.global _tgi_curx ; Current drawing cursor X
.global _tgi_cury ; Current drawing cursor Y
.global _tgi_color ; Current drawing color
- .global _tgi_bgcolor ; Current background color
.global _tgi_xres ; X resolution of the current mode
.global _tgi_yres ; Y resolution of the current mode
.global _tgi_colorcount ; Number of available colors
unsigned char __fastcall__ tgi_getcolor (void);
/* Return the current drawing color */
-unsigned char __fastcall__ tgi_getbkcolor (void);
-/* Return the current background color */
-void __fastcall__ tgi_setbkcolor (unsigned char color);
-/* Set the background color */
unsigned char __fastcall__ tgi_getpixel (int x, int y);
/* Get the color value of a pixel */
void __fastcall__ tgi_setpixel (int x, int y);
/* Plot a point in the current drawing color */
+void __fastcall__ tgi_gotoxy (int x, int y);
+/* Set the graphics cursor to the given position. */
void __fastcall__ tgi_line (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
-/* Draw a line in the current drawing color */
+/* Draw a line in the current drawing color. The graphics cursor will
+ * be set to x2/y2 by this call.
+ */
void __fastcall__ tgi_lineto (int x2, int y2);
/* Draw a line in the current drawing color from the graphics cursor to the
- * new end point.
+ * new end point. The graphics cursor will be updated to x2/y2.
void __fastcall__ tgi_circle (int x, int y, unsigned char radius);
-/* Draw a circle in the current drawing color */
+/* Draw a circle in the current drawing color. */
void __fastcall__ tgi_outtext (int x, int y, const char* text);
/* Print a text in graphics mode */
void __fastcall__ tgi_bar (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
-/* Draw a bar (a filled rectangle) using the current color */
+/* Draw a bar (a filled rectangle) using the current color. */
extern int tgi_curx; /* Current drawing cursor X */
extern int tgi_cury; /* Current drawing cursor Y */
extern unsigned char tgi_color; /* Current drawing color */
-extern unsigned char tgi_bgcolor; /* Current background color */
extern unsigned tgi_xres; /* X resolution of the current mode */
extern unsigned tgi_yres; /* Y resolution of the current mode */
extern unsigned char tgi_colorcount; /* Number of available colors */
_tgi_curx: .res 2 ; Current drawing cursor X
_tgi_cury: .res 2 ; Current drawing cursor Y
_tgi_color: .res 1 ; Current drawing color
-_tgi_bgcolor: .res 1 ; Current background color
_tgi_xres: .res 2 ; X resolution of the current mode
_tgi_yres: .res 2 ; Y resolution of the current mode
_tgi_colorcount:.res 1 ; Number of available colors