# assignment
mmw 0xE0042004 0x00000020 0
+$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-init {
+ # Configure PLL to boost clock to HSI x 10 (160 MHz)
+ mww 0x40023804 0x08002808 ;# RCC_PLLCFGR 16 Mhz /10 (M) * 128 (N) /2(P)
+ mww 0x40023C00 0x00000107 ;# FLASH_ACR = PRFTBE | 7(Latency)
+ mmw 0x40023800 0x01000000 0 ;# RCC_CR |= PLLON
+ sleep 10 ;# Wait for PLL to lock
+ mww 0x40023808 0x00009400 ;# RCC_CFGR_PPRE1 = 5(div 4), PPRE2 = 4(div 2)
+ mmw 0x40023808 0x00000002 0 ;# RCC_CFGR |= RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL
+ # Boost SWD frequency
+ # Do not boost JTAG frequency and slow down JTAG memory access or flash write algo
+ # suffers from DAP WAITs
+ if {[using_jtag]} {
+ [[target current] cget -dap] memaccess 16
+ } {
+ adapter_khz 8000
+ }
+$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-start {
+ # Reduce speed since CPU speed will slow down to 16MHz with the reset
+ adapter_khz 2000