Statslog( LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "conn=%ld op=%d ADD dn=\"%s\"\n",
op->o_connid, op->o_opid, e->e_ndn, 0, 0 );
+ if( e->e_ndn == NULL || *e->e_ndn == '\0' ) {
+ /* protocolError may be a more appropriate error */
+ send_ldap_result( conn, op, rc = LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS,
+ NULL, "root DSE exists", NULL, NULL );
+ goto done;
+ }
* We could be serving multiple database backends. Select the
* appropriate one, or send a referral to our "referral server"
goto cleanup;
+ if( ndn == '\0' ) {
+ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "do_delete: root dse!\n", 0, 0, 0 );
+ /* protocolError would likely be a more appropriate error */
+ send_ldap_result( conn, op, rc = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
+ NULL, "cannot delete the root DSE", NULL, NULL );
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
Statslog( LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "conn=%ld op=%d DEL dn=\"%s\"\n",
op->o_connid, op->o_opid, dn, 0, 0 );
+ /* make sure the DN is valid */
+ if( e->e_ndn == '\0' ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s: empty dn=\"%s\" (line=%d)\n",
+ progname, e->e_dn, lineno );
+ entry_free( e );
+ if( continuemode ) continue;
+ break;
+ }
if( !noschemacheck ) {
/* check schema */
const char *text;