+ }else{
+ $out['type'] = 'private';
+ }
- //mail entries are handled specially
- if (empty($in['mail'])) { $in['mail']=''; }
- $out['mail'] = $in['mail'];
- if ($conf['extended']){
- //handle marker specially in extended mode
- if (empty($in['marker'])) { $in['marker']=''; }
- $out['marker'] = $in['marker'];
- if(is_array($in['marker'])) $out['markers'] = join(', ',$in['marker']);
- }
- if ($conf['openxchange']){
- //handle categories specially in openxchange mode
- $out['categories'] = $in['OXUserCategories'];
- }
+ // join marker field to markers
+ if(is_array($out['marker'])) $out['markers'] = join(', ',$out['marker']);
-/*print '<pre>';
+print '<pre>';
-print '</pre>';*/
+print '</pre>';
$markers = array_unique($markers);
global $conf;
global $LDAP_CON;
global $smarty;
+ global $FIELDS;
- $f_entries = namedentries(true);
$orgs = array();
- $sr = ldap_list($LDAP_CON,$conf['publicbook'],"ObjectClass=inetOrgPerson",array($f_entries['organization']));
+ $sr = ldap_list($LDAP_CON,$conf['publicbook'],"ObjectClass=inetOrgPerson",array($FIELDS['organization']));
$result1 = ldap_get_binentries($LDAP_CON, $sr);
//check users private addressbook
$sr = @ldap_list($LDAP_CON,
- "ObjectClass=inetOrgPerson",array($f_entries['organization']));
+ "ObjectClass=inetOrgPerson",array($FIELDS['organization']));
$result2 = ldap_get_binentries($LDAP_CON, $sr);
$result = array_merge((array)$result1,(array)$result2);
foreach ($result as $entry){
- if(!empty($entry[$f_entries['organization']][0])){
- array_push($orgs, $entry[$f_entries['organization']][0]);
+ if(!empty($entry[$FIELDS['organization']][0])){
+ array_push($orgs, $entry[$FIELDS['organization']][0]);
$orgs = array_unique($orgs);
- sort($orgs,SORT_STRING);
+ natcasesort($orgs);
$categories = array_unique($categories);
$timezone = array_unique($timezone);
$country = array_unique($country);
<td valign="top" width="50%" align="center">
<td colspan="2"><b>{$lang.private}</b></td>
<td align="right" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">{$lang.url}:</td>
<td><input type="text" class="input" name="entry[url]" value="{$entry.url|escape}"></td>
<td align="right" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">{$lang.photo}:<br /><span class="hint">({$lang.msg_jpegonly})</span></td>
<td>{if $entry.photo}
<input type="file" class="input" name="photoupload">
<td colspan="2"><b>{$lang.mail}</b></td>
- {foreach from=$entry.mail item=mail}
+ {foreach from=$entry.mail item=mail}
<td align="right" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">{counter}:</td>
<td><input type="text" class="input" name="entry[mail][]" value="{$mail|escape}"></td>